夕阳西下的意思 夕阳西下

发布时间:2019-04-29 23:36:12

夕阳西下的意思 夕阳西下

  1. 夕阳西下的意思1. 阿灰白色霜不放树木夕阳西下,多领域的17日,在Knutsfod,英国2010年。
  A hoar frost clings to trees as the sun sets over fields on January 7, 2010 in Knutsfod, United Kingdom.2. 趁着夕阳西下这光线还好的时刻,我与朋友顺着那条长长的石蹬路直达月洞。
  EL*bgp ygKi0 Taking advantage of sunset light, but fortunately, this time, my friends along the way Natiao long tread directly on the stone holes.3. 夕阳西下时,我们不得不告别村民回家。
  With the sun setting down, we had to say goodbye to the villages and went home.4. 何不换一种活法,攀爬更多的高山,吃多点儿冰激淋,经常光着脚板儿遛哒遛哒,在更多的河流里畅游,多看看夕阳西下,多点欢笑哈哈,少让泪水滴答!In stead, climb more mountains, eat more ice cream, go barefoot more often, swim more rivers, watch more sunsets, laugh more, cry less.5. 夕阳西下,天色将暗,沱江两岸的彩灯齐亮,微风吹来,水波弄影。
  Sunset, the sky will be dark, QI Liang Tuojiang lanterns on both sides, the breeze blowing, 弄影 water.6. 夕阳西下的近义词6. 换一种活法,去攀登更多的高山,经常光着脚闲游漫步,在更多的河流里畅游,多欣赏夕阳西下,多点欢笑,少些泪花。
  Instead, climb more mountains, go barefoot more often, swim more rivers, watch more sunsets, laugh more, cry less.7. 夕阳西下的解释7. 夜的序曲是开始于夕阳西下的音乐,开始于它对难以形容的黑暗所作的庄严的赞歌。
  Night is commenced in the music of the sunset, in its solemn hymn to the ineffable dark.8. 清爽的早晨,我可以背着小书包高高兴兴地去上学。
  共2页,当前第112Everyday, I go to school cheerfully in the morning and skip along at the way home as the sun set.9. 站在柚柑海湾,由于原生态、能见度高,您能看到对面的香港的山峦、岛屿,您能看到各种壮观的大货轮在航标线上缓缓地向盐田港驶去,每当夕阳西下时,更是让人永生难忘的一次约会。
  For its primitive and high visibility, you can stand in YouGanWan and see the mountains and islands of Hong Kong at the opposite, and see spectacular carriers steering to Yantian Port along the navigation mark. Such a view at sunset is like a date never to forget.10. 结束了漫长又忙碌的一天,夕阳西下,斜照上海。
  突然间,你张大了嘴巴At the end of a long busy day as the dun starts setting in Shanghai, you11. 美国,维吉尼亚:夕阳西下的傍晚,支持者们聚集在威利逊无线维吉尼亚海滩剧场聆听奥巴马的演讲。
  夕阳西下的意思Buyuni, Zambia: Electoral commission workers start counting votes in a polling station about 30km east of Lusaka in Zambia's presidential election12. 用蓝黑色、深蓝色、湖蓝色、淡蓝色等多种颜色的丝线绣出夕阳西下后,池塘呈现出深蓝色水面,微风拂过的片片亮蓝色的波纹和水边植物的倒影。
  It embroiders with thread of color black blue, dark blue, lake blue, light blue and other colors to display the light blue waves while gentle wind blow over and shadows of the lake side plants after the sunset, the pond appear blue; embroiders each kind of lotus leaf on the water with different color levels and color of dark green, light green, yellow-green, red, lemon yellow, etc.; embroiders pieces of white blooming lotus which lie on the big lotus leafs with color white, lotus-roof, light green and so on.13. 夕阳西下什么意思13. 一天晚上,正当夕阳西下的时候,在恩纳戴尔湖的岸边,我请求希拉里嫁给我。
  One evening at sunset, on the shore of Lake Ennerdale, I asked Hillary to marry me. I couldn`t believe I`d done it.14. 夕阳西下在线翻译14. 每当朝阳初升或夕阳西下,两面的山峰便现出娇艳的紫色,海水变成深蓝,使人如置身画中。
  Today Akureyri plays a key role in the island's logistics, both from the point of view of mercantile trade and passenger movement.15. 夕阳西下的近义词15. 金字塔的一步,必须西侧的尼罗河,一边在该夕阳西下。
  The step pyramid had to be on the west side of the Nile, the side on which the sun sets.16. 夕阳西下是什么意思16. 夕阳西下,倦鸟归还,离家的人儿,你也该踏上回乡的路途了。
  The people, the stories and the feelings print in your heart.17. 夕阳西下的反义词17. 看着那夕阳西下,沉落在它那由粉、紫、金黄混成的霞光里,弗洛伦萨荡漾在色彩的潮汐中,这潮汐使所有明晰的线条慢慢变淡,变弱,使这本无生气的城市变成了梦幻之城;这景象搅动了最冷酷的自然,并使多愁善感的人沉醉。
  To see the sun sink down, drowned in his pink, purple and golden floods, and overwhelm Florence with tides of color that make all the sharp lines dim and faint and turn the solid city to a city of dreams, is a sight to stir the coldest nature, and make a sympathetic one drunk with ecstasy.18. 夕阳西下18. 我觉得,夕阳西下是一种忧郁的美。
  I think sunset is a kind of sad beauty.19. 在夕阳西下时,你一定能成功When the sun goes down, you can make it20. 夕阳西下,并在其重新提出之前,一些人,和你永远不分离了。
  Sun sets to, and in its re-raised before, some people, and you never separate from the.

夕阳西下的意思 夕阳西下
