
发布时间:2018-07-01 03:03:49

Lesson 16 Basic Concepts of Mechanisms

A combination of interrelated parts(相关零件的组合体) having definite(确定的)motions and capable of performing useful work may be called machine. 


A mechanism is a component of a machine consisting of two or more bodies arranged so that the motion of one compels the motion of the others.


Kinematics is the study of motion in mechanisms without reference to the forces that act on the mechanism


Dynamics is the study of motion individual bodies and mechanisms under the influence of forces and torques.


The study of forces and torques in stationary systems (and systems with negligible inertial effects) is called statics


Synthesis is the procedure by which a product (a mechanism, for example) is developed to satisfy a set of performance requirements


If a product configuration is tentatively specified and then examined to determine whether the performance requirements are met, the process is called analysis.


The design of mechanisms involves both synthesis and analysis.


The design process begins with the recognition of a need. A set of requirements is then listed


Detailed analyses of displacements, velocities, and accelerations are usually required


This part of the design process is followed by an analysis of forces and torques.


The design process may continue long after(很久以后)the first models have been produced and may include redesigns of components that affect velocities, accelerations, forces, and torques

在制造完毕第一个模型之后,该设计过程仍有可能持续很长一段时间. 并且有可能会重新设计这些会影响速度,加速度及所知扭矩的零部件

In order to successfully compete from year to year, most manufactures must continuously modify their product and their methods of production


.Increases in the production rate, upgrading of product performance, redesign for cost and weight reduction are frequently required


Success may hinge on(决定于) the accuracy of the kinematic and dynamic analysis


Many of the basic linkage configurations have been incorporated into(成为……的一部分)machines designed centuries ago, and the terms we use to describe them have changed over the years


Thus, definitions and terminology are not consistent throughout thetechnical literature.


In most cases, however, meanings will be clear from the context of the descriptive matter.


A few terms of particular interest to the study of kinematics and dynamics of machines are defined below


Link A link is one of the rigid bodies or members joined together to form a kinematic chain.

杆件 是一个刚体或者连接在一起形成运动链的零部件,因此被称为刚性构件或者是简单构件.

The term rigid link, or sometimes simply link, is an idealization used in the study of mechanisms that does not consider small deflections due to strains in machine members


A perfectly rigid or inextensible link can exist only as a textbook type of model of a real machine member.


For typical machine parts, the maximum changes in dimension are on the order of only a one-thousandth of the part length.


We are justified(合理的) in neglecting this small motion when considering the much greater motion characteristic of most mechanisms


The word link is used in a general sense to include cams, gears, and other machine members in addition to cranks, connecting rods and other pin-connected(铰接) components


Frame The fixed or stationary link in a mechanism is called the frame

机架 机械装置中固定或静止不动的构件称为机架.

When there is no link that is actually fixed, we may consider one as being fixed and determine the motion of the other links relative to it


In an automotive engine, for example, the engine block (see Fig.14.1) is considered the frame, even though the automobile may be moving


Degree of Freedom The number of degrees of freedom of a linkageis the number of independent parameters required to specify the position of every link relative to the frame or fixed link

自由度 连杆机构的自由度是给定独立参数的数目,需要自由度来确定某一个与机架或固定杆件相连接的构件的位置,

If the instantaneous configuration of a system may be completely defined be specifying one independent variable, that system has one degree of freedom


An unconstrained rigid body has six degrees of freedom:


translation in three coordinate directions and rotation about three coordinate axes


If the body is restricted to motion in a place, there are three degrees of freedom:


translation in two coordinate directions and rotation within the plane.


Lower and Higher Pairs Connections between rigid bodies consist of lower and higher pairs of elements.

低副和高副 刚体连接的构件由低副和高副组成,

The two elements of a lower pair have theoretical surface contact with one another


while the two elements of a higher pair have theoretical point or line contact (if we disregard deflections).


Kinematic Chain A kinematic chain is an assembly(集合) of links and pairs (joints). Each link in a closed-loop kinematic chain is connected to two or more other links

运动链 是若干个构件或运动链联接结合在一起,在闭式运动链中,每个构件都有相同两个及两个以上的其它构件相连接,

A linkage failing to meet the closed-loop criterion is an open-loop kinematic chain.


