
发布时间:2020-06-03 15:07:43


They say when you meet the love of your life,time stop.(人们说当你遇上你的挚爱,时间会暂停)

And thats ture.(那是真的)

What they dont tell you is that once time starts again,it moves extra fast to catch up.(但人们没有告诉你当时间再度恢复转动时,它会无比飞快,让人无法赶上)

I love you,So much.I just dont like you anymore.(我爱你,很爱很爱。我只是不再喜欢你了)

Loying you kept me alive.(爱你使我活下来了)

I guess what Im saying is.(我想我要说的是)

I hope things are good with you(但愿你一切安好)

I hope everything tis great (但愿一切都好)

I hope you have found a love (我希望你找到爱情)

TO have and to hold. (彼此拥有,彼此扶携)

For better or for worse. (无论顺境逆境)

For rich or for poorer. (无论富贵贫穷)

In sickness and in health. (无论疾病健康)

To love. (永远爱她、他)

To cherish.(永远珍惜她、他)

As long as we both shall live. (只要我们一直活着)

I know that tomorrow,and the day after that,and even the day after that...(我知道,明天,后天,甚至往后每一天...)

I will keep on loving him.(我仍会继续爱着他)

In my opinion,the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are.(在我看来,你能做的就是找一个,真正爱你一切的人)

Good mood,bad mood.(好心情,坏心情)


Handsome,what have you.(帅哥,就是那个拥有你的人)

The right persons still gonna think the sun shines out your ass.(对的人在你身上每个地方都能看到阳光)

Thats the kind of person thats worth sticking with.(那么这个人就是指的一生一世在一起的人)

