
发布时间:2019-06-24 12:44:33

深圳市 2019 年初中毕业生学业考试


第一部分 选择题 60 分)

I. 词汇测试(15 分)

i. 从下面每小题的 ABC 三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共 8 小题,每小题 1 分)

( ) 1. --- Where shall we watch the light show tonight?

--- On the top of Lianhua Mountain. It’s in the centre of our city.

A. back B. middle C. front


句意:---今晚我们去哪里看灯光秀?---莲花山顶,它在我们城市的中心。centre,名词, 意为“中央”;A 选项 back,意为“后面,后部”;B 选项middle,意为“中间,中部”; C 选项 front,意为“前面,正面”。故答案选 B


( ) 2. --- Sarah seems to be confident about her performance tomorrow.

--- So she is. She’s gotten prepared for it.

A. sorry B. famous C. ready


句意:---莎拉似乎对她明天的表演很有信心。---是的。她已经准备好了。prepared,形容词,意为“事先准备好的”;A 选项 sorry,意为“抱歉的,遗憾的”;B 选项 famous 意为“著名的”;C 选项 ready,意为准备好的”。故答案选 C


( ) 3. --- I heard that your grandma lost her way in Dameisha yesterday.

--- Yes. Luckily, a kind stranger managed to lead her back home.

A. take B. pull C. put



句意:---我听说你奶奶昨天在大梅沙迷路了。---是的,幸运的是,一个好心的陌生人成功将她带回家了。lead,动词,意为“带路,引路,引领”;A 选项 take,意为“带领”; B 选项 pull,意为“拉,扯,拽”;C 选项 put,意为“放,安置”。故答案选 A


( ) 4. --- When can we finish making the model car? We must hand it in this afternoon.

--- Very soon. There is one more step to finish it.

A. stair B. post C. stage


句意:---我们什么时候才能完模型车的制作呢?我们必须在今天下午交。---很快,还有一步就可以完成了。step,名词,意为“步骤,步伐”;A 选项stair,意为“楼梯”;B post,意为“岗位;邮件”;C 选项 stage,意为“阶段,步骤”。故答案选 C


( ) 5. --- I’m not sure if I copied the address correctly. Can you check it for me?

--- No problem. Let’s check it together.

A. without difficulty B. without instruction C. without mistakes


句意:---我不确定我是否正确地复制了地址。你能帮我检查一下么?---没问题。我们一起检查吧。correctly,副词,意为“正确地”;A 选项 without difficulty,意为“容易地,毫不费力地”;B 选项 without instruction,意为“没有指令”;C 选项 without mistakes,意为“没有错误”。故答案选 C



( ) 6. --- How was your skating lesson last week?

--- Not bad. Although I fell over many times, I managed to skate at last.

A. in the end B. at present C. at times


句意:---你上周的滑冰课怎么样?---还好。虽然我摔倒了很多次,但最后还是会滑了。at last,意为“在最后,最终”;A 选项 in the end,意为“最后,最终”;B 选项 at present 意为“现在”;C 选项 at times,意为“有时,偶尔”。故答案选 A


( ) 7. --- How many Chinese poems did you learn by heart last term?

--- Twenty, most of them were written in Tang Dynasty.

A. study B. remember C. research


句意:---上个学期你记住了多少首中国诗词?--- 二十首,其中大部分是唐诗。learn by heart,意为“记住,牢记”;A 选项 study,意为“学习”;B 选项 remember,意为“记住”;C 选项 research,意为“研究,调查”。故答案选 B


( ) 8. --- Don’t lie around. Help me with some dishes, Jimmy.

--- OK. Mum. I’m coming in a minute.

A. look around B. turn around C. sit around



句意:---不要闲着不做事。帮我洗碗吧。---好的,妈妈。我马上就来。lie around,意为“无所事事”;A 选项look around,意为“游览,到处察看”;B 选项 turn around 意为“转向反方向”;C 选项 sit around,意为“无所事事”,可知答案选 C


ii. 根据句子意思,从下面每小题的 ABC 三个选项中选出最恰当的词语完成句子, 并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共 7 小题,每小题 1 分)

( ) 9. --- Miss Huang always advises us to practice speaking English after class.

--- She is right. Speaking is an important language .

A. sign B. skill C. suggestion


句意:---黄老师总是建议我们在课后练习说英语。---她是对的,说是一项重要的语言技能。A 选项 sign,意为“迹象”;B 选项 skill,意为“技能”;C 选项 suggestion,意为“建议”。故答案选 B


( ) 10. --- We will have a big basketball game next week, but we still need a player.

--- Why don’t you Bryan to join the game? He is fantastic.

A. invite B. teach C. warn


句意:---下周我们将有一场大型的篮球比赛,但是我们仍需要一名球员。---为什么不邀请布莱恩加入这场比赛呢?他非常棒!A 选项 invite,意为“邀请”;B 选项 teach,意为“教授”;C 选项 warn,意为“警告”。故答案选 A



( ) 11. --- I like country music. It’s really exciting. What about you?

--- I prefer electronic music. It’s becoming more and more .

