
发布时间:2023-10-25 09:21:25

Hoar-Frost Falls 霜降
Hoar- Frost Falls usually happens on October 23 or October 24 each year when the sun reaches the celestial longitude of 210 degrees. 霜降发生在每年 1023日或 1024日,这个时候太阳到达 文经度 210°。
As the last solar term in autumn, temperature in many places reach 0 degree Celsius. The vapor in the air freezes on the ground in the form of tiny ice needles or hexagonal flower shapes.The leaves fall and worms stop eating and prepare for hibernation. 这是秋天最后一个节气,在很多地方气温达到了 0 摄氏度。空气 中的水汽在地面冻结成霜,表现出小冰针和六角花形。树叶开始飘落, 虫子停止进食,并准备冬眠。
In many areas in China, people eat persimmon at this time. As an old saying goes, Eat persimmon. No running noses.
在中国很多地区,人们在这个时候吃柿子。俗话说:“霜降吃柿 子,不会流鼻涕”。
真是这样嘛 ?秋季容易犯鼻炎、流鼻涕的筒子们能够试试哈 ! 【健康小贴士】
This period is the peak time for chronic gastritis and
gastroduodenal canker. Aged people can sometimes get arthritis. Eating pear, apple, ginkgo, onions and leaf mustard can relief these symptoms. 这段时间是慢性胃炎和十二指肠溃疡的高发期。上了年纪的人群 还容易得关节炎。吃一些梨、苹果、银杏果、洋葱和芥菜能够缓解这 些症状。

