

( 居安思危为主题的句子
Live in peace and think of danger, and abstain from extravagance and thrift. 2、思则有备,有备无患。
Thoughts are prepared, and preparedness is safe. 3、生于忧患,死于安乐。 Born in distress, died in peace. 4、人无远虑,必有近忧。
A man without foresight must have immediate worries. 5、思危因此求安,虑退因此能进。
Thought of danger, therefore seek safety, fear and retreat, therefore can enter. 6、爽口物多终作疾,快心事过必为殃。
Many refreshing things will eventually cause disease, but happy things will surely suffer. 7、居高思危,盛满戒溢。
To think highly of danger and to be full of vigilance against overflow.


Graphics are rich, but frugality is easy. 9、常将有日思无日,莫待无时思有时。
There will always be days to think, never to think. 10、心无备虑,不能够应卒。
A careless mind can\'t cope with death. 11、居安思危,思则有备,有备无患。
When we are in peace, we should be prepared for danger. 12、居高常虑缺,持满每忧盈。
To be high, to be short, to be full of every worry.

( 思考为主题的句子

1、思考是行为的种子。 Thinking is the seed of action. 2、与人多商议,主意自己拿。
Talk with people and make your own decisions. 3、三思而行,行而再思。
Think twice and think again.


The more clever the hand is, the more clever the brain is. 5、心的变化,梯的上下。
Heart change, ladder up and down. 6、人们都是凭天性思考,按规则说话。 People think by nature and speak by rules. 7、思维是灵魂的自我谈话。
Thinking is the self-talk of the soul. 8、逆水行舟,不进则退。
If you sail against the current, if you don\'t advance, you will retreat. 9、不被人议论最好,不被狗咬伤最好。
It\'s best not to be criticized or bitten by a dog. 10、思则睿,睿作圣。
Thought is wise, wisdom is holy. 11、思索,就是跟自己争论。
Thinking is arguing with yourself. 12、愚蠢的人天天感到无聊,聪明的人时时都在思考。


Stupid people feel bored every day, and smart people think all the time. 13、绕着山岭,达雄岩羊。
Around the mountains, Daxiong Rock Sheep. 14、心要常操,体要常劳。
The heart should be exercised and the body should be exercised. 15、狼要翻越山岭,也要前思后想。
Wolves have to think before they cross mountains. 16、学而不思则惘。
Learning without thinking is frustrating. 17、微笑只是皮肉拉扯,真正意义存在心里。
Smile is just skin and flesh pulling, the real meaning exists in the heart. 18、一个人帽子的价值,并不等于他头脑的价值。
The value of a man\'s hat is not equal to the value of his mind. 19、聪明的人不动脑筋,就会一事无成。
A wise man can accomplish nothing without thinking.


If you don\'t think twice, you will regret. 21、我创造,所以我生存。
I create, so I live. 22、开口之前要有考虑,着手之前要有准备。
Think before you open your mouth and be prepared before you start. 23、只想要颈颈,不愿要颈瘿。
Just want the neck, not the gall. 24、心中虽想艰苦跋涉,身体却要吃喝享受。
Although the mind wants to travel hard, the body wants to eat, drink and enjoy. 25、或者乍一看见便了解,或者同住三夜方知晓。
Or at first sight, or three nights together. 26、宁要一个善于思考的头脑,不要一个稀里糊涂的头颅。 Better a thinking mind than a muddled head. 27、活着就意味着思考。
Living means thinking.

Thinking is the greatest pleasure of mankind. 29、非宁静无以成学。
There is no learning without tranquility. 30、财宝大如须弥山,痛苦多如须弥山。
Wealth is as great as Mount Xumi, and pain is as great as Mount Xumi. 31、既要乐于身受苦,更要舍得脑受累。
We should be willing to suffer both physically and mentally. 32、乞讨不愿施舍的人,不如拉扯湿氆氇。
A beggar who refuses to give is better off pulling a wet cloak. 33、吃饭先尝一尝,做事先想一想。
Have a taste of your meal and think before you do anything. 34、学习知识要善于思考,思考,再思考。
Learning knowledge should be good at thinking, thinking and rethinking. 35、镜不擦不明,脑不用不灵。
If you don\'t wipe the mirror, your brain won\'t work.

Although heart is good for sawing, it is difficult to cut big trees. 37、喜欢成就者,厌恶其顶髻。
He who likes achievement hates its crown. 38、缺少知识就无法思考,知识越多思路越多。
Without knowledge, we can\'t think. The more knowledge we have, the more ideas we have. 39、啃绵羊的头,意在吃眼珠。
The head of a sheep is eaten to eat its eyeballs. 40、一次深思熟虑,胜过百次草率行动。
A thoughtful thought is better than a hundred hasty actions. 41、走路朝前看,做事往后想。
Walk forward and think backwards. 42、谁不用脑子去思索,谁就在实践中摔跟头。
Whoever does not use his brain to think, he will fall back in practice. 43、真知灼见,首先来自多思善疑。


The first source of insight is thoughtfulness and suspicion. 44、需要之处断,不要之处剩。
Where there is need, there is none left. 45、心到之处,身却难到。
Where the heart is, the body is hard to reach. 46、孩子自己的美,庄稼别人的好。
Children\'s own beauty, crops others\'good. 47、一个能思考的人,才是一个真正有力量的人。 A man who can think is a man of real strength. 48、要独立思考问题,不要人云亦云。
We should think independently, not in the same breath. 49、我思故我在。
I think so I am. 50、兔子担心天会塌下来。
The rabbit was afraid that the sky would fall.


