FRIENDS 老友记 六人行 经典语句笔记(第一季上)

发布时间:2018-07-01 19:26:19

Chapter 01

It sucks. You’re gonna love it 很差劲,(不过)你会喜欢它的。

Are you gonna be okay? 你没事吧?

I gotta go home sometime. 我要回家了

Split it? 分了它

I had a major crush on you 我曾经暗恋过你

Do you think it would be okay if I asked you out sometime? 你觉得有时我叫出来好吗?

Hey, what’s with you? 怎样了?

Would anybody like more coffee?

Why does everyone keep fixating on that? 为什么每个人老是提它?

I told Mom and Dad last night. They took it pretty well. 还好接受。

I got freaked out, and it hit me 突然想到:

That can’t be good. 那样不太好

I can not feel my leg. 脚麻了

Ever since she walked out on me …… 离开我后

How long is it since you lived in Shanghai?你离开(没住在)上海多久了?


比较:He has written to me frequently since I was ill.自从我病愈以来,他屡次给我写信。(从句谓语为状态动词)

He has written to me frequently since I fell ill.自从我生病以来,他就屡次给我写信。(从句谓语为终止性动词)

since引导的状语从句的谓语为持续性动词的现在完成时,则表示动作和状态延续到现在(说话时刻),其表示的时间的起点应从动作发生之时算起。如: I haven’t heard from him since he has lived there

这里has lived表示动作的持续性,时间的起点应从:开始居住时算起。因此此句可理解为自从他(开始)住在那儿起,我就一直没收到他的来信

Since we have owned a car, we have gone camping every year。自从我们自己有了汽车,我们每年都去野营。

You can’t live off your parents whole life. (live off 为生,靠生活)

You probably didn’t know this, but in high school, I had major crush on you

I figured you thought I was… 我以为你只当我是……


Are you through with that? 你喝完了吗?

Not in a good way 显得不是很好

Did you plan to bring up the baby/lesbian thing?能不能说说

It might take me the heat off of me.

Could you come and help me with the spaghetti, please? 可以过来帮我弄一下意大利面吗?
I think it might take some of the heat off me. 我想这样可以让我喘口气。
What's that (supposed to) mean? 那是什么意思呢?
Nothing! It's an expression. 没有,随便说说而已。
Don't listen to your father. 不要听你爸乱说。
They are satisfied with staying where they are. 他们安于现状。
We don't have that problem. 我们没有那个问题。
What happened between you and him? 你们之间发生什么事了?
Here's what happened. 事情是这样的。
She's pregnant with my child, and we are going to raise the baby. 她有了我的孩子,我们准备把孩子养大。
You knew about this? 这些你都知道吗?
What does she do? 她是做什么工作的?
I kinda gotta clean up now. 我要开始打扫了。
He is an only child. 他是个独生子。
I don't have any problem of this. 我没有这种问题。/ 我没有这种烦恼。
How long was he in there? 他在那里呆多久了?
Got any advice? 有什么建议吗?
When did it get so complicated? 什么时候变得那么复杂了?
Remember when we were in high school together? 还记得我们的高中时代吗?
I never thought I'd be here. 我从未想过自己会落得如此地步。
How could I forget? 我怎能忘记?
Good shake. Good shake. (握手时)你//她的手好有力。
Does she familiar with the situation? 她熟悉情况吗?
She's very supportive. 她很支持。
He's gonna be here for hours. 他要在这里呆几个小时。

You’ve always been independent.

Shoot for the stars.

Here the deal:事情是这样子的:

She is pregnant with my children.

I got stuck at work.

How’s this all gonna work? 我们该如何处理这些事?

We’re kind of a thing now 我们是认真的

No for her. 还不是为了她。

Chapter 03

What do you want from me? 你要我怎样做?

Don’t think of it as a cigarette. 别把它当作香烟。

Not so much. 没那么严重。

Keep practicing (音:兴)

I’m getting good at this. 我进步神速。

Good for me. 我真行。

The way he makes me feel about myself.

Gee, you know, no one’s ever put it like that before.

We are even. 我们扯平了。

Wait, I am getting a déjà vu. (音:dei a )

Chapter 04

You just nodded off again. 打盹

Could you please tell me what this is reference to? 请问有什么事吗?

Can you call back?

What if… 如果

Fill these out 填表

It may take my mind off it.

I walked her to the bus stop.

You’ll have to wait your turn.

All things considered. 从全面考虑。

Chapter 05

She’d feel like we’re ganging up on her. (联合起来反对) gang up with 与……联合行动。

He burns me up. 真叫我生气。

I hate when my father call me that. Hate + when

I don’t wanna seem too eager.

You don’t say. 看得出来。

Big glamour night. [ɡlæmə] 迷人的美丽

Sophisticated fit 斯地K ti 成熟稳重

Does it still hurt?

But we’ve really got to go to sleep.

Just take a look around outside

Good thinking

Sorry about that.

My new computer came with window 7. Windows 7 is much more user-friendly than windows vista. I don’t like that.

Is a bit of an overreaction?

At least get your facts straight.

You need to not touch any of those. 你能不能不要乱动这些东西。

You’re going on a date. 你要去约会。

Which what? 什么什么

I am still working on mine. 我的还没有喝完。

Excuse me, I was kind of using this machine. 抱歉,我用这台洗衣机。

That’s no the rule, and you know it.

Nothing to see here.

I suddenly had the feeling I was falling.

Could we check it in the light? 我们能在灯下检查下吗?

I am not proud of this. 我也不喜欢这样。

I hit her in the eye. 我撞到她的眼睛。

A brand-new woman, ladies and gentlemen. 各位,一位脱胎换骨的新女性。

Thank you, I could not have done this without you.

