

. go这个词

go after追求;追逐 go ahead继续下去;开始 go along with赞成;支持;随行 We’ll go along with your suggestion. go around / round足够分配;绕…而行;传播
There aren't enough computers for the whole grade of students to go round. 计算机不够整个年级学生用的。 Is there food to go round? 食物够分配的吗?
If there are not enough chairs to go round, some people will have to stand. There are a lot of colds going round. go back on违背诺言 Don't go back on your word. 可别说了不算数啊! Go back on a promise go by时间过去;经过;遵守 A car went by. 2 years went by. ..
. You can't go by what the children say. 你不能照孩子们说的去做。 To go by the rules. Don’t go by that old map. go down下降;下沉;下跌
Meat and eggs are going down in price. 肉蛋的价格正在下跌。
The grain crop has gone down this year. 今年的粮食作物产量下降了。
go for去;选择;想要;攻击(用语言) My wife went for me because I was late for dinner. When you offer him sweets he goes for the biggest one. They went for each other in the papers. 他们在报上互相指责。 to go for a job 求职
go in for从事,爱好;参加(竞赛,考试) I go in for the examination next year. His brother doesn't go in for sports. 他弟弟没有参加运动的习惯。
Young people should never simply go in for material comforts. 年青人永远也不应一味地追求物质享受。 go into研究;调查;从事
. The police are going into the murder case. To go into business/politics go off离开;爆炸;食品变坏;断电 The bomb went off with a deafening crash. The signal pistol went off with a bang. 信号枪砰的一声响了。
This steak has gone off.这牛排坏了。 go on继续进行;发生
What's going on here? 这里发生了什么事? Go on, I'm listening. 说下去吧,我在听着。 Let's go on!让我们继续做//读下去。 Go on with your work. 继续干你的工作。
If you go on like this, you'll make big mistakes some day. 如果你继续这样下去势必有一天要犯大错误。 go out离开 ;熄灭;过时
What a pleasant weather. Why not go out for a walk? 天气多好,为什么不出去散散步? My friends went out to Africa. 我的朋友到非洲旅行去了。 Short skirts went out some time ago. 短裙不久以前才不流行了。
go over浏览,仔细查看,检查,审查
. We went over the building. 我们查看了这座大楼。
We must go overthe accounts carefully before we settle them. 在结账之前,我们必须仔细查阅账目。
You must go over the instructions of how it works before you use the micro-wave oven. 在使用微波炉前要先看看它的使用说明。 go through通过;经历(苦难);仔细检查
There is a mistake somewhere, we’ll have to go through the accounts and see where it is. to gothrough two stages 经历两个阶段
These countries have gone / been through too many wars. 这些国家饱经战火。
The law has gone through Parliament. 议会已经通过了这项法案。 Their plans went through. 他们的计划得到了批准。
You should go through the official channels to get help instead of through private relationship.你应该通过官方渠道而不是通过私人关系寻求帮助。 go up上升,增长;涨价
Prices have gone upagain. 物价又上涨了。
. go wrong出毛病;发生故障,走错路 go south 越来越糟糕
不要小看了这么一个简单的词组哦,不信?那就请看下面的句子中,to go south 是什么意思呢?
Ice-cream sales go south since it is nearly winter. 英语中的很多常用词汇的意义随着时代的变迁不断发生变化。比如 to go south80年代之前,其用法只限于字面意思,即“去南方”。而到了80年代中后期,这个词汇被广泛用作习语,意思变化层出不穷。起初,to go south 的比喻意义经常被加引号使用,但逐渐地,新的衍生意义就成为了词组本身意义的一部分。在上面的这句句子中,to go south 的意思是指“(销量)下降”,是不是恍然大悟了? 当我们使用 to go/head south 的比喻义时,其表达的意思通常是指“下降,变坏;数量、质量或价值的减少”,亦指“情况越来越糟糕”。其实,south 一词与“下降、变糟”的联系还要归功于伟大的古希腊地理学家和天文学家托勒密。公元2世纪时,托勒密绘制成了世界地图,他的地球是方的,而且北部在上方,南部在下方。他的地理学理论在15世纪的欧洲得到复兴,并成为所有地图绘制工作必须遵循的标准。从此,去南方to go to the south就成了南下to go down to ..
. the south
今天,如果翻翻流行杂志的话,会发现 to go south 的比喻义用法比比皆是。如果是某些人 go south,这意味着他们某种程度上让你失望了;如果是股票市场 go south,你将很可能会被套牢;如果运动员 go south,这意味着他或她已经过了巅峰时期;如果是电脑的软硬件 go south,那意味着这些软硬件坏了。go south 是一个非常有表现力的习语,可以非常灵活的用于表述各种带有贬义的情形。
go west[]上西天;死;(某计划)失败;(某种物品)被破坏而不能用。
弗里曼先生说,这条成语是在第一次世界大战时产生的;那时伤员以及不在当地埋葬的尸体都从前线向西运送。另一种说法是指太阳从西边落下,以次比喻人的死亡。[例如]Poor John was one of those who went west in the explosion.可怜的约翰是在这次爆炸中魂归西天的人之一。 happy-go-lucky乐天知命,无忧无虑,逍遥自在
这个引喻指人相信命运而生活得愉快。可作为名词、形容词和副词用。做名词时喻乐天知足的人。[]Yong Jones is a happy-go-lucky lad; he doesn't worry about anything 年轻的琼斯是个乐天知命的小伙子,他什么事也不担忧。

