


1、本试卷分为语文、数学、英语三科,每科满分100,总分300分。 2、本考试实行同堂合卷,考试时间共150分钟。


评卷人 复查人 一、基础知识及其运用(本大题共3小题,每小题5分,共15

A.华山(huá) 引吭高歌(háng 气慨 安装争辩 B.角斗(jué) 丢三落四(luò) 再接再励 川流不息瞭望 C.宁死不屈(nìng 商榷(què) 黄粱美梦一幅画赝品 D.沮(jǔ 水摸鱼(hùn 入场券 做月子凑合 2下列各句中,加点的词语使用最恰当的一项是(
A.获得教养的途径有许多种,比如阅读经典等,但独立思考的意识和能力更应该是我们着力培养和处心积虑追求的东西. ....B.世界文学的辉煌殿堂对每一位有志者都敞开着,谁也不必对它收藏之丰富而望洋兴叹,因....为问题不在于数量。

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评卷人 复查人 二、文言阅读与积累(本大题共3小题,第4小题5分,第5


A.无它财,愿以身居作 居作:当佣人
..B.窃闻夫子高义,简斥数妇,妾亦偃蹇数夫矣 简斥:挑选斥退 ..C.乃共责让主人,而称鸿长者 长者:年老的人
..D.乃更为椎髻,着布衣,操作而前 操作:手中操持着家务活 ..5.把文中画横线的句子译成现代汉语。
译文: ______________________________________________________________ 6.补写出下列语句中空缺的部分. 1,又何间焉。(《左传·曹刿论战》)
2 ,铜雀春深锁二乔。(杜牧《赤壁》

评卷人 复查人


驮水的日子 温亚军
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⑦慢慢地,在上等兵不慍不怒、不急不缓的调教中,驴没了那份暴烈,心平气和得就像河边的水草。上等兵感觉到驴已经真心实意接纳了他,便对驴更加亲切友好了。驴读懂了那份亲近,朝空寂的山中吼叫几声,又在自己吼叫的回声里敲出鼓点一样的蹄音欢快地走着.上等兵感应着驴的欢快,知心地拍了拍驴背,把缰绳往它脖子上一盘,不再牵它,只跟在一边。他又想到该给驴起个名字,兴奋起来,一点没犹豫,就给驴起名黑家伙。连长喜欢叫兵们这个家伙那个家伙的,驴全身黑色,就该叫黑家伙"。虽然驴不是兵,但也是连队的一员,是他的战友. ⑧上等兵决定让黑家伙"独自驮水回连。在河边装上水后,他对黑家伙"说你自己回吧,“黑家伙"就自己上山了.“黑家伙第一次独自上路时,上等兵有点不放心,悄悄跟在后面,远远地看着,他发现家伙稳健的身影,竟是群山中惟一的动点。这惟一的动点,一下子使四周沉寂的山峰山谷多了些让人感动的东西。过了一个多小时,黑家伙驮着空挑子回到河边.上等兵高兴极了,扑上去亲了它一口,并把自己在河边割的青草奖赏给它.“黑家伙吃着,不停地甩着尾巴,表示它的高兴. ⑨上等兵买回一个铃铛,拴到黑家伙的脖子上,铃铛声清脆悦耳,陪伴着黑家伙行走在寂静的山道上。黑家伙喜欢这铃铛声,离上等兵越来越近,步子也越来越快,铃铛声也越加响亮,远远地传到盖孜河边。
⑩为了打发黑家伙不在身边的时间,上等兵带上了课本,在河边复习功课,他心里一直做着考军校的梦呢.复习累了,他背着手在草地上散步.他想到考上军校后,会和黑家伙"分开,心里一阵难受,拼命给黑家伙割青草,想把黑家伙一个冬天甚至几个冬天要吃的草都割下、晒干,预备好。在铃铛声中,又过了一年.这年夏天,上等兵考取了军校. 走的那天,上等兵叫黑家伙"驮着自己的行李下山,再最后一次给黑家伙背上的挑子里装
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评卷人 复查人


②能用众力,则无敌于天下矣;能用众智,则无畏于圣人矣。—-————孙权 ③鸡蛋因得适当的温度而变化为小鸡。-——-—毛泽东
④平静的湖面,炼不出精悍的水手;安逸的环境,造不出时代的伟人。—--列别捷夫 ⑤花好蝴蝶自飞来。-————朝鲜谚语

