
发布时间:2019-10-02 01:46:31

第一章 名词

名词------- 表示人、事物、时间、地点、现象或者抽象概念的名称。



可数名词的复数 不规则变化










名词所有格 of 所有格










①元音字母发生变化: man — men 男人; woman — women 女人; foot — feet 脚; tooth — teeth 牙齿

②词尾发生变化: child — children 孩子;mouse — mice 老鼠

③单、复数形式相同: deer 鹿;fish 鱼;sheep 绵羊;Chinese 中国人;Japanese日本人


All Chinese are proud of it. 所有中国人都为此感到骄傲。

A Japanese is among the visitors. 游客中间有一位是日本人。

④某些集合名词的单数形式具有复数意义: people 人们;police 警察;public 公众

有些以-s结尾的名词通常被看做单数形式: physics物理;politics 政治;news新闻

有些名词通常只有复数形式: clothes 衣服;trousers裤子;glasses 眼镜


①一般情况下只变词尾:classroom — classrooms 教室;highway — highways公路; bookshelf — bookshelves 书架

②把中心名词复数:passer-by — passers-by 过路人;looker-on — lookers-on 旁观者

③没有中心词,则在最后部分变化:grown-up — grown-ups 成年人


German — Germans 德国人 human — humans 人类

man或者 woman 修饰另一名词时,man woman与被修饰的名词都要变为复数: a man doctor — men doctors 男医生; a woman teacher — women teachers 女教师



class 班级; family 家庭,家人;team 队,组; group 小组,团体; government 政府;public公众; couple 夫妇;company 公司;army 军队; crowd 人群


○有些集体名词不能用具体数字修饰,只能在其前加 the 表示“全体”,如:the English (全体)英国人; the French (全体)法国人; the police (全体)警察; the Chinese (全体)中国人

○有些集体名词可以表示个体意义: a people 一个民族; two peoples 两个民族



advice 建议 bread 面包 coffee 咖啡 food 食品

fruit 水果 fun 乐趣 tea 茶叶 furniture 家具

glass 玻璃 milk 牛奶 meat money

salt wood 木头 silk 丝绸 coal

sand 沙子 blood 血液 fire ink 墨水

metal 金属 air 空气 pork 猪肉 beef 牛肉

noise 噪音 orange 橘汁 news 新闻 music 音乐

paper rain snow progress 进步

sugar trouble 麻烦 water weather 天气

work 工作 chalk 粉笔 information 信息 knowledge 知识


①用some, much, a little, little, a lot of , lots of , plenty of 等来表示数量。

much water 许多水; some money 一些钱; a little milk 一点牛奶; lots of beef 许多牛肉


a piece of advice 一条建议 two pieces of news 两条新闻

a pair of trousers 一条裤子 a pile of sand 一堆沙子

a can of beef 一罐啤酒 a cup of orange 一杯橘汁

tow bags of rice 两袋大米 four bottles of ink 四瓶墨水


fruits 各种各样的水果 foods各种各样的食品

vegetables 各种各样的蔬菜 waters 大片水域

sands 沙滩,沙漠 woods 小树林,森林

rains 多场雨 snows 积雪,降雪量

winds 大风


wind ---- a wind 一阵风 rain ---- a rain 一场雨

snow ---- a snow 一场雪 tea ---- a tea 一杯茶

beer 啤酒 ---- a beer 一杯啤酒 coffee 咖啡 ---- a coffee 一杯咖啡

glass 玻璃 ---- a glass 一个玻璃杯 paper ---- a paper 一张报纸


beauty 美丽 ---- beauty 美人,美的东西

comfort 安慰 ---- comfort 令人感到安慰的人或事

danger 危险 ---- danger 危险的人或事

death 死亡 ---- death 死者

failure 失败 ---- failure失败的人或事

success 成功 ---- success 成功的人或事

joy 高兴 ---- joy 令人高兴的人或事

pity 遗憾 ---- pity 令人遗憾的人或事

pleasure 高兴 ---- pleasure 令人感到高兴的人或事

shock 震惊 ---- shock 令人感到震惊的人或事

surprise 惊奇 ---- surprise 令人感到吃惊的人或事

wonder 惊奇 ---- wonder 奇迹




A Mr. Smith is in your office. 以为史密斯先生在你的办公室。

There are three Lucys in my school. 我们学校有三个叫露西的。

②姓氏的复数前加the 表示夫妻二人或者一家人。

The Blacks are visiting the Great Wall. 布莱克一家人正在参观长城。


I have a Harry Potter. 我有一套《哈利·波特》。


There is a Beijing in China. 中国有一个北京。


I’m on duty on Mondays. 我每个周一都值日。




Here are some , , and .


