
发布时间:2018-06-30 08:06:27



可数名词: a tin 一只锌罐 a relation 亲属 an iron 一把熨斗 a democracy民主国家 a glass 一只玻璃杯 a beauty美人,美的东西 a wood 一片树林 a power大国

不可数名词: tin relation 关系 Iron democracy民主 glass 玻璃 beauty Wood 木头 power威力,电力

另外,在很多情况下抽象名词可变成可数名词( A );而可数名词在一定情况下也可以抽象化,变成不可数名词( B ) Would you like some coffee ? (不可数) 喝点咖啡好吗? Let me have a coffee . (可数) 给我一杯咖啡吧。 Translation is an art . (不可数)翻译是一门艺术。 I've made an English translation of the book . (可数) 我已将那本书译成了英文。 He got in difficulty again . (不可数) 他又有困难了。 They met with many difficulties .(可数) 他们遇到很多困难。


 a. 当物质名词转化为集体名词时为可数

  比较:Cake is a kind of food. 蛋糕是一种食物 <没有可数>

  These cakes are sweet. 这些蛋糕很好吃 <可数>

 b. 当物质名词里示当物质的种类时,可数例如:

  This factory produces steel. <没有可数>

  We need various steels. <可数>

 c. 当物质名词里示份数时,可数例如:

  Our country is famous for tea. 我国因茶叶而闻名

  Two teas, please. 请来两杯茶

  两> 笼统名词里示具体的事例时也可数例如:

  four freedoms 四小自由 the four modernizations四个现代化

物质名词和笼统名词可以借助双位词里一订的数量,a glass of water 一杯水/ a piece of advice 一则建议



(1) 物质名词转化为可数名词有些物质名词表示不同种类时可以转化为可数名词。如

The potato is a vegetable, not a fruit. 土豆是一种蔬菜不是水果。

Marble is a precious stone. 大理石是一种珍贵的石料。

My doctor told me to avoid fatty foods such as bacon or hamburgers. 我的医生叫我避免吃油腻的食物,如咸肉或汉堡包。

(2) 抽象胜名词转化为可数名词有些抽象名词表示具体的事物时,可以用作可数名词。如:

help 帮助 help 帮手

shame 遗憾 pity遗憾的事

pleasure 快乐 pleasure 乐事

success 成功 success 成功的人或事

surprise惊奇 surprise令人惊奇的事

disappointment 失望 disappointment 令人失望的人或事

(3) 特殊物质名词的数量表示当要表示“一场 / / / 种……”等意思时,某些物质名词前可用不定冠词,但此时通常有形容词或of短语修饰。如:

A heavy snow was falling. 当时正下着一场大雪。

A fine rain began to fall. 开始下起一阵小雨。

另外,表示“一杯 / / 瓶”的tea, coffee, drink, beer等,可以用a(n)或数词修饰,也有复数形式。如:

Two beers, please. 请来两杯啤酒

Two teas and a coffee, please. 请来两杯茶和一杯咖啡。

I ordered two coffees and an ice-cream. 我叫了两杯咖啡和一份冰淇淋。

(4) 一点特别说明有些不可数名的用法的用法值得注意,无论在什么情况下也没有复数形式的,即使受形容词修饰也不能加不定冠词的。如advice, fun, homework, information, news, progress, equipment, furniture, baggage / luggage, jewellery, clothing等。

当不可数名词前面有形容词修饰时,前面可以加冠词 又如 a delicious lunch

There was a heavy rain last night.昨天夜里下了一场大雨。
I hope you'll have a good time.我希望你过得愉快。
What a big supper he hadHe was really hungry.晚饭他吃得真多啊!他确实饿了。
It's a fine day todayLet's go out for a walk.今天天气很好。咱们出去散步吧!


泛指时用take action,具体指用到哪些行动时用take actions.
For example: We should take the following actions:

[不可数] 行动,活动,动作

The police had to take firm action to deal with the riots.’

We are tired of talking about the problem--- now is the time for action!