Linkage Since we may wish to examine kinematic chains without regard to their ultimate(最后) use, it is convenient to identify any assemblage of rigid bodies connected by kinematic joints as a linkage

连杆机构 由于我们希望检验运动链而不考虑它们的最终用途,可以非常方便的区分出任何做为连接机构的刚体的集合,这些连杆机构刚体是通过运动链连接在一起的,

Thus, both mechanisms and machines may be considered linkages


In some references, however, the term linkage is restricted to kinematic chains made up of lower pairs.


Planar Motion and Planar Linkages If all points in a linkage may be described as a planar linkage

平面移动和平面连杆机构 如果连杆机构上所有的点都同一平面内移动,则说明系统正在平移.

If we examine the linkage made up of the crank, connecting rod, and piston in a piston engine, we see that it is a planar linkage.


Most of the mechanisms in common use may be treated as planar linkages.


Spatial Motion and Spatial Linkages


The more general case in which motion cannot be described as taking place in parallel planes is called spatial motion,


and the linkage may be described as a spatial or three-dimensional (3D) linkage.


Inversion The absolute motion of a linkage depends on which of the links is fixed, that is, which link is selected as the frame


If two otherwise equivalent linkages(等效连杆机构) have different fixed link,


then each is an inversion of the other. Relative motion will be the same in both linkages.那么一个就是另外一个的倒置.这在两个连杆机构中相当的运动都是相同的.

Lesson 30 Engineering Design 工程设计

Engineering design is a systematic process by which solutions to the needs of humankind are obtained. 工程设计是一个系统的方案,通过它人类可以获得需要的解决方案]The process is applied to problems (needs) of varying complexity这一过程被用于解决许多变化的复杂性的问题。

For example, mechanical engineers will use the design process to find an effective, efficient method to covert reciprocating motion to circular motion for the drive train in an internal combustion engine;例如,机械工程师应用设计过程去找到一种有效的高效的方法,把用于传动系统,这种运动的方法可以把内燃机中的往复运动转化为旋转运动

electrical engineers will use the process to design electrical generating systems using falling water as the power source ; 电力工程师应用这一设计过程去设计用落水做动力源的发电系统通过采用下落水体做动力源的发电系统

and materials engineers use the process to design ablative materials which enable astronauts to safely reenter the earth’s atmosphere材料工程师采用将材料应用这一设计过程研制烧蚀材料,使宇航员能安全地重返地球(大气层)

The vast majority of complex problems in today’s high technology society depend for solution not on a single engineering discipline, but on teams of engineers, scientists, environmentalists, economists, sociologists, and political influencer, 现代高技术社会的大量复杂问题的解决,不是取决于单一的工程学科,而是取决于由工程师、科学家、环境保护专家、经济学家、社会学家和政治影响家组成的团队

Solutions are not only dependent upon the appropriate applications of technology, but also upon public sentiment(公众意见) as executed through government regulations and political influence.


As engineers we are empowered with the technical expertise to develop new and improved products and systems, but at the same time we must be increasingly aware of the impact of our actions on society and the environment in general(总体的) and work conscientiously toward the best solution in view of all relevant factors. 作为工程师被授权利用专门技术来研究和改进产品和系统,但同时我们必须知道我们的行为一般对社会和整个环境造成的影响,并考虑所有相关因素,尽责的工作,找出最好的解决办法

Design is the culmination of the engineering educational process; it is the salient feature that distinguishes engineering from other professions.


A formal definition of engineering design is found in the curriculum guidelines(课程指导) of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). 工程设计的正式定义可以在工程技术鉴定合格委员会(ABET)的课程指导方针中找到。

ABET accredits(鉴定) curricula in engineering schools and derives its membership from the various engineering professional societies(行业协会).


Each accredited curriculum has a well-defined design component which falls within the ABET guidelines. 每一门授权的课程有一个解释清楚的设计部分,该部分包含在ABET指导方针中。

The ABET statement on design reads as follows(内容如下): ABET对设计的解释如下:

Engineering deign is the process of devising a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. 工程设计是设计系统、元件的过程,或者是满足希望要求的过程。

. It is a decision making process (often iterative重复性的), in which the basic sciences, mathematics, and engineering sciences are applied to convert resources optimally to meet a stated objective(目标、目的). 它是一个决策指定的过程(经常需要反复),在此过程中为了达到规定的目标,最佳地应用基础科学、数学和工程科学,把它们转化成资源。

Among the fundamental elements of the design process are the establishment of objectives and criteria, synthesis(综合), analysis, construction, testing, and evaluation.设计过程中的基本无素之间建立目标和标准,综合、分析、建造、测试和评价。

The engineering design component of a curriculum must include most include most of the following features: development of student creativity, use of open-ended problems, development and use of modern design theory and methodology, formulation of design problem statements and specifications, consideration of alternative solutions, feasibility considerations, production processes, and detailed system descriptions.


