
发布时间:2020-02-06 11:42:57

在高三课本第十六单元reading部分有这样一句话:After two yearsonly a few trainees are good enough to go on to the next stage.These lucky ones are offered a contract with a club and their life as a professional footballer begins.其中ones指代上一句中的traineesone是历年高考题考查的热点,同时也是高考复习的重点和难点。下面就one做替代词的用法以及与其他替代词的区别总结归纳如下:


1)One should be strict with oneself.一个人应对自己要求严格。

2)One should do one's best at all times.一个人无论何时都应尽力。


1)One of the doctors asked Dr.Bethune to leave right then.有一位医生让白求恩大夫马上离开。

2)One afternoon Bob would not find his wallet.一天下午,Bob找不到自己的钱包。


1)I have two tickets here.I can let you have one.我这有两张票,可以给你一张。

2)I don't like this cell phonethe one you just showed me.我不喜欢这个手机,就是你刚才给我看的那一部。

3)Here are three penswhich one is yoursthis one or that oneor the one in the pencil case?这里有三支笔,哪支是你的?这支,那支,还是铅笔盒里的那支?

4)Let's finish this exercise so that we can do the next one.我们做完这个练习就能做下一个。

注意:当前有形容词修饰one时,形容词前必须有冠词或代词,例如:a better onethe worst onehis first one等。



1)I bought a computer yesterdaybut it doesn't work well.我昨天买了一台电脑,可运行得不好。(it代指昨天买的电脑,是同一台电脑。)

2)I don't like this computer.Will you please show me another one.(另一台电脑,表同一类事物)

另外,it还可以指代上文提到的一件事情。例如:Mother advised Tom to give up smokingbut it didn't help.(it指代上文母亲劝Tom戒烟这件事)



1)A desk made of iron is much stronger than one made of wood.铁制的桌子要比木制的桌子结实。(代替a desk)

2)The boy told him his story and also that of the girl upstairs.这个男孩讲述了自己的遭遇和楼上那个女孩的遭遇。(代替the story)

3)I'll take the seat next to the one/that by the window.我想要窗户旁边的那个邻座。(the one特指那个,相当于that)

4)The weather today in Beijing is much better than that in Shanghai.今天北京的天气比上海好。(代替the weather)


两个词都可以代替上文的复数名词。ones表示泛指,必须和形容词连用,或有thesethosethe等词修饰。如果没有这些词修饰,则用someany,而不用onesthose替代前面提到的可数名词复数,是特指,相当于the ones。前没有任何形容词,后常与of或其他介词短语连用。例如:

1)These books are more interesting than those ones.这些书比那些书有趣。

2)---Have you bought any English books

---YesI've bought some.

3)The students in your class are livelier than those(the ones)in my class.你们班的学生比我们班的学生更活跃。

4)Cars made in China are much cheaper than those imported from foreign countries.国产汽车通常比进口汽车便宜。