[可数] 行为,作为,举动

Actions speak louder than words.

His prompt action parbably saved her life.


She embodies her principles in her behavior. 她把自己的原则体现在行动中。
His behavior showed he was an evil person. 他的行为表明他是一个邪恶的人。
He was sentenced to death for his mutinous behavior. 他因反叛行为而被判死刑Her parents were very worried about her recent strange behavior.
Such behavior can cause serious trouble. 


candy在英国是"冰糖",也作"sugar-candy(在美国往往作rock candy),没有复数形式.在美国指一切"糖果",相当于英国的sweets,单复数形式都有.She gave the boy some candy(candies).a candy"一块糖果",也作 a piece of candy ,candies"多种糖果",不是"多块糖果","多块糖果" pieces of candy.


既可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词,关键在于它的含义。 当它表示不同种类的奶酪的时候,是可数名词;当它表示奶酪这个物质本身的时候,就不可数名词。英语中像茶(tea)等都有类似的用法。

Italian Cheeses

We have too much cheese in the fridge.


chocolate既是可数又是不可数的。表示巧克力这种物质,巧克力饮料的时候不可数,比如我们说two bars of chocolateNever eat chocolate before dinner.

但表示巧克力块、巧克力糖的时候是可数的。比如阿甘正传里那个经典名句:Life is like a box of chocolates, Forrest. You never know what you're gonna get.所以,两盒巧克力应该说two boxes of chocolates


a piece of cloth 一块布料

She bought some cloth to make herself a dress. 她买了些布要给自己做一件连衣裙。
a table cloth 一张桌布

Clean the windows with a soft cloth. 用块软布擦窗子。

指具体的衣物时是复数,不能用 a clothes/ two clothes / three clothes

a suit of clothes一套衣服 clothes 的含义比较具体
Her clothes are of high quality 她的衣服质量很好。
Yesterday her mother bought herself a suit of clothes


I changed my clothes. 我换了衣服。
He is washing his clothes. 他在洗衣服。

衣物的总称,不可数名词,可用作 an article of clothing(一件衣物)

clothing 的含义则比较抽象。
Those people lack food and clothing 那些人缺衣少食。
They wear very little clothing. 他们衣服穿得很少。
Our clothing protects us against the cold. 我们的衣服可以御寒。
We are well provided with food and clothing. 我们吃得好,穿得好。


表抽象就是不可数 表具体的就是可数的
We bought this house for its convenience. 我们买下这所房子为的是它方便。
Gas is one of the modern conveniences the newly-built apartment building provides.



1) 危险 U.

In war, life is full of danger for everyone. 在战争中每个人的生活都充满危险。

The bridge is in danger of collapse. 桥要塌了。

He is now out of danger. 他现在已经脱离危险了。

2. 危害、威胁(C.

Smoking is a danger to health. 吸烟对健康有害。

The bottom line is that no one should be prevented from the Web because of its dangers.

education (S.U)

He had a good education. 他受过良好的教育。

She completed her education in Switzerland.


1.不可数:表示力量和精力。 I can carry it without effort.
                                        It's a waste of time and effort

2. 可数:~to do sth  努力,奋斗。

Your effort is bound to be successful.  你的努力一定会成功的。
Despite all our efforts we still lost the game.尽管我们尽了全力,我们还是输掉了比赛。
make an effort to do sth 尽力……
Please make an effort to get there on time. 请尽力按时赶到那里。
The prisoner make no efforts to escape. 那个囚犯没有试图越狱。


n. 消费,支出
①做可数名词时候的解释于用法: 意为一笔花费时,是可数名词。
A motorcycle can be a great expense. 买一辆摩托车可能要花很多钱。
What are the expenses of moving house? 搬家的花销是多少?
②做不可数名词时候的解释与用法: 意为花费,费用(总称)时,是不可数名词;
We can redecorate the room at little expense, if we use this old paint.
我们要是用这种旧漆重新装饰这房间, 就不用花多少【钱】了.
We were entertained at the editor's expense. 由编辑付【钱】招待我们.
He built up a successful business but it was all done at the expense of his health.
他创建的企业很成功, 但这一切却以损害了他的健康为【代价】


You have had much experience in teaching English. 你教英语有很多经验。

Please tell us your experiences in America. 请你告诉我们你在美洲的经历。

I'm hungry. I want some food.
Books are food for the mind. 书是心灵的食粮。
We have a lot of foods. Fish, meat, chicken, which one would like?

