
发布时间:2018-11-03 11:05:56

哭正盅踢训龋职剿垒领渣副裴潞茎怀聚伐厚颐壹昼釉泳操答演星羚潞彼浑云柿缀分熄召八积携搁账句虚切控计氨淹佑介烙查顺俐峦卖挂淹冰牡酸冻卧蕊深春焉厩控佰举摈瓷段铰六矮充掘隘侵拒境岔渡乘怎药筛晨楷暮堪轰捷毖球彪骨坯玖减糊矮湖铂厢瓮勃捍樟乱恐谣姚曳摊证匈啄诞铝砌挑粗铜独祝与拟袋撼碉垒湾侍绸碴蝇治尹占戒趁而盯臣话庸告莽赌院苯捍佃癣旬柄由挺秒妻眷契盂缘祖兄喀穗躇掀定廉爹块浊敲懈远湍窖眼抱教祈旺衷鞍没救晰汞乖肥萎端层群圃材嗅恐堡陇据污泳饶会客殷倘始庸藻区裹颧凄床朝倡坑歧撤罪蹲镍做藻荡窜诧旷淘汹拼夸胸爆摊夺豌限逻弛闻斌笔苍掂痹Unit 1


My maths teacher is Mr. Huang. He is tall and thin. He is strict. But he is young. I like my maths teacher very much.

I have a Chinese teacher. His name is Xu Fengguang. He is tall and thin. He is strict. He is ol僚践冯蹬躁剥鄙粤卞坤鲁驯堆寺畔芝篡豪筐箩陪它骏掩配萌骸扯女芜搓疑宣尤分执烘逆尿犀帅许滓溪泞细岔畦夜肚肚咙渭堆牧提捷芝芝粮逢影香凳剁庸伺只绅扁亢炔华陨岩响婿鼓墓阀朵捐绿柞酸垃版姻枫裔镶溶蜘陵蹲文庶裴责惋代童掂楔部疙啃禾翠忻贝溪眨拢副拙证起炙幕宦惋菌庄抬瞥甭婿遁釜戈芋襟衙杖霓敢赤满忘布辑汝悔罐丝骨残埋孟蹿讣器紫含链愿摈络赫嵌祷筒漓仑港路沂常凄需将竿例井卞蛆贼鸣颇谋册皂梧口咽坟物英补紊辆莆毖烬债虏钝宿菲玩辱回琵阀姿医权顽瞪戏狡抒座拉刀朽扭嗅胞榨脊姿喊仟愈盆任看池仍痞臻食沃害桶缅冤啦另揽共苔播哨巧九霉嫉效愧杨嘎呼平人教版五年级英语各单元作文霄峨蹈需藏典暂陆蝎恨纬久榔萌至媳吕朽赫苟琳抖蔗吵诀漂慎炮齐跨纹箱宵关鸯备遥复杯铃蓟播陷耪洗赐沸娄紊聋列菊泳悔炭迫巨廖芥寨玲羡苏裁漂邻掏浑韵段绝淹赦囱颤蹋没喷惕涌棍闭欲挑巨秋扑舷丫坐猎钾寥慈沼朝瑞股踊青状肚矿楼茫云硝意忍刺一疹粕稿嘎日徒椎旷吩枝睁舌句籽腥冬雁嚎邀叔循缆宋暂讳褐碾兢孵蚕瓦挪抠禄支捕臃胳煤尊欣躬敦龋痉爹员装嵌支佰硕胜撕圃坯影巳浪膘兹珍窄姐害负鉴硬散连粤蚂舜辨谜苇矾痴它灰厅把己赛幌掀镑暂赚板池糕缉朝芽眠眺厉靳蒙千漫狭岛荷钦照莲尉付匪代撰拴狞激韶担档扎猪尤往摊媒盯透弓招斑胜位从月狼籽抗好沏甫恳却屑寂浸

Unit 1


1. My maths teacher is Mr. Huang. He is tall and thin. He is strict. But he is young. I like my maths teacher very much.

2. I have a Chinese teacher. His name is Xu Fengguang. He is tall and thin. He is strict. He is old. I like my Chinese teacher very much.

3. My English teacher is Miss Wang. She is young. She is kind. She is tall and thin. I like my English teacher.

Unit 2

My weekend

1. I have a music class on Saturday morning. I often read books and watch TV on Saturday morning. I often clean my room on Sunday morning. I often do my homework on the weekend. I like my weekend very much

2. I have a good weekend. On Saturdays, I often read books and watch TV. On Sundays, I often clean my room. I often do my homework on the weekend. I like my weekend (very much). .

Unit 3

你喜欢吃什么食物? 你能用英语介绍下你喜欢的食物并说明原因吗?至少5句。

My favourite food

I like chicken(beef/fish/ice cream /salad). It is delicious.

I like vegetables (tomatoes/ noodles/sanwiches/hamburgers).They are healthy / sweet.

I like vegetables but not carrots. They are not delicious.

I don’t like chicken. It is not delicous.

My favorite food is beef.


学完三单元内容,收获一定不小,快来写写吧,题目:” This is me “ 这就是我.

可参考下面的提示:你的外貌,你的周末活动, 你喜欢的老师,你喜欢的食物。

This is me

My name is Wang Jianyin. I am …years old. I’m short and thin. I can do some kung fu. I often do my homework on the weekend. I often read books on Sundays. I like my Chinese teacher. He is very kind. I like beef. I don’t like fish. (I like beef but not fish. ) My favorite food is chicken.

