
发布时间:2018-06-30 22:23:46











  【营养成分】每100克含蛋白质22.1克,脂肪O.8克,碳水化合物59克,粗纤维4.2克,钙49毫克,磷268毫克,铁3.2毫克,胡萝卜素1.8毫克。维生素B1 0.52毫克,维生素B2 0.12毫克,烟酸1.8毫克。所含蛋白质主要为球蛋白类,其组成中蛋氨酸、色氨酸、酪氨酸比较少,绿豆的磷脂成分中,有磷脂酰胆碱、磷脂酰乙醇胺、磷脂酞肌醇、磷脂酸甘油、磷脂酚丝氨酸、磷脂酸等。











Mung bean was in the health sector is become fashionable for a time. A lot of regimen books have mentioned themung bean. The nutritional value of mung bean or highlyvisible. Then, in our own house to do mung bean, the most common is afraid is to http://www.wxgs7.com/post/172.html cook the mung bean soup. How tocook a pot of green bean soup? Need to pay attention to what to eat mung bean soup? So today Xiaobian say Lilymung bean soup effect, and its practice.

1 mung bean rice congee mung bean 50 grams, 100 grams of Japonica rice. Will be green beans washed, soakedwith warm water expansion; rice panning clean, into thecasserole, add 600 ml of water, boil congee, first use of force, and then change to slow fire, boil porridge beans can be overripe, take 2 times a day. This porridge hasalexipharmic effect, can be used to treat heat polydipsia,sore throat, food poisoning and aconite, Croton, arsenic,pesticides, mushroom poisoning.

2 mung bean pumpkin soup mung bean, the old pumpkin500 grams each, a pinch of salt. First mung bean wash, add salt and marinate for a while, then rinse with water,Pumpkin www.zssanming.com Peel to the flesh, massive stand-by cut into about 2 cm square; Nabechi Kashimizu 500 milliliter, boil, first under the mung bean cook 3 to 5 minutes, until boiling,pumpkin, cover the lid, then simmer ZO minutes, until the green beans, pumpkin overripe, food seasoning with salt can be. This soup has the efficacy of removing summer-heat, health-yiwei, summer food, can play a role in the prevention of heat stroke.

3 mung bean mung bean 100 grams of cabbage soup,cabbage heart 3. First green bean washed into the pot, add 600 ml of water, cook until cooked, add to wash thecabbage heart, and simmer for 20 minutes, then go to thebean dishes, soup, take 2 times a day. This soup has the clearing heat and detoxication, detumescence and acesodyne effect, suitable for children with acute mumps,parotid swelling heat pain patients, early use of better.

4 mung bean licorice mung bean 150 grams, 60 grams of licorice. Will be green beans, licorice washed into the casserole, add 500 ml of water, first with the fire, after the slow fire, cook www.liuqq964.com for 15 minutes, to slag take juice, frequentlytaking. This soup has 100 drugs work, food can be used asadjuvant treatment of arsenic, pesticides, drugs,mushroom, fruit and other kinds of poisoning.

5 mung bean soup mung bean 100 grams, 50 grams kelp,brown sugar right amount. Will be green beans washed,kelp washed and cut into filaments, into the pot add 600 ml of water, with simmer for 30 minutes until the mung bean,mung bean, kelp, kelp cooked, add brown sugar right amount, you can take. This soup has heat-clearing www.acmeqq.com and detoxifying, Buck Quzhi, expectorant effect of Sanjie,suitable for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, infantilesummer prickly heat, cervical adenitis, simple goiter disease.

[] for families and genera of legume mung bean seeds.

[alias] planting beans, green beans, adzuki beans over.

Tropism of taste [] cold, sweet, non-toxic; into the heart,stomach.

[effect] heat detoxification, relieve summer heat Chufan,thirst-quenching stomach, diuresis detumescence.Attending heat polydipsia, damp-heat diarrhea, edema,abdominal distension, sores furuncle, erysipelas, mumps,pox and stone arsenic poisoning vegetation.

[nutrition] per 100 grams contains 22.1 grams of protein,fat, O.8 grams, 59 grams carbohydrates, crude fiber 4.2grams, calcium 49 mg, 268 mg of phosphorus, iron 3.2 mg, 1.8 mg carotenoids. Vitamin B1 0.52 mg, vitamin B2 0.12 mg, niacin 1.8 mg. The main protein forimmunoglobulin class, the composition of methionine,tryptophan, tyrosine is less, phospholipid composition of mung bean, with phosphatidylcholine,phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylinositol,phosphatidic acid, glycerol phospholipids serine,phosphatidic acid, phenol.


1 enhanced food and drink mung bean contains protein,phospholipids can excite nerve, increase appetite function,necessary for the body of many important organsnutrition.

2 polysaccharide components of lipids in mung bean can enhance the serum protease activity, the lipoprotein triglyceride hydrolysis reached the hypolipidemic effect,which can prevent coronary heart disease, angina pectoris.

3 cholesterol mung bean contains a globular protein and polysaccharide, can promote the animal in vivo cholesterol in the liver into bile acid, bile salt secretion of accelerationand reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the small intestine.

4 allergy according to clinical trials reported, effective ingredients of mung bean has anti-allergic effects, but the treatment of urticaria and other allergic diseases.

5 antibacterial, antiviral and mung bean has inhibitory effect on Staphylococcus aureus and www.nbchls.com some virus, resistance to infection, clearing away heat and toxic material.

6 protection of kidney bean contains trypsin inhibitor, can protect liver, reduce protein catabolism, reducing azotemia,thereby protecting the kidney.

[note] the Chinese torreya shell, not with the same fresh;mung bean cold, ferrite deficiency are advised not to eat oreat long, spleen deficiency diarrhea, shensi.

Folk custom: mung bean is known as "embodies the good Valley" said; because of its rich nutrition, wide range of uses, much people welcome. In Chinese, many areas ofevery lunar month on the fifth day of the fifth, all smallcooking together with mung bean, soybean, pea, faba bean and cowpea

Read the above article, you have a certain understandingnot on mung bean nutrition value? On Lily mung bean soup effect also know that one or two? Do it yourself.

