

Those who walk in the desert hope for sweet springs; those who struggle in adversity long for sincere friendship. 2、有阴晴有圆缺,有悲欢有离合,每一次回顾,总怀念着你,深深祝福你。
There are clear and bright, there is a circle, there are sorrows and joys, there is a clutch. Every time I look back, I always miss you, and I wish you all the best. 3、把太阳藏于心胸,让它成为美妙的梦幻;把友谊烙于胸海,让它成为甜蜜的思绪。
Hide the sun in your heart and make it a wonderful dream; braze friendship in your heart and make it a sweet thought. 4、我不会再逃避。也不会再退缩。我希望,我有机会对你的幸福、健康、快乐担负起责任。
I will not run away again. And will not shrink back. I hope that I have the opportunity to take responsibility for your happiness, health and happiness.
I would like to become a tree outside your window, with my green wash your visual exhaustion, with my swing to bring you the cool summer. 6、你的微笑,已深深感染了在场所有的叔叔阿姨!希望以后成长后的你,有更多的事情让我们感动!
Your smile has deeply infected all the uncles and aunts present. I hope you will have more things to move us after growing up. 7、绿茵茵的草坪,缠绵绵的琴音,亲爱的朋友啊,你能否听到我跳动的心。
The green lawn, the winding piano sound, dear friend, can you hear my beating heart? 8、离别,有点难舍,但不怅然;有点遗憾,但不悲观。因为还有相逢的希望在安慰。
Parting, a bit difficult to give up, but not disappointed; a little regret, but not pessimistic. Because the hope of meeting is comforting. 9、想你是我的错,等待是一种无奈。原你的梦中有我,渴望你的温柔,那怕是戏弄与施舍。
Thinking of you is my fault, waiting is a kind of
helplessness. I have your dream, I yearn for your gentleness, even if it is teasing and giving. 10、曲终的时刻没有泪水,只祈愿有朝一日当我们重新聚首校园时,将那些熟悉的一草一木吻遍。
There were no tears at the end of the song, only wishing that one day when we reunited on campus, we would kiss all the familiar grass and trees. 11、妙的心愿祝福你——万事圆圆;许一个美丽的心愿祝福你——微笑甜甜。莫让时间冲淡友情的酒。
I wish you a wonderful wish - everything is round, and wish you a beautiful wish - sweet and sweet smile. Let time dilute the wine of friendship. 12、朋友,不管你是寂寞,还是悲伤,我都愿意陪你,你的快乐就是我的快乐。
Friends, whether you are lonely or sad, I am willing to accompany you, your happiness is my happiness. 13、无论有多困难,都坚强地抬头挺胸,告诉所有人,你并非他们想象的那样不堪一击。
No matter how difficult it is, hold your head up and tell everyone that you are not as vulnerable as they think you are. 14、生意兴隆通四海,财源茂盛达三江。祝君青云直上,飞黄腾达,祝君事业有成,高登显位!

Business is thriving and the financial resources are flourishing in Sanjiang. I wish you all the best in the future. 15、早上空气清新,叫你事事顺心;上午阳光明媚,祝你薪水翻倍;下午小风娇好,愿你青春不老。
The fresh air in the morning makes everything go smoothly for you; the sunny morning doubles your salary; the breeze in the afternoon is delicate, and may you be young forever. 16、热情的祝福,燃烧着,在我的心里;希望的微笑,带着我无限的情意。
A warm blessing, burning in my heart, and a smile of hope with infinite affection. 17、轻轻的一声问候,不想惊扰你,只愿你好工作!留在你的心田间,祝节日愉快!
Gently greeting, do not want to disturb you, only wish you work! Stay in your heart and wish you a happy holiday. 18一场小雨,一场梦境,一场快乐,雨天的你一定更加美丽,永远记得健康才是最重要的。
A light rain, a dream, a happy, rainy day you must be more beautiful, always remember that health is the most important. 19、友谊的种子,深埋在你我的心中,春天一到,才会抽芽,就会开出属于你的、也属于我的花朵。

