

让我们心怀信仰 Let Us Have Faith Security is mostly a superstition. 安全大抵虚幻,
It does not exist in nature, 世间无处寻觅。
nor do the children of men 芸芸众生,
as a whole experience it. 无人有此经历。
Avoiding danger is no safer 避险难计久长,
in the long run than outright exposure. 不如现身搏击。
Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing. 抑或险中求胜,抑或碌碌无为,人生非此即彼。 To keep our faces toward change and 让我们直面改变, behave like free spirits 行如自由之灵,
in the presence of fate is strength undefeatable. 翱翔命运天际,是为不败之力。 Days of Yore 昔日时光

[USA]Joy Rainey King [美国]乔伊. R. Back in days of yore, 回首昔日时光,
Life was simple, maybe a little of a bore. 生活简单,也许有一点厌倦。 Life was good back then, 那时的生活多么美好, Way, way back when. 那是很久,很久以前。
Ladies has dresses adorned with lace, 淑女的衣裙镶着蕾丝花边,
And a smile of contentment on their face. 满足的笑容在她们的脸庞浮现。
They has gorgeous hair down to their waist, 她们的秀发垂至腰际,
And exuded poise and a gentle grace. 举止优雅,高贵自然。
They also has a certain charm, 被追求者的臂膀呵护时,
When escorted on their suitor’s arm. 她们的魅力无疑迷人光艳。 When day was almost through, 当白日将尽,
They would have a mint julep or two.

In those days people talked to one another, 在那些日子里,人们相互交谈,
Instead of always texting each other, 而不是相互发短信,
Back when ladies were ladies, 从前女人是淑女, And men were men, 男人是儿男,
Back in the days of way back when. 从前的时光,那是很久以前。
生当如夏花 It Is Not Growing like a Tree It is not growing like a tree 要成就人生,
In bulk doth make man better be; 不必如巨树,木秀于林;
Or standing long an oak, three hundred year, 不必如橡树,经年不倒,
To fall a log at last, dry, bald, and sere: 亦难逃枯朽之命; A lily of a day 五月之百合,
Is fairer far in may, 绽放一日,便有万种风情;
Although it fall and die that night

It was the plant and flower of light. 却是光华的落英;
In small proportions we just beauties see; 于细微处领略美丽,
And in short measures life may perfect be. 于残缺处完满生命。