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评卷人 复查人 一、单项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题5,50分)在每个小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将
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1.已知集合A={﹣1,01}B={xx0},则AB= A{0}B{1C.(01D.{01} 2.若z=1+i,则A.﹣iB23i= z136iC.﹣1D1 553Rf(xf(x+f(-x=00f(x=2x22f(f(1+f(2=

A.﹣8B.﹣6C4D6 1cos3,则cosα2sinα=(

554.若5.设向量a(x,1,b(1,3,且ab,则向量a3b与的夹角为( A25BCD 63367,则=
46.锐角ABC的内角ABC的对边分别为、、,且>,已知=4=5sinA=A9B8C7D6 7.已知变量x与变量y之间具有相关关系,并测得如下一组数据:

6 6 5 5 10 3 12 2 则变量xy之间的线性回归直线方程可能为(
A=0.7x2.3B=07x+103C=103x+07D=10.3x0.7 xy208.设实数,满足xy40,则x2y的最小值为(
y1A.﹣5B.﹣4C.﹣3D.﹣1 9.已知等比数列{}中,a53,a4a745,则a7a9的值为(
a5a7 7 16

A3B5C9D25 10.直线l过点P(2,0)且与圆x2+y2=1相切,则l的斜率是( A±1B31C3D

评卷人 复查人 二、填空题(本大题共3小题,每小题4分,共12分)请在每小

11的解集为. x112.给出如图的程序框图,程序输出的结果是.


评卷人 复查人 三、解答题(本大题共3小题,第1415小题各13分,第16

14.已知{}为等差数列,且a1a38,a2a412. 1)求数列{}的通项公式; 2)记的{}前项和为,若,Sk2成等比数列,求正整数的值.

15.如图,在正方体ABCDA1B1C1D1中,EF为棱ADAB的中点. (Ⅰ)求证:EF∥平面CB1D1; (Ⅱ)求证:平面CAA1C1⊥平面CB1D1
8 16

x2y216.如图,已知椭圆C:221(ab0的左焦点为F(﹣10,过点F做轴的垂线交椭圆于abAB两点,且|AB=3 (1)求椭圆C的标准方程:


评卷人 复查人 一、单项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)从

Why did you laugh just now? --- Ted wanted to tell us very funny storybut he forgot end himself A./the Baan Cathe Dthe;the
2.- Sorry for being late again. -—— _____here on time next time or you’ll be punished
ABeBBeingCTo be DBeen ( 3 I'm wondering _________ Liu Xiang will havetime to_________ the meeting

9 16

A. whether;attendB thatattendC whetherappearD thatappear 4.-- I went to have the driving test this morning but I didn’t pass it。—- ___________ A. Luck decides everything.B You are always unlucky
C But you can drive well.D. Better luck next time
5.——- Do you know ________ the soldiers went to the small Town?

-—— The roads were badly broken. They had to walk there A why B whenC how D
where 6 You look _____ . What do you _____ ? A. worry worry about B. worry worried about C. worried worried about D worried worry about
7.——Paul invited us to take part in a party tomorrow evening. - _____ Is tomorrow his birthday?
A Why not?B. What a good idea!C What for?D. That’s all right ( 8. It’s about 10 years ________ his aunt went to Canada A. for
B. before C. since D. until 9 I agree with most of what you said but I can’t agree with ______.
A everything B anything C. something D. nothing 10 I won't leave the classroom until my homework ______. A. finishesB is finished C will finish D. are finished

评卷人 复查人 二、语言应用(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)

11.To view this channel
we need to open the link with.

A ios 8.2 Bios 5 C ios 10.22 12.What’s the weather like in Rome on Sunday
It is ________. 10 16

A.cloudy to sunny B. cloudyC. windy ( 13To find a parking space you should _________.
A turn leftB turn rightC. Go straight 14The sign shows that____________

A.There is another way B. The vehicle can be twoway traffic. C. You can only drive in one direction. ( 15From the content of this ticket,we know that
11 16

A. This football game will begin between China and Iraq B.This ticket costs¥100 C
Match will be start at 6:00pm ( 16. where is the meeting of the First Session of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference CPPCC is held

A. BEIJING March 15 (Xinhua B. The Great Hall of the People C
The CPPCC National Committee ( 17.According to the News, we know that ________

A. Ian Sample is the author of A Brief History of Time

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B Stephen Hawking dies age 76
C Hawking's intuition inspired fellow scientists
Part B
18. Where are we most likely to see the news? A. Newspaper B. Website C.Advertisement 19. How large the university library in area? A 1980000 B. 41048
C.150000 ( 20 If you want to read a bookwhen will the library be open A 7:30 on Tuesday. B. 22:10 on Wednesday C14:00 on Friday 得分