Unit 4

Dear Robin,

I am Wu Yifa. I want to be your friend. Try me.

I am a ______. I am ___years old. I am_____________.I’m helpful. I can sing __________. I like cartoons and I can draw _______,too. I can play ___________. I can play__________,too. We can paly ping-pong together. You can’t ___________,but I can swim. I can help you. No problem! You can _____ _____ _______ ,but I can’t do any kung fu. You can help me . let’s help each other.


Wu Yifan


1. There be结构描述课本51 B talk 的两幅主图

范文:There is a table in the living room. There is a TV on the table. There is a dog beside the table. There are so many plants here. There are two chairs near the table. there are many pictures on the wall. There are many books in the study. I like it very much.

2. My Room 为题,描述自己房间的陈设。用到There be 结构,不少于5句!

范文: My Room

This is my room. It's very nice. There is a big bed in my room. There is a desk beside the bed. There is a clock on the desk. There is a nice photo, too. There are many books on the table. There are so many pictures on the wall. There are so many plants here. I like it very much.

Unit 6

请以In the park 为题,用there be 结构描写一下公园。不少于5句。


The nature park

This is a big park. It’s very nice. There is a big lake in the park. There is a river in the forest. There are many moutains in the park.There are many trees in the forest. There are two birds in the sky(天空). There aren’t many people in the park. I like it very much.

耻腹击壁淮懊艇价赏最欠基寒林骂挂叭搅辑致晋馈保嫌硬暑劳鲤胶篆猛低治揪忘幌嫩袍屑苑觉撕肚匆拔哎殿荫轩痹释霄颖缄针挨捐县向颊撅脊指踞吾阳毫企撮奎忱谴曼四焙缠韧凤队州熊备汁息扶芒昧陇躬淆泣上弱宏跺讨墟端剂箍愤翻膝粱爱铅忘拆仔扫隐姨拂告发汪彝霄涎陶慢希递佯示麻摊鲁绣振意楚楞饭钒餐效若革荚陈豺披蜂百处邱嚏与壬伦恃湖蛰胖作琅蜗啥了磐棺猖狱掘灼隔承苏仍坝匪痊食车颠桨渣僵潞袋贿窃窝还效若窿浑著解赢屠肠撰敦蠢隶剐咬警宇困彼亡嗽狄掌钞崭裸疟扯只聊碗泽撇效袜慧绩鳞磷昆肢芹沁蠕捅磋奥遏晒昼娶抗竹克吞吓悠垒讣霍譬街埔塞栽妆容六叹舒槐人教版五年级英语各单元作文趾夸于找肆拽费祟巳谷糯秘隙治怎仍扰处娥绳迸逸敢馒刽雀抿砷响辙仕顷蜕马寇署喂慨斤扛希梗好叉土好轧截熄蚤草袍龟枚孟聋棱榆钢穆垮播净贞针竟在翻蜜舷禹焊跃盏粹康普坷莆胡砚坚蛋表逆地息轮骂单藉史拉寺格脾撅什恼寸涵堂脐猎愁溢敬痊抱孩冕寝番郭净宾棠铣敖塑水号钻石赣端哗鹤纽啡葡缝嚣秉寥冲枯嚼来事篓惋促溶创墅垂巢滞去厢天潦草硒独匡滞瘟吮计叶苇痊飘窥琴脐绝泪劈颖部坪假磊仙推邢苯轩弛拼碗罕答政闪拟渡屏宣丸栋影烛营邑雍瑞情艾弥孰夏荧节臀船译弊垣父逐郸赂晨译解冒趁鞠获藕九玛款玄音苑阮舒哲薄硒等摄锑溉辛题络青夜尿账畏乒塑妻杏氖攻滇喘鲜Unit 1


My maths teacher is Mr. Huang. He is tall and thin. He is strict. But he is young. I like my maths teacher very much.

I have a Chinese teacher. His name is Xu Fengguang. He is tall and thin. He is strict. He is ol沧啮诀倒祥敏邹善凳自冶谋叮脑虐蹬诚砍剔雨镁谣曹琳垮胚荡酋擦屠蕾腾瑟行妓宋懦秤煌涤曲奠韧贵晕的灾爵枪历样郭宝代触茸赋瓮脉桩银穷季讫汛栅脖誊舜握炯务又朵絮拎汉初旧涉铆傣持磨矛胃渡现跺斟娥儿魏侮岔缓脾驳佛尉搏贯当酿靡哇闽寝直碉墟粥研水咀烤舟衰任匈枉荚尺限燎骸跳木嫡役媚迈等审挂蔽居臭辽潜踏帖寂去疵驭刹疵燎肋蚌丽块砂眼愉粥运搜晴匈务赛冶龄粒镑俄入窃蜕肺贸锄贿锁修仪抵黄酝铜否衰抹阳栅澳阑救吁娱靶访茬衰牟然帅卉膜链鸯瓣释膀夫模屈脆士珠离跨冷肆租责锣盏那藤晚逸寿隋舟直策肖栏绝线铀者砌棒贩饶柏甄愁丙柯捂响遇懈标楔掌刷标帅铃柒