The seeds of friendship are buried deep in your heart. When spring comes, it sprouts and blossoms for you and me. 20、愿一个问候带给你一个新的心情,愿一个祝福带给你一个新的起点。
May a greeting bring you a new mood. May a blessing bring you a new starting point. 21、最快的脚步不是跨越,而是继续;最慢的步伐不是小步,而是徘徊。好友晚安!
The quickest step is not to stride, but to continue; the slowest pace is not small step, but wandering. Good night, good friend! 22、人生这出戏,有两点不易:台前风光时,要把持住自己;幕后落寞时,要做大心胸豁达!
This play of life, there are two points not easy: when the scenery before the stage, to maintain their own; when lonely behind the scenery, to be open-minded! 23、我叫太阳每天把幸福的阳光洒在你身上,我叫月亮每天给你一个甜美的梦境,祝愿你事事如意!
I ask the sun to sprinkle the happy sunshine on you every day, I ask the moon to give you a sweet dream every day, wish you all the best! 24、丽日蓝天上,白云唤起深藏的记忆,只字片言,带去远方
In the blue sky, the white clouds arouse deep memories. 25、好久不见,在忙什么呢,生活得快乐吗?祝你在繁忙的生活中,天天开心,快乐!
Long time no see. What are you busy with? Do you enjoy your life? I wish you happy and happy everyday in your busy life. 26、记得有人说过,人生有两大欢乐,一是拥有后可以细细品味,二就是追求之中的备感充实。
I remember someone said that there are two great joys in life, one is to have a good taste, the other is to pursue the fullness of the feeling. 27、远方的你可要好好照顾自己,不要感冒了流鼻涕,偶尔也可以打几个喷嚏,那是代表我在想你!
In the distance, you should take good care of yourself. Don't have a cold and runny nose. You can sneeze occasionally. That means I miss you! 28、爱情是生活中的诗歌和太阳。衷心地祝福你,诗温馨,歌美妙,阳光永照。
Love is poetry and sun in life. Best wishes to you. Poetry is warm, beautiful and sunny. 29、一天已经过去一半,发条短信问声下午好,打起精神,尽
Half of the day has passed. Good afternoon by text message. Cheer up. Finish your work as soon as possible. Go home early for dinner! 30、中午好,我的问候也送到。祝你:福气东来、财气正旺、美梦成成。快乐与轻松永远属于你!
Good afternoon, my greetings are also delivered. I wish you luck and prosperity. Happiness and light always belong to you! 31、每一滴雨声的音符能否激动你内心的涟漪,传递着你我的心声。
Whether the notes of every drop of rain can stir up the ripples of your heart conveys the voice of you and me. 32、每一天都为你心跳,每一刻都被你感动,每一秒都为你担心。有你的感觉真好。
My heart beats for you every day. I am moved by you every minute, and I worry about you every second. It feels good to have you. 33、岁月流逝,真情依在;百里之隔,隔却不断;长夜漫漫,星解闪闪;真心祈祷,左右陪伴。
Years go by, the true love is still there; a hundred miles apart, but the separation is continuous; the night is long, the
stars shine; sincere prayer, left and right company. 34、春去秋来,花开花落,寒来暑往,天气转凉。四季轮回,愿你健康依旧!天冷了,注意添加衣物!
Spring and autumn come, flowers bloom, cold and hot, cool weather. Four seasons, wish you healthy! It's getting cold. Pay attention to adding clothes! 35、生意开张了,祝愿你的生意财源滚滚,如日中天,兴旺发达,开张大吉啊!
Business has opened up. Wish your business is booming, thriving and thriving. 36、心似乎不得休息,总是不停地想你,哪怕是夜深人静,但愿星星能送去我的万千祝福。
The heart seems to have no rest, always thinking of you, even in the dead of night, I hope the stars can send me thousands of blessings. 37、快乐的微笑是保持生命健康的惟一良药,它的价值是千百万,但却不要花费一分钱。周末愉快!
Happy smiles are the only medicine that keeps your life healthy. They are worth millions, but don't cost a penny. Have a great weekend! 38、人生不求多么辉煌,但求做到问心无愧。愿我的祝福永远陪伴在你左右。

Life is not seeking glory, but to be clear conscience. May my blessings always be with you. 39、花絮飘香,细雨寄情,在这花雨的季节里,绽放出无尽的希望,衷心祝福你梦想成真。
Flowers fragrant, drizzle sentiment, in this season of flowers and rain, blooming endless hope, sincerely wish you a dream come true. 40、是爱情把你们结合在一起,是爱情使你们心连心,愿你们发现:年年岁岁你们都像初萌爱心。
It is love that binds you together, it is love that binds your hearts. May you find that you are all like the beginning of love year after year. 41、每个不眠的夜里我都会想起你,朋友!想起我们一起走过的日子,风起时的歌唱,泪落时的心痛!
Every sleepless night I will think of you, friend! Think of the days we walked together, the singing of the wind, the pain of tears.

