

---------------------------------精选公文范文-------------------------- 2008年南方雪灾




浙江、江苏、安徽、江西、河南、湖北、湖南、广东、广西、重庆、四川、贵州、云南、陕西、甘肃、青海、宁夏、新疆。其中河南、陕西、甘肃、青海等地雨雪持续日数超过百年一遇,贵州、江苏、山东等地达到50年一遇。 二、特点:

1)降雪量比往年要多很多 2降雪范围比往年要广 3)持续降雪时间比往年长

4)主要降雪影响地区比往年偏南 5)降雪带来的灾害性比往年严重 三、受灾情况:

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---------------------------------精选公文范文-------------------------- 2008年中国雪灾是2008110日起中国浙江、江苏、安徽、江西、河南、湖北、湖南、广东、广西、重庆、四川、贵州、云南、陕西、甘肃、青海、宁夏、新疆和新疆生产建设兵团等19省级行政区均受到低温、雨雪、冰冻灾害影响,死亡60人;失踪2人,紧急转移安置万人;农作物受灾面积千公顷;倒塌房屋万间,损坏房屋万间;直接经济损失亿元。其中湖南、湖北、贵州、广西、江西、安徽等6省、区受灾最为严重。


这次降雪有两个主要原因,分别从全球气候的宏观变化以及本次南方降雪的具体天气过程来说明。 第一个原因(宏观原因),我们今年处在一个拉尼娜的状态下,就是赤道东太平洋地区的海温要比常年偏低负度以下,而这个现象对中国的气候影响是非常明显的,在拉尼娜现象影响下,造成东亚地区经向环流异常,这样一个环流----------------精选公文范文---------------- 2
---------------------------------精选公文范文-------------------------- 形势非常有利于我国北方冷空气的南下。它使得我们会有一个冷冬,所以我们可以看到,今年这个冷的冬季就出现了。

第二个原因(具体原因),下雪或者下雨必须满足的两个条件就是1.来自于热带地区暖湿气流。2.有来自于高寒地区的冷空气。冬季降雪区域(夏季降雨区域同理)分布于锋面附近,也就是冷暖气团交界处。这个位置是不固定的,它由两种性质气团势力的强弱决定。冷气团势力弱,锋面及降水区域偏高纬,冷气团势力强,锋面及降水区域偏低纬。冬季影响我国的陆地冷高压是中心位于蒙古、西伯利亚地区的亚洲高压(又称蒙古、西伯利亚高压),它的势力范围非常大,对我国、特别是北方地区的天气影响极大。今年隆冬前期影响我们国家的冷空气相对来说明显偏弱,次数也不多,即使有暖湿气流的配合没有冷空气也不太容易下雪。然而进入2008年以来,亚洲高压非常活跃,不断形成冷气团南----------------精选公文范文---------------- 3
---------------------------------精选公文范文-------------------------- 下影响我国,造成大范围大风降温天气,但是由于南方今年的暖气团也很活跃,大量来自太平洋、印度洋的暖湿气流频频光顾南方地区,当来自蒙古西伯利亚的强大冷气团迅速南下至南方地区,并与暖湿气团相遇后,这一冷、一暖两个正好结合在一起。受这两个气流共
同影响,所以最近一段时间,特别是在长江流域雨雪天气比较多,而且长时间维持着低温天气。如果只有强大的冷气团,而没有暖湿气团提供的大量水汽,南方只会出现大风降温天气;如果只有暖湿气团提供的大量水汽,而没有冷气团光临,则根本没有什么灾害性天气。而两者齐备的时候,灾害就降临了。 五、产生的环境、社会问题


2)电煤运输的交通问题,大秦铁路、京杭运河等公路、铁路、航空、港----------------精选公文范文---------------- 4
---------------------------------精选公文范文-------------------------- 口的电煤运输压力增大。




6)部分农民工不能回家过年,一些农民工买不到车票,或者由于交通原因,及时有车票也无法回家过年。 7通讯的影响,连日的大雪、冻雨将中国移动的多条信号通讯塔压断,造成一些地区一段时间内手机无信号。 8)农产品供应,由于降雪原因,一些南方农产品被冻,或者由于交通原因不能及时北运,造成北方许多地区以及南方受灾地区食品供不应求或价格连续上涨。

