
发布时间:2018-07-02 01:24:31


How to Find Happiness Without Buying It


Our materialistic society has led us to believe that happiness cannot be obtained without having money.


Rather than learning to be satisfied with what we have, we are taught to want more. We learn from advertising, and from the media, that we need to buy trinkets and toys in order to make ourselves happy, or to fulfill emotional needs, and that the purchases they are trying to talk us into will provide us with the psychological comfort we are looking for.


Unfortunately, as a society we have bought into these misguided messages and have come to believe that spending money on certain items will bring us fame, fortune, happiness, beauty, or popularity. We end up using money as a crutch to provide us with something we ultimately must find within ourselves. As we become caught up in this charade, we trade precious hours of our lives trying to earn the money we have been taught to covet so much.


We trade hours of our lives working, sacrificing time that could have been spent with our families, for the pursuit of the almighty dollar.


In order to find true happiness, we first must learn to change our attitudes about money. We must learn that money, and the spending of it, provides only a temporary relief but does not present us with any real long lasting benefits. We end up owning something we either do not really want or do not really need, and the underlying emotional issues remain.


Rather than focus on the temporary satisfaction you may feel from spending money, try the following to bring you happiness without it.


Imagine Having no Money


Imagine what you would do for happiness if you had no money at all. Think about how you would spend your time, and what you would do for enjoyment. Change your focus from material possessions to other things that bring you enjoyment, such as spending quality time with your family and friends. Rather than focusing on the accumulation of possessions, concentrate instead on playing with or reading to your children, or spending time out enjoying nature.


Want What you Already Have


Society teaches us to want what others have. Instead, shift your thinking so that you are satisfied with, or want, what is already yours. What tends to happen is once we reach our goals in terms of owning personal possessions, we trade those old goals in for a set of new ones that involves bigger, better, and grander objects.


Goals are good to have because they motivate us to work, and to continue to strive for self improvement. The key is to find a balance between having worthy goals and recognizing when we are allowing the desire for possessions to overwhelm the importance of other aspects of our lives. Rather than constantly striving for things we do not have, we need to shift our focus to being thankful for the things we already possess.


Volunteer Your Time


One way to appreciate what you have is to work with others who have nothing, or who have disabilities that no amount of money can overcome. Volunteering time to work in a food bank, or to work with underprivileged children, can really alter your perspective on where you are in life, and can create a deeper appreciation for the gifts you do have in your life.


Helping others can boost your spirits as well. There is a great deal of personal satisfaction to be gained from giving aid to those who are in need of it, leaving you with a sense of satisfaction that will carry over into your own life. Use the experiences of helping others to teach your children compassion and civic responsibility.


There are a number of ways to enjoy life without the need for a great deal of money. Certainly, it is important to work and earn enough to provide for our basic needs and the needs of our families, but it is important to recognize when the desire for personal possessions becomes overly consuming. There needs to be a balance between a satisfying work life and a rich home life, and the best way to achieve such a balance is to ensure the drive for material possessions does not become all consuming.


How to quickly build a new social circle in any new city


Even if you are naturally shy, these three tricks will help you to quickly build a new social circle in any new city.


1. Take Pictures


One of the great things about taking pictures at an event or party is that it gives you an excuse to get in touch with the person later. Everybody loves seeing pictures of themselves, and its very easy after taking a picture to say Are you on Facebook? or If youd like I can email it to you.


This can be the seed that leads to new connections. The next time you hear about a fun event email your new contacts to let them know about it.


2. Eat Alone In Public


If you dont know anyone in a new city, it can be tempting to order take-out and retreat back to your lonely apartment or hotel room. Instead, try eating by yourself in public as often as possible.


You might feel self-conscious eating by yourself but it has an important benefit: you are much easier to approach when you are alone. People may be afraid of interrupting you or being rude if you are in a conversation with someone else.


Bring a book or newspaper to read (this will make you feel less self conscious). Plus, having an interesting book with you will give others an excuse to start a conversation if theyve read it.


3. Join A Class, Sports Team, Or Club


Yoga, salsa dancing, volleyball, jogging, Toastmasters (a public speaking club), a class for work, martial arts, etc. Take up a new hobby or continue an old one!


These are all great places to meet new people, primarily because you will be forced to see the same people over and over again in the class. You will automatically make friends with them if you have a common interest and are forced to see each other again.


Bonus Tips:


* In the beginning, never turn down an invitation from someone, even if its something you wouldnt normally do.

