

页眉 < class='_1'>< class='_1'>< class='_1'>< class='_1'> 狮子王故事简介 < class='_1'>< class='_1'>< class='_1'>< class='_1'> 辛巴是狮子王国的小王子,他的父亲穆法沙是一个威严的国王。然而木法沙的兄弟老虎歇利却对穆法沙的王位觊觎已久。 在歇利的指使下,穆法沙惨死在猎人枪下。辛巴被拉菲奇抚养,同时辛巴结识了机智的丁满和善良的彭彭在他们的陪伴下辛巴长成雄壮的大狮子。有一天,辛巴遇到了她儿时的玩伴娜娜,娜娜劝说他回去夺回自己的王位,辛巴的朋友们也鼓励他回去森林复国。在接下来一场复国的斗争中,辛巴真正长成一个坚强的男子汉,领会了责任的真谛。 1 / 2
页眉 < class='_1'>< class='_1'>< class='_1'>< class='_1'> < class='_1'>< class='_1'>< class='_1'>< class='_1'>Introduction to the story of the lion king < class='_1'>< class='_1'>< class='_1'>< class='_1'>Simba was the little prince of the kingdom of the lion, and his father Mufasa was a majestic king. However, Mufasa’s brother, Shelly, < class='_1'>< class='_1'>< class='_1'>< class='_1'>had < class='_1'>< class='_1'>< class='_1'>< class='_1'>coveted Mufasha's throne for a long time. Under the conspiracy of the Shelly, Mufasha was killed by < class='_1'>< class='_1'>< class='_1'>< class='_1'>the hunters. Simba was brought up by Lafitchand Simba met the < class='_1'>< class='_1'>< class='_1'>< class='_1'>witty < class='_1'>< class='_1'>< class='_1'>< class='_1'>Timon and kind Pumbaa. With the company of his friends, Simba became a strong lion. One day, Simba met his childhood friend Nala, < class='_1'>< class='_1'>< class='_1'>< class='_1'>she beseeched him to take his place as the king. Simba’s friends < class='_1'>< class='_1'>< class='_1'>< class='_1'>also < class='_1'>< class='_1'>< class='_1'>< class='_1'>encouraged him to go back to Pride Lands. In the next fight to restore the country, Simba really grow into a strong lion and understood the < class='_1'>< class='_1'>< class='_1'>< class='_1'>true meaning of responsibility. 注:范文素材和资料部分来自网络,供参考。只是收取少量整理收集费用,请预览后才下载,期待你的好评与关注) 2 / 2