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---------------------------------精选公文范文-------------------------- 9)对人的生命健康,已经有数名工作人员、叫警察在连日的迎战暴风雪过程中倒在了他们的工作岗位上。 六、解决措施



二、是要加强管理,保证生产安全。主动化解不利于安全生产的各种因素,火电厂尤其要做好电煤、燃油等的储备以及运输力量的保障工作。进一步加强厂网协调,严肃调度纪律,合理安排运行方式,确保电网运行的安全可靠; 三、是要加强领导,采取有力措施,尽快修复受灾电力设施。合理组织抢修,加强安全监察工作,控制各种不安全因素,要全过程、各环节落实责任; ----------------精选公文范文---------------- 6
---------------------------------精选公文范文-------------------------- 四、是要落实责任,保证安全信息报送畅通。要主动向当地人民政府汇报,安全有序地开展各项防灾救灾工作,同时明确职责,落实责任,及时报送安全信息。
篇二:2008年中国雪灾 2008年中国雪灾

流停留不动,导致北方冷空气连续不断入侵中国。[10] 在冷空气来袭的同时,来自南
亚、东南亚的暖湿空气又源源不断向华南地区输送,冷暖气流在华南、江南一带交汇,导致罕见的长时间、兼大范围低温雨雪。不过,专家强调,中国遭罕见冰雪灾害天气是多种因素造成,拉尼娜不是唯一祸因。 2008 1 月大雪后的
湖南省耒阳市市郊 的大雪


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---------------------------------精选公文范文-------------------------- 20081月的电力工作者 政府应对措施

The “lucky” snowstorm

The whole world was white, with the north wind blowing violently. It was the break time. The whole classroom was filled with various voices and cheers. In the corner of the classroom, a girl wearing heavy clothes lay prone on the desk quietly and serenely, her big and bright eyes staring at the snow.

“This winter is extremely cold. Though the snow is beautiful, it falls too heavily. I would be 18 soon and I would turn adult. Ha-ha, that?s too great. Dad promises to give me a excellent gift to celebrate my 18 birthday. What would it be? Mom said that dad would come back recently. Everything could not be better.” She wondered with smile blooming in the ----------------精选公文范文---------------- 8
---------------------------------精选公文范文-------------------------- corner of her mouth, “but why did I still feel anxious as if something would happen. Well, don not think too much.” She continued to admire the snow-covered landscape

“Hey, Yolanda, what are you thinking about?” Amy sited beside her, asking. “Nothing. I am appreciating the snow.” She answered. Amy was her best friend, and they grew up together. They were twins in other?s eyes. Amy was an active girl, while Yolanda was too quiet and a little shy. It was stranger for them to become friends, but it was the fact.

“Uncle should come back these days, should he?” Amy asked, her fingers turning the pen quickly.

“Yes, I really miss him. He has worked in Guangzhou for two years. I cannot wait to see him and celebrate the New Year with him.” Yolanda answered. “Yeah. I also miss him very much. ----------------精选公文范文---------------- 9
---------------------------------精选公文范文-------------------------- Heihei, I would get more lucky money if he comes back…” Amy said with big smile.

“You only care about money…well; it is time to state class.” Yolanda pushed her to her own seat.

“Well, go home together when the class is over.” Amy said to her.

“OK.” Yolanda replied with her hands.

The bell rang and the whole class became quiet. The Chinese teacher came in and the class began. Suddenly, the school radio stated to report:” Good morning, everyone! It is reported that heavy snowstorm have hit the provinces in central, eastern and southern China--- places that are used to mild winters, not extreme wintry blasts. The snow and sleet have paralyzed roads, railways and airports, leaving tens of millions of travelers marooned. Many of them are ----------------精选公文范文---------------- 10
---------------------------------精选公文范文-------------------------- bound for home ahead of the traditional Lunar New Year, which falls on February 7. (CNN news For you safety, the school decided to begin the winter vocation ahead of time. As for the opening day, wait for the information.”

The whole class burst into cheers. Yolanda was at a loss for five seconds, and then she ran out of the classroom.

“Yolanda, wait for me.” Amy cried loudly.

But Yolanda did not stop. Amy also ran out taking their bags. “I will give you some color to see see. You wait!” Amy whispered as she ran on the street.