A. popular B. comfortable C. boring


句意:---我喜欢乡村音乐。它令人兴奋。你呢?。---我更喜欢电子音乐。它现在越来越受欢迎了。A 选项 popular,意为“受欢迎的”;B 选项 comfortable,意为“舒适的”;C 选项 boring,意为“无聊的”。故答案选 A


( ) 12. --- Alan, your hair is so long. Why don’t you go and have a haircut?

--- I’m too busy to go today, but thanks for your advice .

A. anytime B. anywhere C. anyway


句意:---艾伦,你的头发太长了。你为什么不去剪头发呢?---今天我太忙了,不能去, 不过还是要谢谢你的建议。A 选项 anytime,意为“在任何时候”;B 选项 anywhere 为“在任何地方”;C 选项 anyway,意为“尽管如此,即使这样”。故答案选 C。【考点】副词辨析

( ) 13. --- Mark has had too much fried food. I’m really him.

--- Me, too. I think he should have more vegetables and fruits.

A. afraid of B. worried about C. unaware of




蔬菜和水果。A 选项 afraid of,意为“害怕”;B 选项 worried about,意为“担心”;C unaware of,意为“没有意识到”。 故答案选B


( ) 14. --- Today, mobile payment is very convenient. Almost everyone is using it.

--- That’s true. We don’t even need to money from the bank.

A. take out B. take off C. take up


句意:---现在,移动支付非常便捷。几乎每个人都在使用移动支付。--- 是的。我们甚至不需要从银行取款。A 选项 take out,意为“取款”;B 选项 take off,意为“起飞;脱下”;C 选项 take up,意为“开始从事;占据”。 故答案选A


( ) 15. --- I am really nervous about the talent show tonight. It’s my first time on show.

--- ! You can make it. We will all support you.

A. Of course B. Come on C. Thank goodness


句意:---我真的担心今晚的才艺展示。这是我第一次展示。---加油!你能够做到的。我们都支持你。A 选项 of course,意为“当然”;B 选项 Come on,表示鼓励;C 选项 Thank goodness,意为“谢天谢地”。故答案选 B



II. 完形填空(15 分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的 ABC 三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共 10 小题,每小题 1.5 分)

Nowadays, lots of foreigners are learning Chinese. Like many of them, I 16 knew two words of Chinese (“Ni Hao” and “Xie Xie”) when I first came to Beijing, China in 2009. As you can guess, my life was 17 for a while after I arrived. Simple tasks like ordering food or taking a taxi were quite stressful.

I knew I had to learn more Chinese, so I 18 a Chinese class. My teacher was 19 , although I didn’t learn enough to have a real conversation. Later I studied on my own as well, but my progress was still slow. And I decided to 20 .

Around this time, I started playing in a band with a Chinese man who became one of my best friends in Beijing. He taught me a lot of 21 about music, such as “melody”. He learned a lot of English from me in return, so it was a good way to 22 language and culture.

I have learned enough Chinese to 23 many problems like booking train tickets. These days. there are more foreigners who are studying Chinese. I can

24 why it’s an amazing language. Finally, I found that the best way to learn a

25 is to make friends with native speakers and spend time with them.

16. B


only 意为仅仅

17. C

【解析】考查形容词词义辨析,句意为你能猜到,在我到达之后很长一段时间内,我的生活过得都很艰难。“difficult”意为困难的;艰难的,故用 difficulteasy“简单的interesting



18. B

【解析】考查动词词义辨析,句意为我知道我必须学习中文,因此我报了一个中文班。“attend 意为“参加”。“miss”意为“失去;想念”,“teach”意为“教;教学”。

19. A

【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。句意为尽管我学的词汇还不足以支撑我与人真正的进行交流, 但是我的老师对我的帮助还是很大的。“helpful”意为“有帮助的”。“cheerful”意为 “振奋的”,“thankful”意为“感激的”。

20. C

【解析】考查上下文语境与动词词组词义辨析,根据上下文可知我自己学习中文进度很慢, 我决定放弃了。“give up 意为“放弃”,“make up”意为编造;弥补,“put up”意为 “举起;支起;提高”。

21. A


22. C

【解析】考查上下文语境与动词辨析,从上文可知,作者从他朋友那里学到了中文词汇,他也从作者学到了英文词汇,所以是一种语言文化的交流。“exchange”意为“交换,交流”; change”意为“改变”,“imagine”意为想象

23. A

【解析】考査上下文语境与动词词组词义辨析,句意为我学到了许多中文来解决问题,比如订火车票。“deal with”意为“处理”,“look for”意为“寻找”,“think of”意为“思考,想起,认为”。

24. B

【解析】考査上下文语境与动词词义辨析,从上文得知,通过作者的经历,作者逐渐意识到中文这门语言的魅力,故用 realize

25. A


III. 阅读理解(30 分)

阅读下面短文,从下面每小题的 ABCD 四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡将相应的字母编号涂黑。(共 20 小题,每小题 1.5 分)



Sending packets, shopping for everyday goods and even building a house, these are new skills that new robots show at the World Robot Exhibition.


