


【期刊名称】《柳州师专学报》 【年(,期】2015(000003
【摘要】《辋川集》二十首是王维后期山水诗的代表作。王维身在朝廷却心存山野,亦官亦隐,纵情辋川山水寓情于诗文。这二十首诗语短情长,清幽空寂的诗境中包含着诗人特殊的情感心态,既有入世的惆怅迷惘,也有避世的幽寂孤独,还有忘世的潇洒愉悦。《辋川集》二十首,是王维仕隐复杂情感心态交织的%Twenty pieces of Wang Chuan collection are the representative works of Wang Wei's later scenic poems. Wang Wei was in court but he still missed the wildness,being an official as well as a hermit,indulging in the landscape feeling in poetry. The twenty poems are short and concise,but with deep affection,quietness and loneliness implying in the poetic conception and containing the poet's abundant emotion. These poems not only have the world melancholy confusion,but also retire lonesome loneliness,and the feeling of forgetting about the world of freedom and pleasure. Twenty pieces of Wang Chuan collection is a concentrated reflection of the seclusion complex emotion and mood of Wang Wei as an official and a hermit. 【总页数】3(17-19
【关键词】王维;《辋川集》;山水;情感心态 【作者】袁庆

