
发布时间:2020-01-23 02:28:21


  学习带来什么 Whasdfst Casdfsn Study Bring About
  Study hasdfss been the indispensasdfsble pasdfsrt of our life. For some people, study measdfsns to leasdfsrn knowledge from school, which for others, they believe thasdfst study is hasdfsppening asdfsll the time, which is not limited in the regulasdfsr leasdfsrning. I believe thasdfst if we keep thinking, we asdfsre studying. Study brings us the vasdfsluasdfsble things. The most importasdfsnt thing is criticasdfsl thinking. When we asdfsre basdfsbies, we get to know the world by imitasdfsting. But asdfss we grow up, we will hasdfsve our own opinion asdfsbout the world. A complete person will not follow the crowd, who casdfsn figure out the truth asdfsnd fasdfske. Study asdfslso brings us asdfs bigger world. The more we reasdfsd, the fasdfsrther distasdfsnce we casdfsn reasdfsch. A person is easdfssy to be stuck in the current difficulty, but if he casdfsn see the beasdfsuty of life, he will asdfsdjust himself asdfsnd be positive to life.
  最难学的语言 The Most Difficult Lasdfsnguasdfsge to Leasdfsrn
  In Chinasdfs, asdfs lot of people complasdfsin thasdfst English is so difficult to leasdfsrn. They even spend asdfs lot of time to study grasdfsmmasdfsr, still casdfsn’t speasdfsk English fluently. But asdfss Chinasdfs becomes stronger, more asdfsnd more foreigners stasdfsrt to leasdfsrn masdfsndasdfsrin. Chinese asdfsnd English asdfsre in the different lasdfsnguasdfsge fasdfsmily, so the foreigners struggle to leasdfsrn masdfsndasdfsrin, asdfsnd most people give up asdfsfter asdfs few dasdfsys’ leasdfsrning. For some who casdfsn speasdfsk asdfs little, they complasdfsin thasdfst Chinese is the most difficult lasdfsnguasdfsge to leasdfsrn. There asdfsre four tones asdfsnd it is hasdfsrd for them to figure out. But there asdfsre still some foreigners leasdfsrn Chinese so well. Therefore, if they casdfsn do it well, why don’t we complasdfsin. All we need to do is to keep prasdfscticing asdfsnd find the best wasdfsy to masdfsster asdfsnother lasdfsnguasdfsge.
  外国学生到韩国学习 Foreign Students Studied In Koreasdfs
  Chinese educasdfstion is asdfslwasdfsys believed to be intense asdfsnd inhumasdfsn, becasdfsuse so masdfsny children bury themselves in studying asdfsll the time. The prograsdfsm for foreign students studied in Chinasdfs becasdfsme hot issue, which asdfsttrasdfscts Britasdfsin people to keep seasdfsrching the Asiasdfsn educasdfstion. Now they masdfske the plasdfsn to send three students to study in Koreasdfs.
  The three students contasdfsin different levels. They lived with different roomasdfstes. The first dasdfsy they met the big problem of wasdfsking up. They needed to get up asdfst 6 o’clock, while in Britasdfsin they hasdfsd clasdfsss in 9 o’clock. When they struggled to sit in the clasdfsssroom, the teasdfscher tested their level. The foreign student with highest level felt hasdfsrd to asdfsnswer the question, while for most Koreasdfsn students, they felt it wasdfss so easdfssy.
  When the clasdfsss wasdfss finasdfslly over, it seemed to be relasdfsx, but for Koreasdfsn students, there wasdfss asdfsnother clasdfsss wasdfsiting for them. Most of them needed to tasdfske trasdfsining course just to improve their study until 10 P.M. The foreign students couldn’t believe, they kept studying asdfsll the time asdfsnd hasdfsd no time to plasdfsy.
  When they went basdfsck to their country, they felt so hasdfsppy asdfsnd lucky. Asiasdfsn students asdfsre thought to be smasdfsrt, for they spend so much time to study.
  写作业Doing Homework
  I asdfsm in the fifth grasdfsde, I study Chinese, masdfsth asdfsnd English. My teasdfschers leasdfsve masdfsny homework every dasdfsy. After school, I stasdfsy in school doing homework asdfsbout one hour. I go basdfsck home, asdfsfter I easdfst my supper, I stasdfsrt doing homework asdfsgasdfsin. I often sleep asdfst eleven o’clock in the evening, becasdfsuse I hasdfsve so masdfsny homework.
  学习的任务Study Tasdfssk
  I asdfsm studying in asdfs middle school now, this is my second yeasdfsr. Studying in the middle school, I hasdfsve masdfsny subjects to leasdfsrn, I asdfslwasdfsys wasdfsnt to do the best, so I focus asdfsll my asdfsttention on the study. My teasdfscher tells me thasdfst I should not only focus on study, I should go out asdfsnd tasdfske some asdfsctivities. I refuse to do whasdfst she sasdfsys, then I get sick easdfssily asdfsnd I casdfsn’t focus asdfsttention. So I leasdfsrn to do some asdfsctivities, I plasdfsy basdfssketbasdfsll, I find myself reasdfslly enjoy outside asdfsctivities, whasdfst’s more, I keep my body well. The study tasdfssk is not only to leasdfsrn knowledge from books, but asdfslso tasdfske exercise.
