(完整)人教版七年级下册初一下册电子课本word文档 docx

发布时间:2021-04-04 17:27:42

Unit 1. Can you play the guitar?

Section A



I want to join the music club. Oh, can you sing?

Yes, I can.

Can you swim?

No, lean

I want to join the art club・

Can you draw?

Yes, I can.



What can these people do? Match the activities

with the people・


2. Swim


4 ・ Dra w

5.Play chess

6・ Speak English

7・ Play the guitar lb

Listen and number the conversation [1 -3].

()A: Can you swim?

B: No, I can ' t.

()A: I want to join the art club.

B: Can you draw?

A: Yes, I can.

()A: I want to join the music club・ B: Oh, can you sing?

A: Yes, I can.


Conversation 1

I want to join the music club.

Oh, can you smg?

Yes, I can.

Conversation 2

Can you swim?

No, lean

Conversation 3

I want to join the art club.

Can you draw?

Yes, I can.


Practice the conversations above with your partner・ Then make your own conversations.


Conversation 1

I want to join the music club. Oh, can you smg?

Yes, I can.

Conversation 2

Can you swim?

No, lean t.

Conversation 3

I want to join the art club・ Can you draw?

Yes, I can.


Listen to these two conversations and circle the clubs you hear.

a. English club

b・ art club

c.music club

d.chess club

e.swimming club


Conversation 1

What club do you want to join, Lisa?

I want to join the chess club.

Can you play chess?

No, I can t. What about you, John?

I can.

Conversation 2

Hi, Mary. Here are all the clubs ・

What club do you want to join, Bob?

I want to join the English club・ I like to speak English・ How about you?

Hmm. I want to join the chess club. Can you

play chess?

No, I don t like chess・ Do you like music?

Oh, yes. I can sing and dance. I like music.

Me, too. Let s join the music club・


Listen again・ Complete the sentence・

1.Lisa wants to join the club, but she can


2・ Bob wants to join the club・ He likes

to speak .

3. Mary likes music・ She can and .

Bob likes music, too. They want to join the club ・


Conversation 1

What club do you want to join, Lisa?

I want to join the chess club・

Can you play chess?

No, I can t. What about you, John?

I can.

Conversation 2

Hi, Mary. Here are all the clubs ・

What club do you want to join, Bob?

I want to join the English club・ I like to speak English. How about you?

Hmm. I want to jom the chess club. Can

you play chess?

No, I don t like chess・ Do you like music?

Oh, yes. I can sing and dance. I like music.

Me, too. Let s join the music club・


Look at 2b and talk about what the people can do and the clubs they want to join.


What club does Lisa want to join?

She wants to join the ……


Role-play the conversation.

Jane: Hi, Bob. What club do you want to join?

Bob: I want to join a sports club ・

Jane: Great! What sports can you play?

Bob: Soccer.

Jane: So you can jorn the soccer club・

Bob: What about you? Youre very good at telling stories ・ You can join the story telling club・

Jane: Sounds good・ But I like to draw, too.

Bob: Then join two clubs, the story telling club and the art club!

Jane: OK, let s join now!


Hi, Bob・ What club do you want to join?

I want to jorn a sports club・ Great!

What sports can you play?


So you can join the soccer club・

What about you? You ' re very good at telling stories ・ You can join the story telling club・ Sounds good・ But I like to draw, too.

Then join two clubs, the story telling club and the art club!

OK, letJ s join now!

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Grammar Focus

can J t=cannot

vl^vl^ kI^kJ^ vf^

^y*^yw ^y*^yw ^y*^yw <^J>


Write questions and answers with the words and phrases.

1. Wu Jun/ speak English/ speak Chinese

Can Wu Jun speak English? No, he can t, but he

can speak Chinese

2・Mike/ play basketball/ play tennis 3・ Jane and Jill/ dance/ sing 4・ Grace/ play soccer/ play volleyball

5. Bill/ write stories/ tell stories



Complete the poster with the words in the box.

play sing tell dance

Students Wanted for School Show

We want students for the school show・ Can you

or ? Can you the guitar? Can

you stories? Please talk to Mr. Zhang after




What can your group do in the school show?

word/media/image8.gifMake a list.

What can you do, Li Xin?

lean do kung fu.

(完整)人教版七年级下册初一下册电子课本word文档 docx