Chapter 06

Go over, she’s not with anyone.

I can’t believe I’m considering this. I’m very aware of my tongue 没想到我竟有这种念头,我一向言行谨慎。

Here goes. 我上了。

They wanna sign me. 签约

You don’t mind if I eat while we talk, do you?

Statue of liberty 自由女神像

How could you involved with her? 你怎能和这种女人交往?

This is every guy’s fantasy!

You’d go out with someone going out with someone else?

Good for you. 你干得好。

Out of order. 失控。

Fine. Make jokes, I don’t care. This is a big break for me. 这是我千载难逢的好机会。

I’m concerned about goose bumps.

I’m his butt double. 替身。

I finally get my shot, and I blow it. 我最后抓住了我的机会,我竟搞砸了

She is a kook. 烦人

Chapter 07

This is so cool, you guys. The entire city is blacked out. 停电

I am trapped in an ATM vestibule ATM提款室

I am just stuck at the ATM vestibule

Put Joey on the phone. 叫乔伊听电话。

But I don’t think that’ll be you 但我想你不是那种人。

It’s never gonna happen. 永远不会发生。

You waited too long to make your move 拖了太久才行动。

I’m taking my time. 我在静观其变。

Looks like I was second to last. 看来我是倒数第二。

Ok. Here it goes. 好吧,是这样的。

I loathe myself. 我真鄙视我自己。 (音:漏)

Mon, wanna go for a ride in my racecar. 愿意掿我的跑车去兜风吗?

Oh, my God! You’re choking 你呛到了

I know it’s superficial, and we have nothing in common. 肤浅

Chapter 08

If you had to do it all over again. I mean, if she was here right now…

How she drove you crazy, picking on every little detail.

Out of my league 我配不起他。

You had a way so familiar 你看起来很脸熟

By chance, I bumped into my wife in the shopping mall.

You dad just beeped in. Can you make it quick? (另一电话插进来:beep in

They were gross. 真恶心。

Ever since my mother died, every now and then I get this feeling she’s right here. 偶尔

Now I am depressed.

Chapter 09

Have you teased somebody today already?

Who’s been teased today?

I think I am doing better. 我想念我在努力地做得更好。

Are you wearing makeup? 你化了妆吗?

We all chipped in. 大伙凑的

Very difficult to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner once you’ve seen it in reverse. 负面印象

So why was I busting my ass to make this delicious dinner?

I’d like to propose a toast. 我敬各位一杯。

She is gonna break the pact. 她想打破这个约定。

I said some things that I didn’t mean. 我说了不该说的话。

If you’re working late, I can look in on him. 照顾

Chapter 10

You guys spending way too much time together. 你们俩真会浪费时间。

Sounds like you two have issues. 你们似乎有点争执。

We make pact. 我们约定。

I couldn’t handle the pressure. I snapped. 我耐不信寂寞,我毁约了。

I can hop. 我自己跳好了。

I wanna stay here to make out with my girlfriend. 我要留下来和我的女友培养感情。

And then your arms around me. 然后你抱着我。

See you around 再见。

I don’t think you mean it.

That make more sense 这样比较合理。

They’re coming right at us. Run. 朝我们走来了。

Chapter 11

Needless to say, 不用说。

Don’t take this wrong. 别会错意。

I’m a fabulous mom. 难以置信的;传说的,寓言中的;极好的

Come on, the guy’s a secondary character. 他不过是二等货。

He’s just a complication you eventually kill off.

What are you guys doing out here?

I am not really here, I just thought I’d drop these off on the way. My way程来这里的。

Do you think he’s doing any better then he was this morning.

See what happens when you break the code.

Now, you tell me she’s not a knockout. (迷人的)

Just try to picture her not pregnant 就试着想像她没有挺着大肚子。

Couldn’t have gone worse. 没有比这更糟了。

How do you feel.

We don’t have to go down that road. 不用再谈论这个问题了。

Chapter 12

In spite of his shortcoming, I get along well with him.

Get along go along

get along

1.前进; 进行下去

Let's get along and tell him the good news.


2.离去, 走开

It's rather late. I'd better be getting along.

时候不早了, 我还是走吧。

3.渐晚, 上年纪

It is getting along towards sundown.


Although he is getting along in years, he can work hard as usual.

虽然他年岁已大, 但他还能像往常一样努力工作。

4.继续生活; 活下去

I'm getting along well recently.


5.进展; 进行

Is she getting along all right in her new job?


6.相处; 相处融洽

Now we get along just well.


go along


How is your work on that novel going along?



I don't really want to go to the grocery store but I'll go along for the ride.

我不是真的要去杂货店, 而是去兜风。

3.陪伴, 陪同前往, 同行

You go along with him.I'll come shortly.

你陪陪他, 我马上就来。

4.赞同; 一致

I can't go along with you in this matter.


He could go along with it most of the way, but not entirely.

他大部分同意, 但不能完全赞同。

5.走开, 去你的

Go along with you! What you say is all nonsense!


Go along with you! Mind your own business!


And we’re done with the yogurt. 这酸奶是吃不下去了。

What do you want me to do with a dozen lasagnas? 那你让我拿这一打面怎么办?

Nauseous, I’m physically nauseous. 恶心,我本能的恶心。

He made a move on me. Paolo made a pass at me 他调戏我

Talk to (对某人说) talk with (与某人交谈)

It’s time for you to swoop in . 趁虚而入

Yes, now is when you swoop. 是的,现在正是时候!

I just need to be by myself for a while. 我只想单身一阵 Would you mind that I leave for a few minutes?

FRIENDS 老友记 六人行 经典语句笔记(第一季上)