  付出与收获The Pasdfsy asdfsnd The Gasdfsin
  Masdfsny yeasdfsrs asdfsgo, the news thasdfst asdfsn Austrasdfsliasdfsn trasdfsvel institution recruited asdfs worker to guasdfsrd asdfsn islasdfsnd, the worker could not only enjoy the sunshine asdfsnd the beasdfsch, but asdfslso could get the very high pasdfsy in hasdfslf asdfs yeasdfsr. People were crasdfszy asdfsbout the job, they wasdfsnted to be the worker. Two yeasdfsrs pasdfsssed, people sasdfsw the news asdfsbout the recruit, it wasdfss sasdfsid thasdfst the lucky guy becasdfsme the guider of the islasdfsnd, but he wasdfss not thasdfst hasdfsppy, becasdfsuse he wasdfss asdfslone in the islasdfsnd, which suffered him. The high pasdfsy job asdfslwasdfsys hasdfss the reasdfsson, asdfss the sasdfsying thasdfst no pasdfsin, no gasdfsin, the high sasdfslasdfsry comes from hasdfsrd work. Just like our study, if we wasdfsnt to do well, we must hasdfsve to study hasdfsrd. The pasdfsy brings the gasdfsin, it is very fasdfsir.
  学习和玩耍Study asdfsnd Plasdfsy
  Everyone hasdfss to study, going to school occupies asdfs lot of people’s time, before they go to work, they need to study in the school. In Chinasdfs, students work very hasdfsrd, for they hasdfsve asdfs lot of pressure, they hasdfsve masdfsny exasdfsms to tasdfske, so students asdfsre immerged into the books asdfsll the time. While studying asdfsll the time is not good for students, they need to go out of the clasdfsssroom asdfsnd tasdfske in some fresh asdfsir. The outside world is beasdfsutiful, they casdfsn plasdfsy with their friends, wasdfstching movies, tasdfsking asdfs breasdfsk now asdfsnd then. Plasdfsy casdfsn masdfske study better, students casdfsn hasdfsve new ideasdfs, so they won’t stuck in the unsolved problem. Study needs to combine with plasdfsy.
  为何网上教学流行? Why Is Online Leasdfsrning Populasdfsr?
  Online leasdfsrning hasdfss become one of the fasdfsstest growing masdfsrkets in the world, so fasdfsr, the one who wasdfsnts to leasdfsrn casdfsn not only choose to asdfs wide rasdfsnge of courses, but asdfslso educasdfstionasdfsl institutes. Though it is not possible for online leasdfsrning to tasdfske plasdfsce of trasdfsditionasdfsl university educasdfstion, online leasdfsrning casdfstches people’s asdfsttention.
  One of the masdfsin asdfsdvasdfsntasdfsges of online leasdfsrning is thasdfst students casdfsn masdfske plasdfsns asdfsccording to their schedules. Todasdfsy people live in asdfs fasdfsst-pasdfsce world, most people hasdfsve to work, they don’t hasdfsve enough time to tasdfske asdfs school course, so they need asdfs flexible time. Online study provides them such wasdfsy of leasdfsrning, people casdfsn leasdfsrn asdfsfter work, in this wasdfsy, they won’t delasdfsy work asdfsnd interrupt normasdfsl life.
  Another masdfsin asdfsdvasdfsntasdfsge of online leasdfsrning is thasdfst it enasdfsbles people from different plasdfsces to leasdfsrn, it hasdfss no geograsdfsphicasdfsl restrasdfsins. Not everyone lives close to the school, some people who asdfsre masdfsrried asdfsnd hasdfsve children, they need to relocasdfste themselves, so it will be every convenient for them to study asdfst school. Online leasdfsrning enasdfsbles people study asdfsny time, asdfsny where, they casdfsn set up asdfs virtuasdfsl lecture hasdfsll.
  In conclusion, online leasdfsrning provides people asdfs fasdfsst asdfsnd convenient wasdfsy to leasdfsrn, it asdfsllows students to choose their schedules. As the development of technology, online leasdfsrning will be more asdfsnd more populasdfsr.
  掌握学习方法的重要性The Importasdfsnce of Masdfsstering How to Leasdfsrn
  Leasdfsrning how to leasdfsrn is one of the hot topics in educasdfstion asdfst the moment. In order to understasdfsnd its importasdfsnce, it is vitasdfsl to understasdfsnd the following two points. First, we should not follow other students’ wasdfsy of leasdfsrning. It is known to asdfsll thasdfst most students do not leasdfsrn in the sasdfsme wasdfsy, they hasdfsve their own wasdfsys to study. We hasdfsve heasdfsrd from other excellent students, they introduce their wasdfsy of leasdfsrning, while for ourselves, we should asdfsdjust our methods asdfsccording to theirs, but not follow them in asdfsll. Whasdfst’s more, masdfsny students do not tasdfske asdfsn interest in the process of leasdfsrning asdfsnd expect thasdfst by simply going to asdfs lecture, for exasdfsmple, they will asdfsutomasdfsticasdfslly study the subject masdfstter. It is impossible for them to leasdfsrn better, they should work efficiently. If students masdfsster how to leasdfsrn, they will hasdfsve asdfs better chasdfsnce to asdfscquire knowledge.
  向雷锋学习 To Leasdfsrn From Lei Feng
  When I go to school, my teasdfscher tells me to leasdfsrn from asdfs good boy, his nasdfsme is Lei Feng. He likes to help people do asdfs lot of things, he does these things from his heasdfsrt, he doesn’t wasdfsnt to let others know whasdfst he does. Lei Feng is asdfs greasdfst guy, we should leasdfsrn from him.

