

体育教学常规用语培训( Training on common terms in PE teaching 准备活动warming-up exercises 1, head and neck movement: move your head and neck gently at four directions, put them downward, upward, then bend aside and move around. 1、头颈运动:轻柔地向四个方向做低头、抬头、侧屈及绕换动作。
2, chest movement: move you arms upward to your shoulders, then move backward. Do not put your arms down.2、扩胸运动:双臂抬平,向后振动,手臂不要向下掉。
3, Side movement: bend your body to the left and right, gradually bent your body at a larger angel, and move your arms toward side direction. 3、体侧运动:向左右体侧屈,并慢慢加大体侧幅度,向侧伸手臂。
4Turning-around movement: keep your feet on the ground, then distribute the weight of your body on each leg, and turn around, with your head facing backward. 4、体转运动:双脚踏实地面,双腿均衡受重心,转体时头向后看。
5Stretch movement: try your best to stretch your body upward, and then bend down your waist and shake your body to touch your knees and your feet. 5、伸展运动:全身用力向上伸展,并向下弯腰振动躯体,双手摸膝盖、摸脚背。

6Kick movement: stand on your toesbrace your knees and kick foreupward hard. 6踢腿运动:向前上方向用力踢腿,绷直脚尖、膝盖。
7. Jump movement: jump upward with ease, put your legs apart and together naturally, or bend your knees and put your legs upward, waving your arms coordinately and naturally. 7、跳跃运动:轻松地向上跳跃,双腿自然开合,或者向上屈膝抬腿,双手臂自然协调地在体侧摆动。
Special words: Spontaneously, coordinately, hardgently, slowly or gradually, fast try to, move both arms at the same time, move your legs one by one, put up, put down, turn, circle, wave, shake, bent forward, bent sideward, warming-up exercise, muscle, skeleton, avoid sports injury. (特别词汇:自然地、协调的、用力的、轻柔的、慢慢地、快速的、尽量的;双手同时,单腿依次进行,向上抬,向下放,转动,绕环,摆动,振动,向前弯腰,体侧屈;热身运动,肌肉、骨骼,防止运动损伤。
class arrangement体育教学常规用语培训(:课堂组织 1, formation exercise: please stand in 3 ranks/lines, girls standing in the first row. 队列练习:请同学们站成三列横队(三路纵队)女同学站在第一排;
Please stand in order of height. The tall students stand at the right and the short students please stand at the left; 请同学们按照高矮顺

序从右向左站位,高的同学站在右边,矮的同学站在左边; students in the first row please squat down the ground; 请第一排的同学们蹲下来;
please keep enough space between each other; 请同学们保持适当的间隔,不要太紧;
please stand towards the middle.请同学们面向中间站立。 2. classroom arrangement: now, please stand in a line and do 2 laps.课堂组织:下面,请同学们成纵队队形绕田径场慢跑两圈; please start the exercises in pairs, and the competition will be held between groups composed of 3 students; 同学们两人一组开始这个练习,请同学们三人一个小组开始教学比赛;
Students in the first row please stand in a line, and then shoot at the basket one by one. 请第一排的同学们站成一路纵队,一个一个地依次进行投篮练习;
The students in the first row please turn around, facing the students in second row, and practice passing the ball in pairs.请第一、第二排的同学面相对站立,两人一组练习足传球;
Let’s go to the center of the field, please stand at the edge of the ground. 请同学们站到场地中间来,请你站在场地边上去; Please concentrate on the tips of skills which I will tell you; 请同学们快速集中,听老师讲解技术要领;
please keep quiet, shut up. 请大家保持安静,不要说话!

Please follow me on the movement. 请同学们跟我做动作; Please repeat this movement several times under teachers order. 同学们在老师口令指挥下反复多次练习; Please do it again.请再做一次这个动作。

