
发布时间:2024-04-28 18:27:03


冰雪消融【1Noon Thaw 【瑞典】特兰斯特罗默
Tomas Transtromer 早晨的空气留下邮票灼烧的信件
The morning air delivered its letters with stamps that glowed. 冰雪闪耀,负担减轻——一公斤只有七两
The snow shone and all burdens lighteneda kilo weighed just 700 grams. 太阳离冰很远,在冷暖交界处飞舞
The sun was high over the ice hovering on the spot both warm and cold. 风像推着童车在慢慢地走着
The wind came out gently as if it were pushing a pram. 全家倾巢而出,看久违的蓝天
Families came out, they saw open sky for the first time in ages. 我们置身在传奇故事的第一章里
we found ourselves in the first chapter of a very gripping story. 衣帽上的阳光像黄蜂身上的花粉
The sunshine stuck to all the fur caps like pollen on bees

and the sunshine stuck to the name wINTER and stayed there till winter was over. 雪中的圆木静物画使我深思,我问:
A still life of logs on the snow made on thoughtful. I asked them: 你们想跟我去童年吗?它们说:
Are you coming along to my childhood? They answered Yes. 灌木中词在用新的语言嘀咕:
In among the copses there was a murmuring of words in a new language: 元音是蓝天,辅音是黑枝杈,它们在雪中漫谈
the vowels were blue sky and the consonants were black twigs and the speech was soft over the snow. 但穿轰鸣之裙鞠躬的喷气式飞机
But the jet plane curtsying in its skirts of noise 使大地的宁静百倍地生长
made the silence on earth even stronger. 中译 by 李笠译 英译 by Robin Fulton 冬天的早晨【2winter Morning 【俄】普希金
AleksandrSergeyevich Pushkin 严寒和太阳,真是多么美好的日子!
Its frost and sun; the day is fine!

