
发布时间:2020-08-15 11:09:59


第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)



21--- Alice, guess what! I passed the driving test.

--- !

ASound good BVery well CHow nice DAll right

22The financial crisis has put the world economy in a difficult .

Aoccasion Bcondition Cevaluation Dsituation

23Some of the exercises appear to be ones that you have done, but after taking

second look, you will find that they are different.

A/; the Bthe; the Cthe; a D/; a

24As most of their houses were badly damaged after the earthquake, many people had to be

in a stadium.

Aput away Bput out Cput up Dput off

25Aluminum () isnt found free in nature, owing to its always with other elements, most commonly with oxygen.

Abeing combined Bhaving combined

Ccombine Dcombined

26The beautiful mountain village we spent our holiday last year is located in

is now part of Guangxi.

Awhich; where Bwhere; what Cthat; what Dwhen; which

27 one has a child will one realize how great ones parents are.

AUntil BUntil not CIt is not until DNot until

28--- Who has made a mess in my room?

--- Who else it but your naughty son?

Acould do Bcould have done

Cshould do Dshould have done

29Recently our school has introduced new personnel evaluating system with less emphasis on age


Aand more on ability Bthan more on ability

Cand more ability Dthan ability

30Womens earnings are well below mens educational differences that are decreasing between the two sexes.

Ain favor of Bin case of Cin terms of Din spite of

31Since of them dont drink, a bottle of wine will be enough.

Anone Ball Cnobody Devery one

32Most birds find it safe to sleep in the trees, so they have eggs or young chicks, they don’t use a nest.

Awhy Bwhen Cunless Dwhere

33Of all the Olympic Torch Relays, the Beijing 2008 Olympic Torch Relay traveled the largest distance, the greatest area and involved the largest number of people.

Acontained Bcrossed Cincluded Dcovered

34Youd better not call me between 3:00 pm and 5:00 pm, for I an important examination then.

Awill have Bwould have

Cwill be having Dwill have had

35The heavy snow swept across many parts of China, many peoples family reunion at the 2008 Spring Festival impossible.

Amade Bmaking Cto make Dhaving made

第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


One day, not too long ago, the employees of a large company in St. Louis, Missouri returned from their lunch break and were greeted with a sign on the front door. The sign said, Yesterday the person who had been hindering(阻碍) your 36 in this company passed away. We 37 you to join the funeral in the room that has been 38 in the gym.

At first everyone was sad to 39 that one of their colleagues had died, 40 after a while they started getting 41 about who this person might be.

The excitement 42 as the employees arrived at the gym to pay their last 43 . Everyone wondered, Who is this person that was hindering my growth? Well, 44 hes no longer here!

One by one the 45 got closer to the coffin(棺材) and when they looked inside it, they 46 became speechless. They stood over the coffin, 47 into silence, as if someone had 48 the deepest part of their soul.

There was a mirror inside the coffineveryone who looked inside it could see himself. There was also a 49 next to the mirror that 50 , There is only one person who is capable to limits to your growth: it is YOU.

You are the only person who can revolutionize (变革) your 52 . You are the only person who can 53 your happiness, realization and success. You are the only person who can help yourself. Your life does not change when others change. Your life changes when YOU change, when you go 54 your limiting beliefs and when you realize that you are the only one

55 for your life.

36Aperformance Bprogress Cprogram Dprocess

37Ademand Ballow Cinvite Dadvise

38Astarted Bprepared Copened Dheld

39Alearn Baccept Crealize Dfind

40Afor Band Cso Dbut

41Aridiculous Bobvious Ccurious Dnervous

42Agrew Bappeared Cimproved Ddeveloped

43Aadmirations Battentions Cappreciations Drespects

44Aat least Bat last Cat present Dat once

45Aemployees Bmanagers Cfriends Dcitizens

46Aquickly Bfinally Cobviously Dsuddenly

47Aupset Bdepressed Cshocked Dembarrassed

48Abroken Btouched Ctrembled Dremoved

49Aletter Bsign Cmark Dsignal

50Atold Bwarned Cwrote Dread

51Aset Bmake Ctake Dget

52Acareer Bluck Clife Dbusiness

53Aexchange Bsatisfy Cinfluence Dachieve

54Afor Bupon Cover Dbeyond

55Areliable Bresponsible Csuitable Dvaluable




Coca Cola is an American icon and sometimes seen as a symbol of the countrys economic right. But one of the worlds famous companies will play a different role during the 2008 Olympic Games: promoting Oriental (东方的) culture to the world.

The man who is in charge of the project couldnt be more suited for the job. The American has lived in the country for about 15 years, speaks fluent Chinese, and considers Beijing his hometown. David Brooks, vice-president and general manager of the Olympics Project Group of Coca Cola China, who has lived in the country for more than a decade, said: "We are working very hard to create a lot of special different kinds of items that are very Oriental in character and have a strong Oriental identity. "There is a lot of curiosity around the world about the country and about Oriental culture. So, we think we also have a role and opportunity to show people so many things."

Coca Cola has launched its logo(标识) with the Beijing Games, featuring kites and lucky clouds, traditional elements in the Oriental culture. Brooks considers it a good start. "We are doing a lot of similar programs, and in the next 570 days or so, as we count down to the Games, you will see more examples with strong Oriental spirit and identity."

He certainly has a sense of history. "The Olympic spirit, which is an ancient spirit from over 2,000 years ago, is alive. It still lives through the Olympic Games in the idea of balancing the body and mind, and doing the best," said Brooks, who has been to three Games. "It's like a big family celebrating together. I think all the members of my team and I feel it is a special honor to be involved in the Games."

56The underlined word icon in the first sentence can be replaced by .

Asign Bimage Cportrait Dpicture

57What can we know about David Brooks from the passage?

AHe is vice president and general manager of Coca Cola Corporation.

BHe is living in Beijing with his family.

CHe has mastered at least two languages.

DHe is especially curious about oriental culture.

58Why will Coca Cola cooperate (合作) with the 2008 Olympic Games?

