“记忆重现” - 解除巨大痛苦和构建新生活的方法

发布时间:2015-03-25 16:06:35




AbstractIn Paradise, Toni Morrison uses “rememory” to help women in the novel who have harrowing experience to destruct the great pains and construct a new life. This is a means by which the women externalize their deepest psychic wounds, allowing them to learn to overcome traumatic memories and teach them to realize that they can do nothing to make the violence not have happened. But what they can do is to confront these memories and to release from them.

Key wordsrememory,destruct,construct

Toni Morrison created the word “rememory” in her Beloved which is considered as the “trick” of narratives (Akoma 3), but I see it more than a narrative technique; it is a means used by those who have harrowing experience to destruct the great pains and construct a new life. Toni Morrison uses it to recollect the African American history and to have those who are haunted by the cruel past face their memories bravely and start a future. Therefore, “rememory,” as what Caroline Rody suggests, “is an active, creative mental function” (101).

“记忆重现” - 解除巨大痛苦和构建新生活的方法
