
发布时间:2019-05-05 17:42:11



ThespringFestivalisingsoon!Thefestivelisconsiderede dthemostimportantoneforchinesepeople Itisonthefirstdayoflimaryear



peo plewouldsa


year!orwis eywouldals childrenw enwouldhav


ovisitthei ouldbegive


rtune!toea rrelatives nz/redpacke andplaytha

yingfirecr ackersisal soapopular gameforchi ldreno 翻译:

春节快到了,这个节日被认为是中国人民最重要的一 个。它是在农历年的第一天。也是家人团聚的日子。在这 些日子里,人们会说新年快乐!还是祝你好运!彼此。他 们也会拜访他们的亲戚和朋友。孩子们将获得红色pa ckets\孩子会比平时更多的吃和玩。儿童玩鞭炮也是一 个受欢迎的游戏。


Spri ngFestival

ndwecaneat thedelicio usfoodseve rydayo

Peop lestilllik ethefestiv al o Because mostpeople canhavealo ngholiday , andwearefr eetogoonat riporvisit ourfriends orhavepart ieswithour family Int heevenings , wecanhave abigmealin therestaur antorstaya thomewithf amilyandwa tchtheTVpr ogramso 春节对中国人来说十分重要。在过去,人们往往没有 肉,大米或其他美味的食物吃。他们通常只能在春节吃到 这些。所以每年他们都期望春节能够快点来。此刻,虽然 人们的生活好多了,我们每一天都能够吃美味的食物。人 们仍然喜欢的春节。因为大多数人能够有一个很长的假期, 我们能够自由地去旅行或拜访我们的朋友或与我们的家人 聚会。晚上,我们能够在餐厅大吃一顿,或与家人留在家 里看电视节目。

Ilikethe SpringFest ivalverymu ch o Howwond erfultheSp ringFestiv alis !



TheSp ringFestiv alisthemos timportant festivalin china Peop leusuallyd ecoratethe doorsandwi ndowswithr edpapercut s becouser edmeansgoo dlucko Peop leusuallyc leanhouset 00 becouse theywantto sweepawayb adluck chi ldrencange tsomenewcl othesorpre sentsfromt heirparent sandgrandp arentSo 翻译:

春节是中国最重要的节日。人们通常用红色的剪纸装 饰门和窗户。因为红色意味着好运。人们通常打扫房子。 因为他们想要扫除坏运气。孩子们能够买些新衣服或礼物 来自父母和祖父母。


will christmasR eplacetheS pringFesti val?

chri stmasarous esincreasi ngattentio nyearbyyea rinchinao c hristmasca rdsbeepopu larwithstu dents0 Peop leholdchri stmasparti esandexcha ngechristm asgirts Al otorTVandr adioprogra msaboutchr istmasareo n meanwhil etheSpring Festivalis lessappeal ing (有吸弓I力的)toyoungste rsThussom

epeoplewon derwhetheT christmasw illreplace

theSpringF estivalo

Thisworryi sfairlyunn ecessary0 w hy? onereas onliesthat christmaso nlyaffects Christians collegest udentsandj oint-ventu re (合资企业)wo rkers Anot herreasoni sthatchris tmasismost lycelebrat edincities Fewpeople incountrys

ideshowext remeintere stinthisex otic (带有异国情调的) festiva 1Bycontra st, theSpri ngFestival isthemosti nfluential traditiona lfestivali neveryfami lyo

illtreasur etheSpring Festivalfo revero


Newy earParty

onNewyear sEve, ourcl asshadapar ty Theatmo spherewasg ood Itwaso utoftheord inaryfromt heverybegi ning Thebo ystudentfr omonebedro omgaveanun usualperfo rmance wes awaboyname dLiXinmint urnoffallt helightsin asuddensna p Thenwith threeresou nding (响亮的)crowofacoc

Thehall Afterthat , theyhadano theritem T histimeLiX inminwaspl acedinthem iddleofthe circle whi lehewassta ndingthere , theothert hreestooda roundhim , e achbowingd owntohimat anangleof1 20degrees o Itwasanidi om o Thistim elgotitrig ht "Thedog standsouta mongagroup ofchickens 春节英语作文(六):

TheSprin gFestival

TheSpring Festival, c hineseNewy ear, isthem ostimporta ntfestival forallofus Allfamily membersget togetheron Newyear'Ev etohaveabi gmealo Atth esametime , everyonece lebratesto eachother o Atabout12o J clock , som eparentsan dchildrenl ightcracke rs o Thewhol eskyisligh tedbrightl y wemaywat chthefirew orksexcite dlyo Howbus yitis !

on thefirstea rlymoringo foneyear, m anyseniorc itizengetu pearlyandt heystickth ereversedF

uorhangsom ecoupletso nthefrontd oor Someho use' swindo wsarestick edonredpap ercutlings

earisanoth erfestivalItnamesth eLanternFe stivalo

S othechines eNewyeares totheendo 春节英语作文(七):

T heSpringFe stival

Th eSpringFes tival, chin eseNewyear , isthemost importaritf estivalfor allofusAl 1 familymem bersgettog etheronNew year'Eveto haveabigme al o Atthesa metime, eve ryoneceleb ratestoeac hotherAta boutl2o'cl ock , somepa rentsandch ildrenligh tcrackers Thewholesk yislighted brightly w emaywatcht hefirework sexcitedlyHowbusyit is!

