
发布时间:2018-12-12 15:27:48

一、加拿大的历史溯源The origin of Canada加拿大的历史是从印第安和爱斯基摩等原住民的历史开始的,10世纪以后,西欧的足迹才开始踏上这片土地。最初先是海盗来到加拿大东部,此后从欧洲人进行探险的时代开始一直到近现代,北美大陆的历史在此阶段迅速展开。The history of Canada started with the aborigine of the Indians and Eskimos.Since the 10th century,the footprints of the Western civilization have started to brand on this new land.The first vistors are a gang of pirates after which , the Europeans have started their expedition and explorations which has been enduring to the contemporary times.

