
发布时间:2019-02-24 20:44:26





april fools day 愚人节

april fools day is a day to play jokes on others, no one knows how this holiday began but people think it first started in france.

in the 16 th century, people celebrated new years day from march 25 to april 1. in the mid—1560s king charles ix changed it from

march 25 to january 1. but some people still celebrated in on april 1, so others called them april fools.

each country celebrates april fools day differently. in france, people call the april fools “april fish”. they tape a paper fish to their friends backs to fool them. when he or she finds this , they shout “april fish!”

in england, people play jokes only in the morning. you are a “noodle” if someone fools you. in scotland, april fools day is 48 hours long. they call an april fool “april gowk”. gowk is another name for a cuckoo bird.

in the america, people play small jokes on their friends and any other people on the first of aprol. they may point down to your shoe

and say, “ your shoelace is untied.” if you believe them and look down to see, you are an april fool then.





【篇二:愚人节 英语】


在日本,愚人节常被称为エイプリルフール,此为英文april fool的音译;它的其他日语名称包括:四月馬鹿(四月バカ)(混种词)、万愚節(汉字词)


越南语:caacute; thaacute;ng t#432;(汉喃:四)(直译:鱼四月)

法语:poisson davril(直译:四月之鱼)

英语:april fools day(直译:四月愚人日)


愚人节每年四月一日,是西方的民间传统节日愚人节(april fools day),也称万愚节。对于它的起源众说纷纭。一种说法认为这一习俗源自印度的诠俚节。该节规定,每年三月三十一日的节日这天,不分男女老幼,可以互开玩笑、互相愚弄欺骗以换得娱乐。较普遍的说法是起源于法国。1564年,法国首先采用新改革的纪年法格里历(即通用的阳历),以一月一日为一年的开端,改变了过去以四月一日作为新年开端的历法。新历法推行过程中,一些因循守旧的人反对这种改革仍沿袭旧历,拒绝更新。他们依旧在四月一日这天互赠礼物,组织庆祝新年的活动。主张改革的人对这些守旧者的做法大加嘲弄。聪明滑稽的人在四月一日这天给顽固派赠送假礼物,邀请他们参加假庆祝会,并把这些受愚弄的人称为四月傻瓜或上钩之鱼。以后,他们在这天互相愚弄,日久天长便成为法国流行的一种风俗。该节在十八世纪流传到英国,后来又被英国早期移民带到了美国。起初,任何美国人都可以炮制骇人听闻的消息,而且不负丝毫的道德和法律责任,政府和司法部门也不会追究。相反,谁编造的谎言最离奇、最能骗取人们相信,谁还会荣膺桂冠。这种做法给社会带来不少混乱,因而引起人们的不满。



11582年,法国国王查理九世决定采用新改革的纪年法格里高利历(即目前通用的阳历),以11日为一年的开始,改变了过去以41日为新年的的开端。但一些守旧派反对这种改革,依然按照旧的历法在41日这天送新年礼,庆祝新年。主张改革的人把守旧派这些做法大加嘲弄,在41日给他们送假礼物,邀请他们参加假的聚会. 从此,41日捉弄人便流传开来。当人上当受骗的时候,捉弄他的人会大声叫:四月之鱼(poisson dapos avril),意为四月恶作剧。这句成语的由来与原来之意义已不清楚。[1]

2、据英国历史学家的考证:愚人节 的起源乃是出于印度佛教那句到达彼岸的话。而英人百科全书里面则是记载着:愚人节乃是公元十五世纪宗教革命之后始出现的一个说谎节日。那时西班牙王腓力二世曾经建立一个异端裁判所,只要不是天主教徒就被视为异端,在每年四月一日处以极刑,也就是死刑。臣民们感到非常恐怖,于是每天以说谎取笑为乐,来冲淡对统治者之恐惧与憎恨。其后,沿用日久,演变为今日之愚人节。

3、相传距人类始祖亚当之后约一千六百五十年间,上帝以洪水来毁灭世界,但仅留下亚当的第三个儿子慧德的后代挪亚,他以一条人造的大船保全了一家大小的生命。洪水稍退之后,挪亚便放出 一只白鸽,想探求一块洪水消退之后的陆地,因为这一天正好是四月一日。所以后人认为,在这一天去做一种毫无意义的事,就好像一只白鸽做了白工一样,行为愚蠢。为愚人节之起源。









今天就来学学愚人节的英语和含义吧! april fools day, sometimes called all fools day, is one of the most light-hearted

days of the year. some see it as a celebration related to the turn of the seasons,

while others believe it stems from the adoption of a new calendar. 愚人节的英语是april fools’ day,也叫做all fools’ day。有些人相信愚人节是为

