
发布时间:2018-01-01 10:50:07


高中英语《How to bathe a bird?



How to bathe a bird?》主要教学过程及板书设计


Step 1 Lead in

A report: Ask a student on duty to give an oral report while other students listen to him/her carefully, and after that I will ask some questions about her report.

Possible answer: my family, including a pet.

Q: Who is special in her family? ( A pet)

Who is going to look after a dog or a cat?

What does she do every day? (I’ll feed it, bathe it and walk it every day!)

Step 2 Pre-listening

1. Discussion: Show a question and ask them to discuss with their partner.

Q: If you have a pet, but it is very dirty, what will you do? And how to do?

(To encourage students to try their best to speak in English)

2. Word study: Before listening, give Ss some new words and expressions that can help them have a good understanding about the listening material.

Step 3 While-listening

First of all, let’s look at the pictures. Guess what happened to them or get the Ss to guess the answers to the questions. Then let them listen to the tape. For the first time, let them listen carefully and get the general idea. For the second time, let them answer the questions according to what they hear.

Extensive listening:

At the first listening, students will be required to get the main idea. After that, ask students to talk about it in their own language.

At the second time, students will listen to the dialogue carefully again and fill the following blanks according to what they hear.

Three minutes later, the Ss give different answers.

Step 4 Post-listening

1. Repeat the dialogue. Play the tape for the last time, and ask students to pay more attention to the pronunciation and intonation while imitating.

2. Retell the story. Show some important phrases on the screen and ask the Ss to retell the story in the first person.

Step 5 Summary and homework

Summary: The students share what they have learnt today, and teacher can emphasize the emotional attitude (we should protect the little animal, love the nature).

Homework: Change the dialogue into a composition.


















Step 1: Warming up

Show some tongue twisters on the screen and ask students to read and practice them. They can make competitions with their desk mates.

Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?

Whether the weather be fine or whether the weather be not. Whether the weather be cold or whether the weather be hot. We'll weather the weather whether we like it or not.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Listen to the tape and later I will invite some students to tell us what he/she has heard from the tape and how many people they can find during the listening.

2. Teacher read the same material as the listening without rising tone and falling tone.

Students should compare these two listening and talk about the difference between the teachers reading and the tape.

3. Guide students to find out the rising tone and falling tone in this conversation.

4. Show the new knowledge:

(1) General question---rising tone Would you? May I? Are you?

(2) Special question---falling tone What? Where? How?

(3) Declarative sentence---falling tone I can? Go ahead please. See you .

Step 3: Practice

1. Read the conversation loudly and use the correct tone in 3minutes.

2. Practice this conversation with their partner in five minutes.

Step 4: Production

1. Invite some of them to perform this dialogue in front of the class.

2. Write more sentences in groups in the table. They just have 3 minutes; the group which finishes fast in both quantity and quality can get some small gifts (post card, book marks).

Step 5: Summary & Homework

1. Summarize with students together that weve learnt a pronunciation lesson about rising and falling tones.

2. (1) Listen to the tape and read the rest of the context with correct answer.

(2)Watch a movie which they like best and write some rising and falling tones sentences on their note book (at least ten).













高中英语《British and American English



British and American English》主要教学过程及板书设计


Step 1 Warming up and lead in

1. Play two speeches, one speech in British English and the other in American English.

2. Students will answer the questions: Are there any differences between the two speeches? Why there are so many differences?

3. After students think and make out the answer, teacher will point out the title of this lesson.

Step 2 Pre-listening

1. Listen to the tape of this lesson and find out the new words. Before listening, teacher will give some guidance about which part students will pay more attention to.

2. After listening to the tape, students will write the new words on the blackboard. Teacher will choose some students to guess the meaning of those words and direct them to make out the right answer.

Step 3 While- listening

1 The words obstacles have been cleaned, then teacher will play the tape for the second time. This time students will talk about the main idea of this passage.

2. Play the tape for the third time. This time teacher will play it sentence by sentence and students will repeat the passage word by word.

3. After repeating, students will find out the words with the same meaning but use the different style in British English and American English.

4. List more words with the same meaning but use the different style

5. Students should work in pairs. Teacher will choose some students to write their answer on the blackboard.

6. Talk about other kinds of English styles and their characteristics in groups and every group will chose a representative to describe their final result.

Step4 Post- listening

Review the new words use ask and answer methods

Students will work in pairs to make up dialogue. One student use British English and the other use American English style.

Step 5 Summary and homework

Review what we have learned together

Find out more differences between British and American English.














Step 1: Warming up

Play a guessing game with students. These riddles are related to computer:

I am a machine. My shape is not large. I can help people calculate sum. Who am I?

I am a machine. I am very diligent and can help you do house work. Maybe I can talk to you in the future. Who am I?

Step 2: Pre-reading

Show a picture of prototype of computer and ask students to guess what this is.

Step 3: While-reading

1. Fast reading:

Read the whole passage quickly and find the time line of the development of Computers.

Invite one student to write it on the blackboard.

2. Detailed reading:

Ask students to scan the following questions, look up the new words in these sentences by themselves. And then ask several students to read loudly one by one according to the timeline and other students should circle the related information.

