
发布时间:2023-04-15 19:22:22


a tear and a smile 眼泪和微笑 by khalil gibran 纪伯伦著 长风译
i would not exchange the sorrows of my heart for the joys of the multitude.
and i would not have the tears that sadness makes to flow from my every part turn into laughter. i would that my life remain a tear and a smile. 我不愿用世俗的欢娱来换取内心的悲戚; 也不愿让我忧伤的眼泪变成浅薄的嬉笑。 我宁愿生活里有眼泪也有微笑。
a tear to purify my heart and give me understanding. of life's secrets and hidden things.
a smile to draw me nigh to the sons of my kind and to be a symbol of my glorification of the gods. 眼泪纯净内心,让我明白 生活的奥秘;
微笑带来良友,是我荣耀 上帝的印记。
a tear to unite me with those of broken heart; a smile to be a sign of my joy in existence. 眼泪使我体会心碎之人的忧伤;

i would rather that i died in yearning and longing than that i live weary and despairing.
与其在绝望和挣扎中苟活, 不如在希翼和盼望中死亡。
i want the hunger for love and beauty to be in the depths of my spirit,for i have seen those who are satisfied the most wretched of people.
i have heard the sigh of those in yearning and longing, and it is sweeter than the sweetest melody. 我渴慕爱情,崇尚完美, 因为邪恶使人肮脏污秽。 我听过充满渴望的轻唱, 它胜过世上最美的乐章。
with evening's coming the flower folds her petals and sleeps, embracing her longing.
at morning's approach she opens her lips to meet the sun's kiss.
the life of a flower is longing and fulfillment. a tear and a smile. 夜幕降临,花儿紧锁心房, 拥抱着盼望进入梦乡。 晨曦初露,花儿轻启香唇, 接受太阳的亲吻。