了庆祝季节变更,有些人则相信这是因为年历的变更才形成的节日。ancient cultures,

including those of the romans and hindus,celebrated new years day on or around april 1. it closely follows the vernal

equinox (march 20th or march 21st.) in medieval times, much of europe celebrated march

25, the feast of annunciation, as the beginning of the new year. 古代文化,比如古罗马和印度文化,都在41日左右庆祝胡新年。这个日子和春分(3


这一天被看作是新年的第一天。in 1582, pope gregory xiii ordered a new calendar (the gregorian calendar) to

replace the old julian calendar. the new calendar called for new years day to be

celebrated jan. according to a popular explanation, many people either refused to

accept the new date, or did not learn about it, and continued to celebrate new years day on april 1. other people began to make fun of these traditionalists, sending them on fools errands or

trying to trick them into believing something false. eventually, the practice spread

throughout europe.


年法将11日定为新年。人们相信,当时有一些人拒绝接受新年 历,或者他们根本不知道


弄他们,差遣他们,或者扰乱他们的知识。最 终,这个习俗传到了整个欧洲。 当然这一个起源也有解释不通的地方,比如英国很晚才开始使用罗马纪年法,不可能跟


篇二:用英语介绍愚人节 用英语介绍愚人节

愚人节英语是:fools day下面是用英文介绍 愚人节:april fools day is a day to play jokes on others, no one knows how this holiday

began but people think it first started in france.in the 16 th century, people

celebrated new years day from march 25 to april 1. in the mid—1560s king charles

ix changed it from

march 25 to january 1. but some people still celebrated in on april 1, so others

called them april fools.each country celebrates april fools day differently. in france, people call the

april fools “april fish”. they tape a paper fish to their friends backs to fool

them. when he or she finds this , they shout “april fish!” in england, people play jokes only in the morning. you are

a “noodle” if someone fools you. in scotland, april fools day is 48 hours long.

they call an april fool “april gowk”. gowk is another name for a cuckoo bird. in the america, people play small jokes on their friends and any other people

on the first of aprol. they may point down to your shoe and say, “ your shoelace

is untied.” if you believe them and look down to see, you are an april fool then.

篇三:愚人节用英语怎么说- 愚人节用英语怎么说?愚人节即将到来了,你想去骗人还是防止被人骗? 不管怎样,还是一起来学学愚人节相关


1.happy april fools day 快乐的愚人节

2.april fool 愚人节

3.april fool`s day is on the ? 愚人节是四月一号。

4.an april fool 愚人节被愚弄的人

5.when did this custom start? 愚人节的风俗源于何时呢?

6.mark: did you suffer a lot on april fools day? 马克:你们愚人节遭殃了吗?

7.most april fool jokes are in good fun and not meant to harm anyone. 愚人节


8.do you know about april fools day? 你知道愚人节是怎么回事吗?愚人节的具体应用:

老师:boys and girls, there will be an exam tomorrow。同学们。我们明天考试。学生:ah? really? that stinks! 啊?不是吧?太郁闷了!老师:haha, april fools! do you forget what day it is today?哈哈。今天是愚


学生:wow, you were pulling our leg all along. i was really fooled。哇。原


老师:alright, now lets be serious. actually-youll take an exam today 好了。不跟大家开玩笑了。其实--我们是今天考试。学生:what?-什么?篇四:愚人节用英语怎么说-愚人节用英语怎么说?愚人节即将到来了,你想去骗人还是防止被人骗? 不管怎样,还是一起来学学愚人节相关


1.happy april fools day 快乐的愚人节

2.april fool 愚人节

3.april fool`s day is on the ? 愚人节是四月一号。

4.an april fool 愚人节被愚弄的人

5.when did this custom start? 愚人节的风俗源于何时呢?

6.mark: did you suffer a lot on april fools day? 马克:你们愚人节遭殃了吗?

7.most april fool jokes are in good fun and not meant to harm anyone. 愚人节


8.do you know about april fools day? 你知道愚人节是怎么回事吗?愚人节的具体应用:

老师:boys and girls, there will be an exam tomorrow。同学们。我们明天考试。

学生:ah? really? that stinks! 啊?不是吧?太郁闷了!老师:haha, april fools! do you forget what day it is today?哈哈。今天是愚


学生:wow, you were pulling our leg all along. i was really fooled。哇。原


老师:alright, now lets be serious. actually-youll take an exam today 好了。不跟大家开玩笑了。其实--我们是今天考试。