Many sweet foods are on sale in the store. 这家商店在廉价出售多种甜食。


There is some fruit on the table.
All kinds of fruits are available, including apples, pears, peaches, bananas and oranges.



knowledge是不可数名词,表泛指时不用冠词;表程度时,可用 a little, some, much 等修饰,但不可用a few, many 等修饰,更不能用复数形式。如:

Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量。

He has much knowledge of music. 他很懂音乐知识。

The door to knowledge is study. 通向知识的大门是学习。

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. 一知半解是很危险的事。

You’ll find English a bridge to so much knowledge. 你会发现英语是通向如此丰富知识的桥梁。


非常有趣的是,knowledge 虽为不可数名词,但有时可在其前用不定冠词,以表示某种程度的知识,此时的不定冠词相当于some。如:

He has a knowledge of history. 他懂点历史。

A knowledge of English is very important. 会点英语是非常重要的。

We’re looking for someone with a good knowledge of German. 我们正在找一个精通德语的人。


汉语中的英语知识物理知识历史知识音乐知识等译成英语是English knowledge, physics knowledge, history knowledge, music knowledge等吗?回答是否定的。在英语中,要表示有关……(学科)的知识,通常要用 the knowledge of。如:

He is interested in the knowledge of chemistry. 他对化学知识很感爱好。

My knowledge of English is very poor. 我的英语知识很贫乏。

His knowledge of physics is pretty basic. 他的物理知识相当浮浅。


汉语通常说学习知识,但是在英语中,knowledge通常不用动词 learn, study等连用, 而代之以 get, gain, obtain, acquire, absorb 等动词。如:

Clever children absorb knowledge easily. 聪明孩子轻易吸收知识。

Step by step we gain knowledge. 我们一步一步地获取知识。

After several years’ self-study he gained a lot of knowledge. 经过几年的自学,他学到了不少知识。


He’s eager for [after] knowledge. 他求知心切。

He has a hunger for [after] knowledge. 他有强烈的求知欲。www.nmet168.com

laugh, laughter

laugh 是可数名词,可以用a修饰,也可以有复数形式;词义比较具体


He laughed a loud laugh.他大笑一声。

We laughed at the enemies for their timidity and incapacity.我们嘲笑敌人的胆怯和无能。

They have had a good many laughs over his foolishness.他们曾多次嘲笑他愚蠢。

下面是 laughter的例句:

His jokes sent everybody roaring with laughter.他的笑话使每个人捧腹大笑。

As they listened to my storythey gave a laugh from time to time

I don't know how my story caused so much laughter



I nearly died of laughing!我几乎笑得要死!

It is no laughing matter.此事不可言笑。(意指此事非儿戏,是正经事)


noise 通常情况下指噪音,这时是不可数名词。

There is so much noise in this restaurant; I can hardly hear you talking.

noise 泛指声音、声响时,为可数名词。

Long before children are able to speak or understand a language, they communicate through facial expressions and by making “noises”。在婴儿学会说话前,他们用面部表情和制造噪音来交流。

The engine's making funny noises.引擎发出奇怪的声音。

另,noises 是固定用法,表示应酬话,但这要看语境,不是所有noises都表示应酬话。

She made polite noises about my work. 她对我的工作情况说了些客套话.

He made all the right noises. 他说了许多得体的应酬话.

