
发布时间:2012-04-15 08:35:56





1. 向学生表中添加一条数据(姓名:张%,性别:女,年龄:23出生日期1987-3-3,教师标号:2,学校编号:3insert into student values ('%','',23,'',2,3);

2. 将姓赵的学生的性别改为女。update student set sex='' where sname='%';

3. 查询全体学生的姓名,性别,年龄,出生日期,select sname,sex,age,birthday from student;

4. 查询全体学生的姓名,性别,出生年份getdate()获得当前日期(根据年龄计算)select sname,sex, DATEPART(year,getdate())-DATEPART(year,birthday) age from student

5. 查询学校编号为‘2’的学生的年龄,去掉重复行select distint age from student where schoolcode=2;

6. 查询年龄在18-25岁之间的学生的全部信息。select * from student where age between 18 and 25;

7. 查询姓张的学生的信息select * from student where sname like '%';

8. 查询姓张,李,刘的学生信息。select * from student where sname like '%' or sname like '%' or sname like '%';

9. 查询第二个字不是‘冠远尊’的学生的信息select * from student where sname not Like '_%' and sname not Like '_%' and sname not like '_%';

10. 查询第二个字是%的学生信息select * from student where sname Like '_[%]' ;

11. 查询全体学生的姓名,性别,年龄,所在学校名称,地址,select sname,sex,age,schoolname,schooladdress from student,school where student.schoolcode=school.scode;

12. 查询全体学生的姓名,性别,所在学校名称,教师姓名select sname,,student.age,schoolname,tname from student,school,teacher where student.schoolcode=school.scode and student.teacherid=teacher.tid;

查询长春工业大学,长春理工大学的学生信息(两种方式方式1select * from student where student.schoolcode=(select scode from school where schoolname='长春工业大学')怎么没结果??;方式二(隋老师:):select * from student st inner join school s on st.schoolcode=s.scode 方式三:

select * from student st where st.schoolcode in

(select scode from school where schoolname='长春理工大学' or schoolname='长春工业大学')

13. where schoolname='长春理工大学' or schoolname='长春工业大学'

14. 查询长春工业大学的学生信息查询结果按年龄降序排列select * from student where student.schoolcode=(select scode from school where schoolname='长春工业大学') order by age desc ;

15. 查询学生中的最大年龄,最小年龄,平均年龄,年龄和。select max(age) as 最大年龄, min(age) as 最小年龄,avg(age) as 平均年龄,sum(age)as 年龄和from student; 若查询最大年龄是谁该如何查?

16. 查询长春大学共有多少学生。select count(sname) as 长春大学总人数from student where student.schoolcode=(select scode from school where schoolname='长春大学');

17. 统计各个学校有多少学生 select schoolcode, count( schoolcode) as 总人数 from student group by schoolcode;

下面为啥不对?Select count(student.sid) as 总人数 from student where student.schoolcode=1 group by student.schoolcode; Select schoolname,count(student.sname) as 总人数 from student,school group by school.schoolname; 隋老师: select count(*) as 学生人数,schoolname from student stu join school s on stu.schoolcode=s.scode

group by schoolname

--where 后可以包含表中的所有字段,不能包含聚合函数

--having 后可以包含聚合函数和分组依据列

18. 统计各个学校的男女生人数。select schoolcode,count(sex) as 总人数 from student group by sex,schoolcode;

下面统计总共的男女生人数:Select count(*) as 总人数 from student group by sex; 隋老师:select count(*),schoolname,sex from student stu join school s on stu.schoolcode=s.scode

group by schoolname,sex having count(*) 上面有毛病!!! 正确:方法1select count(*),schoolname,sex from student stu join school s on stu.schoolcode=s.scode

group by schoolname,sex having sex=''

方法2:效率更高:select count(*),schoolname,sex from student stu join school s on stu.schoolcode=s.scode

where sex=''

group by schoolname,sex

19. 计各个老师的学生人数,要求列出教师名和学生人数。Select teacherid, count(sname) as 学生人数 from student group by teacherid ;

20. 统计所教学生人数大于3教师姓名和对应的学生人数。Select teacherid, count(sname) as 学生人数 from student group by teacherid having count(sname)>3 ; 隋老师:方法1 select tea.* from student stu right join teacher tea on stu.teacherid=tea.tid where sid is null

隋老师21 select tname from teacher where tname not in (select distinct tname from teacher,student where tid=teacherid);

21. 查询没有教课的教师姓名select tname from teacher where tname not in (select tname from teacher,student where tid=teacherid);

22. 查询那个大学的学生没有来四海兴唐学习select schoolname from school where schoolname not in (select schoolname from student,school where scode=schoolcode);

23. 查询学生信息和相应的教师信息将结果保存在局部临时表Myteacher


select * from student where schoolcode=2


24. select * from student where schoolcode=3 order by age desc

25. 使用子查询查询和高冠群在同一学校的学生信息(使用子查询实现)select * from student where schoolcode= ( select schoolcode from student where sname='高冠群');

26. 查询年龄高于平均年龄的学生的信息select * from student where age> ( select avg(age) as 平均年龄from student) ;

27. 老师的学生的年龄+1(用子查询实现)

update student set age=age+1 where teacherid=(select tid from teacher where tname='陈老师');

28. 老师的学生的年龄+1用多表连接实现)update student set age=age+1 where teacherid=(select teacherid from student,teacher where teacher.tid=student.teacherid); 为啥不对??

隋老师:有毛病:update student stu join teacher tea on tea.tid=stu.teacherid set age=age+1

where tea.tname='陈老师'

29. 删除姓王的学生的信息 delete from student where sname like '%'; (like 改为is = 为啥不行 )

30. 删除长春工业大学的学生的信息delete from student where schoolcode =( select scode from school where schoolname='长春工业大学');


select sname,sex, DATEPART(year,getdate())-DATEPART(year,birthday) a from student

select distinct age from student t where schoolcode=2

select t.* from student t

select * from student st inner join school s on st.schoolcode=s.scode

where schoolname='长春理工大学' or schoolname='长春工业大学'

select * from student st where st.schoolcode in

(select scode from school where schoolname='长春理工大学' or schoolname='长春工业大学')

select count(*),schoolcode from student group by schoolcode

select count(*),schoolname from student stu join school s on stu.schoolcode=s.scode

group by schoolname

--where 后可以包含表中的所有字段,不能包含聚合函数

--having 后可以包含聚合函数和分组依据列

select count(*),schoolname,sex from student stu join school s on stu.schoolcode=s.scode

group by schoolname,sex having count(*)

select count(*),schoolname,sex from student stu join school s on stu.schoolcode=s.scode

group by schoolname,sex having sex=''

select count(*),schoolname,sex from student stu join school s on stu.schoolcode=s.scode

where sex=''

group by schoolname,sex

select tname from teacher where tname not in (select distinct tname from teacher,student where tid=teacherid);

select tea.* from student stu right join teacher tea on stu.teacherid=tea.tid where sid is null

select * from student where schoolcode=2


select * from student where schoolcode=3 order by age desc

update student stu join teacher tea on tea.tid=stu.teacherid set age=age+1

where tea.tname='陈老师'