Q: What Can I do when I was young?

Q: When is the start of my artificial intelligence?

Q: Why did my designer become worried in 1940s?

After students find out the answers, I will ask them to guess the new words in their answers such as simplify and reality by telling them the prototype of the two words: simple and reality.

Step 4: Post-reading

1. Give them further information about the key words: simplify, reality.

2. Ask students to have a group discussion. List the advantage and the disadvantage of internet.

Step 5: Summary & Homework

1. Ask students to summarize the development of computer according to the timeline on the blackboard.

2. After class, please search some famous pieces of Shakespeare and write an small article of the development of Chinese.








Skimming主要是用来抓住文章的主要要点的(chief points),即找一篇文章的主旨大意或是文章的高潮,可通过抓住每一自然段的中心论点或中心句来判断一篇文章的大意。实际上,这就是一种整体阅读的方法。







Step 1 Warming-up

1) Greeting

2) Sing a song

I have a beautiful song for you. Seasons in the sun. You can sing this with me. Here we go.

Step 2 Pre-writing

1) Lead-in

Tell the students we will learn a new kind of writing-argument.

2) Demonstration

Ask the students to look at the PPT, and there is a argument. Let them find their topic, demonstration and proof. Then write it on the blackboard.

3) Brain-storming

Ask students to think about a question:

With the development of science, many chemicals are used in daily life. Many farmers welcomed them as a great way to stop crop disease and increase production. Recently, however, scientists have been finding that long-term use of these fertilizers can cause damage to the land and, even more dangerous, to peoples health. How do you think of it? And why?

Step 3 While-writing

Write an argument on your textbook. Pay attention to the format, punctuation, sentence structure and tenses. You have 20 minutes to complete your argument individually. It should contain 120 words. Try your best.

Step 4 Post-writing

1) Self-editing: Check your writing after you finish it.

2) Peer editing: Change your article with your desk mate and edit it. Then give him or her some suggestion.

3) Sharing

Step 5 Summary and homework

1) Summary

Use the questions to summary the whole class:

What we have learned today? And how many parts it concludes?

2) Homework

Copy the article carefully, and hand it in next class.


Blackboard Design:

















词汇&语法:Lead-in -> Presentation -> Practice -> Group Activity -> Homework &Summary

口语、写作、听力、阅读: Pre- speaking/writing/listening/reading -> While-S/W/L/R -> Post-S/W/L/R -> Homework &Summary



Greetings: Good morning/ afternoon, everyone. How are you doing today? Good? Awesome! Tired? Oh I'm sorry to hear that. I wish our class today could cheer you up. (显示自己很friendly

Lead-inNow please look at the screen and let's watch a video together. (为什么选video呢?因为可以吸引学生注意力、方便自己胡编剧情、方便做一个自然的看屏幕手势。可以说这个video是关于环保的,关于伟人的,关于喜剧的……)看完video之后问几个问题,然后自然过渡到抽到的题目。

Presentation:讲解词汇/语法,在讲解的时候不断提问。例如讲brighten这个词, Does any part of this word look familiar to you? Yes, bright. What does bright mean? Now if we add an "en" at the end, is it still an adjective? No, you are right. That becomes a verb. 引导学生自己说出结论。

Practice: 每讲完一个单词/语法点,都要练习。其实我个人很不喜欢一些机械的练习方式,但是在20分钟准备时间里,最容易编的题目是中英互译改错Fill in the blanks with the correct form of given words”。

Group Activity:运用所学知识编故事/互相采访/造对话,把知识点巩固到实际应用层面。2-4人为一组,再邀请几组学生来进行展示。记得要对学生的内容进行comment,指出他们的一些可以提高的地方 - Please note that.....

Summary and Homework:可以展望下节课的内容,下节课我们将继续了解这个话题,作业是预习XXX,还有把今天所编的故事写成短文。


Lead in方法同上。

ScanningListening roughly:扫视全文/听一次材料,让学生说一些这篇课文的key wordsgenre

Close-readingDetailed-listening:可以找topic sentence,可以TF,可以问5W1H questions,考察学生的细节阅读。

RetellingCommentingAll right. It seems most of you have understood this passage very well. Who would like to try retelling the story? (记叙文可以用,议论文的话可以问作者隐含的态度)

Group Discussion: 议论文,可以延伸一下话题,进行讨论,然后分组debate;记叙文,可以续写故事。

Summary & Homework:同上。



Leading in:口语可看一段与话题相关的情景对话视频,写作可以读一篇类似话题的文章。

Comprehending: 5W1H questions,考察学生对上述实例的理解。


Brainstorming: 让学生补充相关话题的观点,老师可以在黑板上列表。

First Attempt:学生两两对话/10-15分钟起草作文


Revising/Peer review

Summary & Homework:同上。


Leading in:用视频引入话题。

Brainstorming: 让学生补充相关话题的观点,老师可以在黑板上列表。


First Attempt:学生两两对话/10-15分钟起草作文


Revising/Peer review

Summary & Homework:同上。