Further, it is essential to include a variety of realistic constraints such as economic factors, safety, reliability, aesthetics, ethics, and social impact. 另外,还必须包括许多实际约束,如经济因素、安全、可靠性(reliability)、美学(aesthetis)、道德(ethics)和社会反响等

If anything can be said about the last half of the twentieth century, it is that we have had an explosion of information.


The amount of data that can be uncovered on most subjects is overwhelming.


People in the upper levels of most organizations have assistants who condense most of the things that they must read, hear, or watch. 在大部分组织的高层次人才都配有助手,这些助手把他们必须读到、听到和看到的大部分事情进行精简

When you begin a search for information, be prepared to scan many of your sources and document their location so that you can find them easily if the data subsequently appear to be important. 当你查找一些信息资料时,如果这些资料很重要,做好准备浏览大量资料并记下它们的位置,这样做你能容易地获得

Some of the sources that are available include the following: 可得到的一些资源如下:

1.Exisiting solutions: Much can be learned from the current status of solutions to a specific need if actual products can be located, studied and, in some cases, purchased for detailed analysis(购买进行详细分析).


An improved solution or an innovative new solution cannot be found unless the existing solutions are thoroughly understood.


2.Your library. Many universities have courses that teach you how to use your library. 你的图书馆。许多大学设有教你如何使用你的图书馆的课程。

Such courses are easy when you compare them with those in chemistry and calculus(微积分), but their importance should not be underestimated(低估).


There are many sources in the library that can lead you to the information that you are seeking. 在图书馆里有很多资源能帮你找到你所要搜索的信息。

You may find what you need in an index such as the Engineering Index(工程索引).


There are many other indexes that provide specialized information. 你的问题的性质将直接告诉你谁可以帮助你。

The nature of your problem will direct which ones may be helpful to you. Don't hesitate to ask for assistance from the librarian.


You should use to advantage the computer databases found in libraries and often available through CD-ROM (Compact disc-read only memory)technology.


3.Professional organizations. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers is a technical society that will be of interest to students majoring(主修) in mechanical engineering.

Each major in your college is associated with not one but often several such societies.

3、专业组织。美国机械工程师协会(The American Society of Mechanical Engineers)是一个技术协会,它对机械专业的学生非常有吸引力。

你学院的每一个专业不仅与一个而且经常与好几个这样的会有联系(be associated with)。

The National Society of Professional Engineers is an organization that most engineering students will eventually join, as well as at least one technical society such as the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), or any one of dozens that serve the technical interests of the host of specialties with which professional practices seem most closely associated.


Many engineers are members of several associations and societies.


4.Trade journals(行业杂志).

They are published by the hundreds, usually specializing in certain classes of products and services.


Money and economics are part of engineering design and decision-making.

We live in a society that is based on economics and competition.


我们生活在一个以经济和竞争为基础(be based on)的社会。

It is no doubt true(勿容置疑) that many good ideas never get tried because they are deemed to be economically infeasible.

Most of us have been aware of this condition in our daily lives.

许多好的想法不能实施无疑(no doubt)是真的,因为这些想法被认为在经济上是不可行的。


We started with our parents explaining why we could not have some item that we wanted because it cost too much.


Likewise, we will not put some very desirable component into our designs because the value gained will not return enough profit in relation to its cost.

同样,我们也不能把某些非常渴望的东西加入到我们的设计中,因为我们获得的价值与它的成本相比(in relation to)不能获得足够的效益。

Industry is continually looking for new products of all types.

Some are desired because the current product is not competing well in the marketplace(市场).

Others are tried simply because it appears that people will buy them.

工业正在不断地寻找(look for)所有类型的新产品。



How do manufacturers know that a product will be popular(畅销的)?


They seldom know with certainty.


Statistics(统计学) is an important consideration in market analysis.


Most of you will find that probability(概率论) and statistics are an integral(组成的) part of your chosen engineering curriculum.


The techniques of this area of mathematics allow us to make inferences(推论) about how large groups of people will react based on the reactions of a few.