* 开始时,绝不要拒绝别人的邀请,即使那是你一般不喜欢做的事情。

* Email your new friends with fun things to do instead of always asking what their plans are. If they have a better plan you can always still drop yours and join them. This will help establish you as someone who is contributing value instead of just taking it (people want this in a friend).

* 给新朋友发邮件要说些有趣的事,不要总是问他们的打算如何。如果他们有个不错的计划,你可以谈谈你的想法,加入进去。这样有助于让别人看到你的价值,而不会仅仅是猜测(人们希望朋友是这样的人。)

* Dont let little things in life piss you off or be a negative person. Others wont want to be around you!

* 别为生活中的小事烦恼,或做悲观的人。别人不会愿意和这种人交往。


10 Foods That Will Kill You!


Youre probably aware of all the foods that are good for you, like fresh fruits and vegetables, but do you know about the foods that can kill you? These unhealthy foods can lead to some serious health problems, especially if you eat them regularly. Want to know what they are? Well, keep reading!


1. Fruit Juice


A lot of shoppers think they are healthy when they purchase fruit juice, but these are actually very bad for the body. Not only are most made with artificial flavors and not any real fruit, they are packed full of sugar and other chemicals that can cause obesity and other serious health problems. Even real fruit juice is packed full of sugar that provides you with no nutritional value. Its best to eat a piece of fruit instead of drink it, unless youre juicing your own fresh fruits and vegetables at home.


2. Processed Meats


The chemicals that are inside of processed meats have been linked to colon cancer and many other health problems. They are also packed full of sugar, salt and fat that can lead to obesity and diabetes. Youre always better off cooking your own meat from lean cuts and avoiding the processed meats all together.


3. Energy Bars


Energy bars are marketed as healthy snacks for people who want to lose weight and get fit. Unfortunately a lot of people dont read the nutritional information on these bars in the first place. Many of them are made with a lot of sugar and fat, even though they are high in protein. Youre better off staying away from these and reaching for a natural snack, like almonds and cheese, instead.


4. Frozen Dinners and Lunches


Sure those frozen meals are convenient, but what price do you pay for that convenience? These frozen dinners, even those that are low in calories, are really high in sodium. They are also extremely processed, which means they really put your body through a lot of work in order to digest through your body.


5. Breakfast Cereals


There are really only a few breakfast cereals on store shelves today that are actually good for you. Even those that are labeled healthy generally turn out to be packed full of sugar and fat. You might be surprised to find that most of the cereals you love have more sugar than your dessert does! On top of all of that, cereals are normally processed quite a bit and made with chemicals to make them seem healthier to the consumer.


6. Doughnuts


Speaking of breakfast foods, who doesnt love a sugary doughnut when they are running late to start the day? Although they may taste good, these are a huge source of sugar, fat, trans fat and carbohydrates. In fact, just one of these fried treats is generally well over 300 calories. Since most people tend to eat more than one, this can lead to quick weight gain without even realizing it.


7. Soda


Regular soda is a huge source of sugar and a variety of other chemicals that have been linked to several different types of cancer. These provide absolutely no nutritional value to you and can lead to diabetes as well. Even diet soda carries risks, as its made with a lot of chemicals to make up for the lack of sugar, and these have been linked to diseases and cancers.


8. Potato Chips


Before you reach for that bag of potato chips; think again! These are filled with a lot of fat and calories, but did you know they are also loaded with dangerous chemicals? Most chips are made with acrylamide, which is created when foods are fried at extremely high temperatures. This chemical is linked to cancer, which can result in death.


9. Low-Fat Foods


A lot of people think that they are being healthy by purchasing foods that are labeled as low fat. Unfortunately this is not the case, as most of these foods are packed with unhealthy chemicals to make up for the lack of fat. These chemicals are extremely bad for your body and can even damage your health over time.


10. Margarine


People choose margarine over butter because it doesnt have cholesterol in it, but what you need to pay attention to is what IS in it! Margarine is extremely high in trans-fat, which can damage your blood vessels and even increase your cholesterol.



How Google Picks New Employees (Hint: It's Not About Your Degree)


I’ve been having disagreements for years about the usefulness of college degrees as a measure of someone’s ability to be an outstanding employee. Now, don’t get me wrong – I don’t think it’s ever a bad thing to have a degree. I just think people make an assumption about formal education that’s often untrue. They assume that if two people are exactly the same in terms of age, life and job experience and demographics, and one has a college degree and the other doesn’t – that the one who has the degree will be a better employee and have a more successful career.


