
发布时间:2023-11-26 18:29:52

秋夜曲 王维
桂魄初生秋露微, 轻罗已薄未更衣。 银筝夜久殷勤弄, 心怯空房不忍归。 a song of an autumn night wang wei
under the crescent moon a light autumn dew has chilled the robe she will not change -- and she touches a silver lute all night, afraid to go back to her empty room. 寻陆鸿渐不遇 僧皎然
移家虽带郭, 野径入桑麻。 近种篱边菊, 秋来未著花。 扣门无犬吠, 欲去问西家。 报到山中去, 归来每日斜。 not finding lu hongxian at home seng jiaoran
to find you, moved beyond the city, a wide path led me, by mulberry and hemp, to a new-set hedge of chrysanthemums -- not yet blooming although autumn had come.

...i knocked; no answer, not even a dog. i waited to ask your western neighbour;
but he told me that daily you climb the mountain, never returning until sunset. 阙题 刘眘虚
道由白云尽, 春与青溪长。 时有落花至, 远隋流水香。 闲门向山路, 深柳读书堂。 幽映每白日, 清辉照衣裳。 a poem liu shenxu
on a road outreaching the white clouds, by a spring outrunning the bluest river, petals come drifting on the wind
and the brook is sweet with them all the way. my quiet gate is a mountain-trail, and the willow-trees about my cottage sift on my sleeve, through the shadowy noon, distillations of the sun. 蜀先主庙 刘禹锡
天地英雄气, 千秋尚凛然。 势分三足鼎, 业复五铢钱。 得相能开国, 生儿不象贤。