This is a story of two , three , and a few .


There are two teachers, four teachers and three .



1.- ‘s所有格

(1)- ‘s所有格主要用于表达有生命的名词的所有关系。


Robert’s bicycle 罗伯特的自行车 my father’s job 我父亲的工作 the Children’s Day 儿童节


students’ books 学生用书 doctors’ office 医生办公室


the boss’s house 老板的家 the hostess’ photo 女主人的照片

④以and 连接的两个(或两个以上)名词,如共有某物时,只在最后一个名词后加-‘s;如表示分别拥有时,每个名词后都要加-‘s.

Linda and Mary’s desk 琳达和玛丽的书桌 (两人共有)

Linda’s and Mary’s desks 琳达和玛丽的书桌 (两人各有)



a seven days’ holiday 一个七天的假期 today’s weather 今天的天气

a two hours’ meeting 两个小时的会议 five minutes’ walk 步行五分钟的路程


London’s weather 伦敦的天气 the city’s history 城市的历史


ten dollar’s sugar 十美元的糖 fifty pounds’ weight 五十磅重

five kilometers’ distance 五千米的距离 fifteen kilo’s weight 十五千克重




This isn’t Jim’s soccer. It’s Bill’s. 这不是吉姆的足球。是比尔的。


at my aunt’s 在我姑姑家 at the doctor’s 在医生办公室

at the tailor’s 在裁缝店 at the barber’s 在理发店

2. of 所有格

of 所有格由“of + 名词或名词短语”构成,修饰前面的名词,表示无生命的名词的所有格。

(1) 多数情况下,of所有格后面的名词时无生命名词。

the end of the story 故事的结局 a map of the world 一张世界地图

(2) of 所有格也可以用于有生命的名词,尤其是当该名词有很长的修饰语时。

the songs of the famous singer 那位著名歌星的歌曲 the school life of middle school students 中学生的校园生活

(3) 有些名词既可以用’s所有格,也可以用of所有格,两者可互换。

the son of our teacher = our teacher’s son 我们老师的儿子




women’s room 女厕所 children’s movies 儿童电影 men’s clothes 男装


the city of Xi’an 西安市 the month of September 九月份 the year of tiger 虎年


of +名词的’s所有格”或“of + 名词性物主代词”构成双重所有格。

(1) 表示某人所拥有的多个人或物中的一个或多个。双重所有格中所修饰的名词(即of前面的那个名词)之前通常用a/an, any, some, a few, two, no, several 和数次修饰,一般不能用the修饰。

a CD of my father’s 我父亲的一张唱片 any movie of his 他的任何一部电影 some friends of Jim’s 吉姆的一些朋友 a few friends of theirs 他们的一些朋友

(2) 表达特殊的感情。 Of 前面的名词被this, that, these, those, the 等限定词修饰时,往往带有爱憎、褒贬的色彩。

That new car of Mr. White’s is nice. 怀特先生的新车很漂亮。

Those gifts of yours are in your room. 你的那些礼物在你的房间里。



This is a map of my father’s. (侧重说明父亲的地图不止一副)

This is a map of my father. (侧重说明这是父亲的地图)

○当of之前的名词是picture, photo等词时,两种所有格的含义不同。

It is a picture of my uncle’s. 这是我叔叔的一副画。(收藏的)

It is a photo of my uncle. 这是我叔叔的照片。(本人)



1.男厕所 2.我父母的照片

3.今天的报纸 4.班级的规则

5.一家儿童医院 6.我父亲的一本书




1. Please look at the photo on the wall.

2. My favorite subject is English.

3. You can call the police for help.



1. 作主语

Father likes reading newspaper. 父亲喜欢读报纸。(作主语)

2. 作宾语

You can call Lily now. 你现在可以给莉莉打电话。(作动词宾语)

They often talk about weather. 他们经常谈论天气。(作介词宾语)

3. 作表语

That is a very nice car. 那是一款很漂亮的轿车。(作表语)

4. 作定语

She is our English teacher. 她是我们的英语老师。(作定语)

5. 作状语

Jim is in his office all day. 吉姆一整天都在办公室。(作状语)

6. 作称呼语

Can I help you, Sir? 先生,我能为你做什么?(作称呼语)

7. 作补语

We all call him Uncle Wang. 我们都叫他王叔叔。(作宾语补语)