So I was thrilled to read an article by Thomas L. Friedman in the NYT a few months ago, called “How To Get A Job At Google.” Friedman’s article expands upon an interview between Adam Bryant of the NYT and Lazlo Bock, SVP of People Operations for Google , where Bock goes into depth about the core attributes Google looks for when hiring. At one point, Bock says, “G.P.A.’s are worthless as a criteria for hiring, and test scores are worthless. … We found that they don’t predict anything.”

所以,几个月前,我怀着兴奋的心情拜读了托马斯·弗里德曼(Thomas L. Friedman)在《纽约时报》撰写的一篇题为如何在谷歌(Google)找到一份工作的文章。弗里德曼的文章在《纽约时报》亚当·布莱恩特(Adam Bryant)对谷歌人事高级副总裁拉兹洛·波克(Lazlo Bock)的采访基础上进行了扩充。在此采访中,波克深入介绍了谷歌在招募人才时所寻找的核心特征。波克一度表示,作为招聘的标准,总平均成绩(GPA)和测试成绩都毫无价值……我们发现它们并不能说明任何问题。

My point exactly. Someone can do very well in college and not have what it takes to succeed in the real world – and vice versa. Bock went on to say that an increasing proportion of people hired at Google these days don’t have college degrees. Bock then shared the five criteria Google does use when evaluating job candidates. I was struck not only by the list, but by the order. Here’s my understanding of what he said, and why it’s important for any job seeker:


5. Expertise. Bock noted that, except for making sure that people in technical jobs having coding ability, expertise is last on their list of five. They’ve found that the other four attributes (which I’ll get to in a minute) far outweigh expertise when it comes to predicting the abilities that Google has found they need in their employees. Bock notes that experts are more likely to simply default to the tried-and-true. I’ve seen this as well – when people self-identify as “expert” in an area, or as “highly experienced,” there’s a much higher likelihood that they will strongly defend their existing point of view when questioned, rather than being curious…their identity is all too often wrapped up in being the authority, vs. finding a better solution.


4. Ownership. At Google, they look for people who take responsibility for solving problems and moving the enterprise forward – who feel passionate about making things work. I see the importance of this in my own company and in all of our client companies. In this era of daily change and upheaval in almost every industry and area of knowledge, it’s a huge disadvantage to have employees who are passive doers of tasks and order-takers. You need people who are internally motivated to figure out how to make things better.


3. Humility. At the same time, Bock notes that passion and drive toward responsibility has to be balanced by humility: an openness to someone else having an even better idea than you, or knowing more about how to make something work. In Bock’s words: “You need a big ego and small ego in the same person at the same time.” I’ve noticed that when someone has both these qualities – a fierce drive to make things better combined with a welcoming attitude, an assumption that others have as much to offer, or more – that person tends to be both enormously effective individually and a wonderfully useful member of any team.


2. Leadership. I love that Bock and his colleagues look for leadership at every level. And not, as he says, a traditional evaluation of leadership as in, “…were you president of the chess club? Were you vice president of sales? How quickly did you get there?” They’re looking for folks who can step in to guide and influence others toward an outcome when that’s what’s needed – no matter what their job or title may be. (And who also know – back to the humility criterion – when to step back and let someone else take that role. )


1. Ability to Learn. This is where I decided that Lazlo Bock and I are kindred souls; he notes that pure learning ability – the ability to pick up new things, to learn on the fly, to find patterns in disparate pieces of information and take the next step – is the number one thing hiring managers at Google have learned to look for in candidates. I could not agree more: I believe that people will succeed in today’s world to the extent they develop the ability to learn new things quickly and well. And that’s not only true in companies like Google or LinkedIn or Amazon, companies that pride themselves on coming up with new ideas and new approaches on a daily basis. Every company needs employees who are curious, who are willing to make mistakes and go out on a limb and ask dumb questions in order to develop new capabilities and new solutions – that’s how organizations will thrive and grow into the future.


In the very wise and prescient words of Ari De Geus (he said this in the mid 90s): “The ability to learn faster than your competitors may be the only sustainable competitive advantage.”

用当代管理大师阿里·德赫斯(Arie de Geus)一句非常具有远见卓识的话说,比你的竞争对手更快学习的能力或许是唯一可持续的竞争优势。


10 Reasons Why You Will Never Become Rich


Theres an interesting maxim about how long wealth actually stays with a person and their descendants. The saying is three generations, tops: one to make it, one to spend it, and the third to blow it. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule, but have you ever sat down and seriously thought about wealth and what it means to you? Or do you figure, What the heck, Ive always been broke, my forefathers were broke; its generational – its just a rite of passage of sorts. If you feel that wealth is out of your reach, you arent alone. According to some experts, there are millions of clueless potential millionaires who could be at the top of the wealth ladder if they only reined in a few bad habits. However, you may be a skeptic, and rightly so. Being wealthy means different things to different people. But according to the experts, there are financial mistakes many people make that keep them away from their possible wealth.