onthe firstearly moringofon eyear , many seniorciti zengetupea rlyandthey stickthere versedFuor hangsomeco upletsonth efrontdoor Somehouse ' swindowsa restickedo nredpaperc utlingSo

isanotherf estivalo It namestheLa nternFesti valo

Soth echineseNe wyearestot heendo


Ih adagoodtim eduringSpr ingFestiva 1

Thismo rning , Igot upatsixo' c lockThenl brushedmyt eethandwas hedmyface Afterthat ,

Ihadbreakf astwithmyp arents Atn oon , Iwentt omygrandpa rents'hous eandvisite dmyaunts , u nclesandco usins Inth eafternoon , wemadedum plingstoge ther o Inthe evening, we haddumplin gs, sweetan dsourpork, andlotsofn icedishesf ordinnero A fterdinner , myparents andIwentho me wesetof ffireworks andwenttob edtherio

w ewereallve ryhappyo Th atwasanice SpringFest ivalo


The SpringFest ivalesa,fte rNewyear5 s DayIt' sus uallyinjan uaryorFebr uary It'st hechineseN ewyear? sDa yTheSprin gFestivali sthebigges

tfestivali nchina All ofthechine selikethis festival

w henites, pe oplearebus yTheyusua llydosomec

Somepeop lelikeNewy ear' scake, butmorepeo plethinkdu

mplingsare themostdel iciousfood ofall Some

familiesha veaparty T heysing , da nceandhave agoodtime Ilikethisf estivalver ymuchbecau seicanplay withmyfrie ndsandlcan get/zredenv elopes" 翻译:

春节是在新年的第一天。通常是在一月或二月。这是 中国新年的日子。春节是中国最大的节日。所有的中国人 喜欢这个节日当它来了,人正忙着他们通常透过清洁、去 商店去买些新的衣服和超多的肉类、蔬菜、水果节日的前 夕,家里人是从其他地方回来的他们聚在一齐吃一顿丰富 的晚餐,他们吃饺子,新年的蛋糕和一些其它美味的食物 自我的房屋有些人喜欢新年的蛋糕,但更多的人认为水饺 是最好吃的食物。一些家庭举行一个聚会他们唱歌,跳舞, 玩得很开心的我喜欢这个节日得并不多,因为我能够玩我 的朋友和我还能得到红包


Chinese SpringFest ivalcelebr atingtheen dofwintera ndthewarmt hofspring Itbeganint helastdayo fthelunary ear , endint hel5thdayo flunarNewy ear , alsois theLantern Festival D uringtheSp ringFestiv al , peopleu seredlante rnandSprin gFestivale oupletsdec orateahous e ,

putonall kindsofcol oredclothe s, oftenvis itfriendsa

withhapp yo Streetwi thdragonan dliondance andsomeoth ercarnival activities , ccTVwillh eldthegran dSpringFes tivalgala

翻译:中国的春节庆祝冬天的结束和温暖春天的来临。 它开始于农历年的最后一天,结束于农历正月十五,也就 是元宵节。在春节期间,人们用红灯笼和春联装饰房子, 穿上各式各样的彩色衣服,经常拜访亲戚朋友或聚在一齐 吃饺子、鱼、肉和其他美味的食物。孩子们盼望着收到红 包的压岁钱,他们一齐放烟花,相互玩的跟开心。大街上 有舞龙、舞狮和其他一些狂欢活动,中央电视台会举行盛 大的春节联欢晚会。


Th eSpringFes tivalisthe mostimport antfestiva lforthechi nesepeople andiswhena llfamilyme

mbersgetto gether, jus tlikechris tmasinthew est o Allpeo plelivinga wayfromhom egoback, be ingthebusi esttimefor transporta tionsystem sofaboutha lfamonthfr omtheSprin gFestival o Airports , r ailwaystat ionsandion g-distanee busstation sarecrowde dwithhomer eturneeso

DuringSpr ingFestiva 1 , themosti mprotantda ysareSprin gFestivalE veandthefi rstthreeda ys manycus tomsaepany theSpringF estival

DuringSpri ngFestival time , youca nseekindso fdecoratio ns youcang ototemplef airsandenj oysuperbpe rformances ofthedance s , stilt~wa lkingandam azingacrob atieshowso soilikeito 翻译:

春节是中国人民最重要的节日,所有的家庭成员聚在 一齐,就像西方的圣诞节。住远离家的所有人回去,成为 最繁忙时光交通系统从春节约半个月。机场、火车站和长 途汽车站挤满了回家的海归。

春节期间,最重要的一天是春节前夕,前三天。春节 有许多习俗。

在春节期间,你能够看到各种装饰。你能够去庙会, 享受一流的表演的舞蹈,和惊人的杂技节目。所以我喜欢 它。


Thi swinterhol idaylstaye dathome la mhappybeca

stivalPart yonccTVlo S ometimes, I reviewedmy lessons

Ih adaverywon derfulholi dayo

整个寒假我都呆在家里,我很高兴因为春节期间我的 爸爸和妈妈能够花更多时光和我在一齐。而且,在新年前 夕,我们一家吃了团圆饭,然后我们看中央电视一台的春 节联欢晚会。有时,我复习功课。我度过了一个十分愉快 的假期。

