
发布时间:2023-11-05 11:53:51


1Mum I’m thirsty、 Will you please give me some_________? Apencils Bcake Cwater Dbooks 2、Ann didn’t want to miss the_________of seeing her favorite singer in the concert, so she bought her ticket early Abus Bchance Cmusic Dmeeting 3Are ther any_____________or_____________in the bag? Atomatos; photos Btomatoes; photoes Ctomatoes; photos Dtomatos; photoes 1 1

4---Forests are very important to us, aren’t they?-Yes If we have more forests, they will help to keep_________from running away Awater Bleaves Ctrees Dgrass 5There are about twenty___________in the room They are having a party there Apeople Bsheep Cworker Dmens 6Liu Xiang, in his twenties, was once an Olympic winner in the___________hurdles (跨栏 A110-metre B110-metres C110 metre D110 metres 7John is so kind that he often gives me a_________when I’m in trouble、 Areply 1 1