评卷人 复查人 三、阅读理解题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分)

I have a rule for travelNever carry a mapI prefer to ask for directions. Foreign visitors are often confused in Japan because most streets there don't have namesIn Japan, people use landmarks in their directions instead of street names.For example, the Japanese will say to travelers“Go straight down to the cornerTurn left at the big hotel and go past a fruit marketThe post office is across from the bus stop.”
In the countryside of the American Midwest usually there are not many landmarks.Instead of
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landmarks, people will tell you directions and distance.For example, people will say“Go north two milesTurn east, and then go another mile." People in Los Angeles, California have no idea of distance on a mapThey measure distance by means of time not miles.“How far away is the post office” you ask“Oh, ” they answer“it’s about five minutes from here.” You say“Yes but how many miles away is it" They usually don't know
People in Greece sometimes do not even try to give directions because not many visitors can understand the Greek language.Instead of giving you directions a Greek will often say,“Follow meThen he’ll lead you through the streets of the city to the post office. One thing will help you everywhere in Japan in the US, in Greece or in any other placeYou may not understand a person’s words, but maybe you can understand his body language.He will usually turn and then point in the correct direction.Go in that direction and you may find the post office! ( 21The underlined word “landmarks” means “______"
AstreetsBbuildings Chotels, markets and bus stopsDbuildings that are easily recognized(认出) 22If you ask people in Los Angeles for directions
they will______. Ashow you a mapBlead you to the place Ctell you the time you have to spendDtell you the directions and distance 23In the passage, ______countries are mentioned by the writer
Athree BfourCfive Dsix 24Which of the following is TRUE? APeople in Japan give directions in miles
BA person’s body language often gives you wrong directions. CTravelers can learn about people’s customs by asking for directions. DThe Greek language is widely used by people all over the world 25The passage mainly tells us that______. Ait's difficult for people to travel in foreign countries Bthere are not many landmarks in the American Midwest CGreeks often lead you to the place that you are looking for Dthere are different ways to give directions in different countries B
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The well-mannered Englishman at table holds and keeps his knife in his right hand, his fork in his left cuts his meat and presses his vegetable into his fork.The wellmannered American first cuts up all his meat then places his knife down on the right of his plate, takes his fork in his right hand and with his fork puts the food into the mouth.He will have coffee half way through his dinner before the pudding (布, 一种甜点).The Englishman drinks his coffee after the dinnerAnd, of course Americans are coffeedrinkers rather than tea-drinkersThe Englishman would be shocked (震惊) at the American's idea of how tea should be made
The popular way to make tea is to take a cup or a pot of hot water and drop a cotton bag into it with tea left in itFor a change they will sometimes put a pan of water on the electric stove (炉子), and just as the water gets warm throw in some tea and then pour the mixture into a tea pot pour it into a cup (or glass and drink it without turning a hair. ( 26Which of the following statements is TRUE
ANeither the well.mannered Englishman nor the wellmannered American holds his knife in his left hand
BBoth Englishmen and Americans take their forks in the same hands. CEnglishmen and Americans have coffee at the same time at dinner. DForeigners, whether Englishmen or Americans are all coffee-drinkers. 27“Americans are coffee.drinkers rather than tea­drinkers" means “______”
AAmericans don't drink tea at allBAmericans drink less tea than Englishmen CAmericans only drink coffeeDAmericans drink more coffee 28A wellmannered American ______. Aholds his knife in his right hand all the time at table Bdoesn’t use a knife during his meals Cplaces his knife down on the right of his plate Duses his knife only once during his dinner ( 29In the second paragraph “without turning a hair" means “______"
Ato show no worry or fearBto sit still Cto be careful of everythingDto think about nothing 30What is the story about
ADifferent people have different manners.
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BEnglishmen and Americans all use knives and forks at dinner CEnglishmen and Americans have the same way to make tea. DEnglishmen and Americans have different manners at dinner. 得分

评卷人 复查人 四、翻译题(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分)

31To our surprise he died of illness
32.I would rather cheer up than lose heart. 33 They had no choice but to stay up to deal with the problem 34. My father didnt get better chances until he became a university student. 35.He doesnt know if/whether he will take the lead in the English exam
36.Everyone hopes forsuccess. 37 No university accepted him simply because he was blind. 38.The birthday present he sent me is veryvaluable 39.I am very worried that Tom hasntrepliedto my email. 40 It is important for man to learn about the universe
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