Yolanda turned on the TV at once as soon as she arrived home. All the TV channels were reporting the snowstorm. “At one point, there are 800000 people stranded at the railway station in the southern city of Guangzhou. Nearly 1000km (6200miles of fix-line networks ----------------精选公文范文---------------- 11
---------------------------------精选公文范文-------------------------- have been affected. (BBC news “More than 67 million people have been affected by the weather and economic losses are expected to reach as much as 3 billion dollars. It is reported that Chinese workers and army soldiers were racing to sweep snow-covered highways and unclog railway routes for millions of travelers trapped by cold weather.”(CNN news “Yolanda, what are you doing? You should be at school now.” suddenly her mother?s voice raised.

“We have our holiday now.” Yolanda answered but her eyes were still staring at the TV.

“What? So early? Why?”

“Due to the snowstorm, school decided to begin the holiday in advance.” She answered and then turned her big eyes to her mother, “Mom, I want to find my dad.”

“What?” her mother jumped from the ----------------精选公文范文---------------- 12
---------------------------------精选公文范文-------------------------- sofa.

“I want to find my dad.” Yolanda said again with a calm voice.

“I can not agree. Guangzhou is so far from here. You are just a child. The snowstorm is so heavy and I would be worried. “her mother said.

“Mom, I have already grown up. I can take care of myself.”

“Anyway, I would not agree. Just stay at home.” Mother turned to the kitchen, leaving Yolanda sitting there alone. Five minutes later, she walked to her own room and called Amy.

“Yolanda, why don?t you wait for me …” Amy shouted as soon as the phone got through.

“Hehe, I am sorry…Amy, I want to find my father. Would you like to go with me?”

“What? Guangzhou? It is so far. We have never been there. I am worried…” ----------------精选公文范文---------------- 13
---------------------------------精选公文范文-------------------------- Amy answered with a low voice.

“I know, but we should challenge ourselves. I would be responsible for myself. I don?t want to depend on my parents all the time. I have to learn to grow.” Yolanda said, longing Amy to understanding her.
“I can understand, but…en, well, I will go with you.”

“Wow, it is so nice of you, Amy. I love you so muchYolanda cheered up with her big eyes full of joys. “I have to persuade my mother. See you tomorrow.” She put the phone and walked to the kitchen.

“Mom, I promise to take care of myself. Amy would go with me. Mom, I have already grown up and I believe I can do it.” Yolanda pulled her arms.

“Well, I agree, but no matter what happen, you can not give up. Take care of yourself.”

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---------------------------------精选公文范文-------------------------- “I will. Thank you, mom.” She gave her mother a big kiss.

The following day, Yolanda and Amy went to the train station to state their first train travel in their whole life.

What they could see was the white snow along the way. They talked to people who came from different parts of china and learned a lot, which was more valuable than things learned in school. They helped the soldiers to move the covered snow. They helped people to care for children. They began to care about the whole nation. In fact, they actually grew along the way.

Eventually, they arrived in Guangzhou station at 10pm on February 7 a week later. It was just the New Year. They were shocked at the moment they got off the train. A huge backlog of passengers stayed in the waiting lobby, waiting for going home. All people celebrated the ----------------精选公文范文---------------- 15
---------------------------------精选公文范文-------------------------- New Year together. The scene was splendid and moved. Her father, sitting in the corner aloof, carried a big toy bear in her arm. She has been desired to possess for a long time. It was her birthday gift. Tears welled up in her eyes. She walked to her father quickly.

“Dad, happy New Year.” Yolanda said softly.

“Uncle, happy New Year.” Amy said softly.
Father suddenly looked up. He could not say any word as if it were a sweet dream.

Yolanda and Amy hugged him tightly. “Dad/uncle, we are coming.”

Father smiled, like a child who got candies. Yolanda, happy birthday. It is your gift.”

“Thanks, dad. I love you.”

“I love you, too, uncle.” Amy cried. “Ha-ha…” father burst into laughter. ----------------精选公文范文---------------- 16
---------------------------------精选公文范文-------------------------- Suddenly, the radio said; “now, the train to Anhui would leave at 12pm.” “We can go home. We can go home…” cheers was full of the hall. On the train going back home, “the snowstorm is a serious disaster for the whole nation. But at the same time, it is a treasure for me because it taught me a lot.” Yolanda thought as she recalled the past week. She went to sleep and she had a sweet dream, about herself, family and the whole nation. 2008年南方雪灾》


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