
发布时间:2018-09-05 04:51:57



         关键词 Mybatis;持久层;实体关系映射;框架

        Application Research of Mybatis Persistence Layer Framework

        Rong Yan-dong

        Inner Mongolia Business & Trade Vocational Colleage Inner MongoliaHohhot 010070

         Abstract Database access is an essential technical link of software development Java language is able to occupy a very important position in the enterprise which is convenient and highly scalable database operation has a great relationship. This paper mainly discusses how to use Mybatis to establish a persistent layer. This paper first describes what is persistence layer framework and then discussed Mybatis technology from both architecture and application process in detail and finally the advantages and disadvantages of Mybatis are analyzed. By discussing the following conclusions Mybatis can meet the needs of the enterprise the enterprise needs to carry on the repackaging based on it so as to improve the efficiency of database access programming and the maturity of the persistence layer.