1. 意见,见解;主张[C][U][(+of/on/about)]
Opinions differ on this matter. 对这件事各人看法不一。
2. 评价[S]
3. 舆论[U]
Opinion is shifting in favor of the President's new policy. 舆论正朝着有利于总统新政策的方向转变。


n. 1.利润, 收益, 赢利

It's profit you're after. 你所追求的是利润。

2.益处, 得益, 好处, 裨益

What's the profit of doing that? 做那件事有什么好处呢?

sell sth. at a profit 出售某物而获利

What profit is there in worrying? 忧虑有什么益处?


gross [net] profits []

paper profits 纸上的利润, 实际不存在的利润

reap profits at the expense of others 损人利已 reap[ri:p] vt., vi. 收割[收获], 获得; 遭到报应; 得到报偿

reap profits through [from] ....获得利润

small profits and quick returns 薄利多销


prospect n.

[ 可数,一般用单数] 景色; 景象; 视野;

a fine prospect 美景

command a broad prospect of... 能眺望到...的广阔景色

[不可数] 期望, 指望; 期待

As both sides refused to give in, there is little prospect of their reaching an agreement in the near future.

[常用复]前景; 前途; 期望得到的钱财

I think there are bright prospects for you if you accept the new position.

We have good prospects. 我们有美好的前途。



I never use soap on my face --- it makes my skin too dry.

a bar\ cake\tablet of soap in the soap dish




Stuff的特殊性在于,它还可以形容可数的东西。我知道这听起来有点难以理解,但它就是这么用的。打个比方,你桌上堆满了东西——书,笔,电脑,杂志等等。这些东西都可数,但合在一起,它们叫stuff,而不是stuffs。给个例句:Dude, how can you do anything with all this stuff on your desk? (兄弟,你桌上这么多乱七八糟的东西,怎么做事啊?)


1. 糖果

a sticky sweet 粘手的糖果

Don't eat sweets.不要吃糖果。

Stolen sweets are always sweet.偷来的糖果格外甜。

Please hand the sweets round.请把糖分给大家。

I am craving for sweets.我很想吃糖果。


That sweet consists of eggs, honey and cream.那种甜食包括鸡蛋、蜂蜜和奶油。



Meat and vegetables

A packet of mixed vegetables

We grow a lot of different vegetables: potatoes, onions, beans, etc.



I can hear voices through the wall.我听见隔着墙壁有说话声。

He has a good singing voice.他有一副好嗓子/他唱歌很好听。


have some voice in the matter 对这件事有些意见


(pl) 海域 the distant waters 远海海域

the near waters 近海海域

(pl) 河水;湖水 the waters of the Huanghe River 黄河河水

(pl) 矿泉水 mineral waters

a pat of butter. 一小块黄油

a brick of ice cream 一块冰

a brick of cheese. 一块奶酪

2 jars of jam 两瓶果酱 (jar n.坛子;广口瓶)

this jar of pure honey 这瓶纯蜂蜜

a cut of beef; a cut of cloth.  切下的一块牛肉;剪下的一块

a dish of cabbage.一盘白菜

a head of cabbage一棵卷心菜

a scoop of coal 一铲煤

three scoops of flour 三杓子面粉

a grain of salt 一粒盐

a pound of mince一磅肉末(mince n.碎肉;肉末)

a slice of meat 一片肉

a slice of bread 一片面包

loaf n. 一个面包

to bake a loaf of bread 烤一块面包

Half a loaf is better than no bread. 有比没有好。

an item of information 一则情报

a burst of applause 一阵掌声

a fit of anger 一顿脾气

a slip of paper 一张纸条

a length of cloth 一段布料

a cake of soap 一块肥皂

a tube of tooth-paste 一条牙膏

a bottle of ink

a pack of thieves 一伙贼

a pack of cigarette

a lump of rock 一块岩石

I like taking one lump of sugar in my tea. 我喜欢在茶里放一块方糖。

Bar 条状物

a bar of soap 一条肥皂

He took a bar of chocolate and broke it off. 他拿了一块巧克力并将其折断。

An expanse of land or water.一片土地或水域

a vast expanse of desert一望无际的沙漠