8. 作同位语

Liu Xiang, a young player, is successful. 年轻的选手刘翔很成功。(作同位语)


○大多数名词作定语用单数形式: math teacher 数学老师; animal food 动物食品; family tree 家谱; school rule 校规;paper bags 纸袋;vegetable shop 蔬菜店

○有些名词作定语要用复数形式: a clothes factory 服装厂;a sports meeting 运动会;a glasses store 眼镜店; a goods train 运送货物的火车



1. Kate, my aunt, walks miles to work every day.

2. Mary, look at your homework and find the mistakes.




1. There’s a little water in the river.

2. Many students like PE very much.

3. A few people are playing chess there.


1. 只修饰可数名词的修饰语

many 许多 several 有几个 few 很少几个,几乎没有

a few 有几个 a good (great) many 很多 a number of 许多,若干 a large (great) number of 大量的 (large/great) numbers of 大量的

例: a great many toys 大量的玩具 a number of questions 许多问题 a few movies 几部电影 several books 几本书


many a 意为“许多的”,要接单数名词,谓语动词用单数。

Many a student loves playing sports. 许多学生热爱体育活动。

2. 只修饰不可数名词的修饰语

much 大量,很多 little 几乎没有,很少 a great amount of 大量的 a little 有一些 a bit of 有一点 a good(great) deal of 很多,大量的

例: a little milk 一点牛奶 much time 许多时间 a great deal of waste 大量的废物

3. 既可以修饰可数名词又可以修饰不可数名词的修饰语

some 一些 enough 足够的 most 大多数的 a lot of 很多的 lots of 很多的 plenty of 充足的

例: some trees 一些树 enough light 充足的光线 plenty of oil 充足的油

4. 名词的其他修饰语

(1)名词作定语修饰名词 a meeting room 会议室 a clothes shop 服装店 a clock shop 钟表店

(2)形容词作定语修饰名词 a sunny day 晴朗的一天 a good idea 一个好主意 a nice girl 一个好女孩


the weather there 那里的气候 the food here 这里的食物 the rivers below 下面的河流 the air above 上面的空气

(4)介词短语修饰名词(介词短语修饰名词时常置于名词之后) a book on the desk 桌上的一本书 a picture on the wall 墙上的一幅画

a house with a garden 一所带花园的房子 a boy with glasses 一个戴眼镜的男孩

(4) 定语从句修饰名词

She has an MP4 that is the best in her class. 她有一个在班里最好的MP4.



1. There is (a little , a few ) milk left in the bottle.

2. (How many, How much) meat would you like?

3. They don’t have (plenty of, a large number of) water for life.

4. Is there (a bit of, large numbers of) sugar in the fridge?



1. The theme park is about ride from the museum. You should start out right now.

A. two hour B. two hour’s C. two hours’ D. two hours

2. ---- Yao Ming is very popular among teenagers.

--- Yes. Many middle school students are his .

A. heroes B. stars C. fans D. brothers

3. I have some problems with my English. Can you give me some ?

A. advice B. decisions C. information D. messages

4. --- I have great in learning math and I’m so worried. Could you help me?

A. trouble B. interest C. joy D. fun

5. For my home work I have to write a(n) about the wonders of the world.

A. music B. picture C. composition D. exam

6. --- Would you please pass me something to drink?

--- What about some ?

Abeef B. fish C. juice D. bread

7. My father will have a holiday next month. He’ll take me to Qingdao.

A. ten days B. ten day’s C. ten-days D. ten days’

8. --- Why not go to Qingdao on May Day, Jim?

--- I’m afraid it’s not a good . I have been there several times.

A. Way B. place C. advice D. idea

9. --- Can I help you?

--- I’d like for my twin brothers.

A. two pair of shoes B. two pairs of shoes

C. two pair of shoe D. two pairs of shoes

10. At the foot of Wulian Mountains, you can hear the of running water.

A. sound B. noise C. voice D. silence

11. I don’t think looking after children is just work.

A. woman B. woman’s C. women D. women’s

12. Look! The kites in the sky are in different . Some are big and some are small.

A. size B. sizes C. color D. colors

13. --- I hear you have to run for half an hour every day.

--- Right. It is one of the in my school.

A. choices B. plans C. hobbies D. rules

14. Sandy didn’t tell her parents that she was going home because she wanted to give them a .

A. gift B. call C. surprise D. note

15. mothers can’t come to the meeting because they have gone to Dalian.

A. Sally’s and Jane B. Sally and Jane’s C. Sally’s and Jane’s