What is Wealth Anyway?


Most people do not equate wealth with a mansion or a big yacht. In fact, a scanty 7% of people surveyed associate wealth with material possessions like cars, houses and boats. Rather, to many, being rich means having just enough to not worry about the next payday – thats according to 33% of those questioned. An additional 26% define being wealthy, or rich, as having more than enough money to quit their jobs. Still, few people place an actual dollar amount on what it means to be wealthy. Only 17% felt that being rich means having at least $1 million or more, and 11% stated a six-figure yearly income would make them feel rich. Yet most people who are rich dont even consider themselves rich. Maybe its because being rich or wealthy has very little to do with material possessions, and more to do with how people feel about themselves. Nonetheless, according to financial experts you will never be rich if you are bogged down by anything on the following list:


1. Overspending

1. 过度消费

If you have a ferocious appetite for spending beyond your means, youre not alone. According to a survey, of the 52% of people who habitually overspend, many balance the shortfall by taking from their savings, and 22% rely on credit cards. Blowing all your money each month is not a realistic pathway to wealth. Start tracking where your money goes each month, check where you can cut back, and create a realistic budget that allows you to pay your bills and invest in a retirement account or an emergency fund.


2. Not Saving Enough

2. 储蓄不足

Welcome to the club! The personal savings percentage in the US is a measly 4.9% of disposable income. Saving should become a priority if you want to accumulate wealth. Start with an emergency fund. Once your emergency fund is substantial, you can redirect small amounts toward other goals like purchasing a home or paying for college.


3. You Have Too Much Debt

3. 负债累累

Certain debts are a precursor to financial success, like purchasing real estate or starting a business; however, a high-interest credit card balance is not. Pay off credit cards with the highest rates first.


4. You Dont Have a Plan

4. 缺乏计划

Without a definite, clearly defined plan, becoming rich will seem like an unbelievable dream. This alone will solidify your excuses for overspending and not saving. As the saying goes, Those who fail to plan, plan to fail. Putting together a financial plan may seem tedious, but it doesnt have to be, and you can get used to it.


5. You Dont Have an Emergency Fund

5. 无应急基金

Experts say you need at least six months of income saved in case of an emergency. Life is tricky, and not having some type of safety net can turn a comfortable situation into a disaster.


6. You Started Late

6. 起步较晚

Time is slipping by. Just like starting an exercise routine, the most difficult part about saving is getting started. Even if you have debt, a small income, or many expenses, you can save something, even if its only a small amount.


7. You Complain Rather Than Commit

7. 光说不练

I dont earn enough money; Life is too expensive; Its hopeless, Ill never get out of debt. Have you uttered any of these statements before, or perhaps all of them? Old habits die hard; however, as long as you do nothing to change, nothing will change. Stop complaining and making excuses. Instead, take responsibility for your non-productive habits and concentrate on how to change them – and then do it!


8. You Live for Today, and Forget About Tomorrow

8. 不话当下,只论明天

Its no fun getting serious and thinking about retirement and all that stuff. Nonetheless, eventually it has to be done. The problem is that impulsive and unregulated spending leads to debt period! Do yourself a big favor: Get rid of the buy now, worry later attitude, and switch to a save now, get rich later way of thinking.


9. Putting All Your Eggs in One Basket

9. 把鸡蛋放在一个篮子里

You might get lucky by wagering all your money on one type of investment. Just like you might get lucky winning the lottery. But thats not a strategy to live by, or for getting rich. Putting all your money in one place is not advised because it puts you at too much risk. Your investment portfolio should include multiple investments with varied levels of risk and ROI potential and liquidity.


10. You Just Dont Get It!

10. 就是不明白

You may be one of those people who believe that somehow something will come along and save you, so why bother with saving or trying to get out of debt? Maybe you will get lucky and land a fantastic job, receive a big pay raise, inherit money, hit the lottery, or whatever! But whatever wont cut it if you really want to become rich. Yes, life is uncertain. No one knows what will, or will not, actually happen; therefore, why not focus on what you can control today? Get it together now and save yourself, in case someone or something else wont.


One thing you can be sure of: You are already rich. Think about it. If someone came to you and offered you a million dollars for your arm, would you give it up? Why not, you have two; you can surely spare one of them! Of course the answer would be no! Being rich is more than physical ownership; its a state of happiness and well-being, while wishing the same for others. So while you are working on getting rich materially, remember to be happy along the way!


