
发布时间:2017-12-18 20:29:07



描述 . This phenomenon has received immediate attention from our society. Relevant concern and discussion can be frequently found in media of every kind(这种现象立刻引起了社会关注,相关的话题和讨论在各种媒体上频繁出现).

Just as every coin has two sides, this phenomenon is no exception. People vary greatly in their viewpoint(凡事都有正反面,这种现象也不例外。人们对此观点不一。). Some argue that its understandable(有人认为…是理所当然的) .They even add that . Of course, other people have radically different view(其他人不这样认为. For them(他们持截然相反的态度,他们认为 . Beside(况且) .

It seems there is no ground for these two groups of people to reach an agreement on this phenomenon(看样子在这个问题上双方很难达成一致). As for me我来, its not bad to(我认为…也不 . Therefore, I insist that there is no need to make a big fuss over the phenomenon(因此我认为没必要在这个问题上小题大做). After all, it is up to the to make the right choice竟,最做决定).


Here is a vivid and lively cartoon in which we can see _漫画内容.This picture conveys a clear and strong message to us that __漫画意思_________.

It is not difficult at all for us, upon careful thought, to understand the problem as depicted in the picture. First of all, _漫画意思1________. Besides, 漫画意思2______. Finally, _____ 漫画意思3 _.

According to whats discussed above, I believe that 上面_. Only in this way can we sure that____我的__________.


(Sep. 25, 2010)

Dear John


Best wishes

Yours sincerely/faithfully



第一段 描述一下数据(就是饼图给的数据)

This is a pie chart that shows the proportion of (饼图揭示了 的有比例. classified into 6 types(被分) as follows(如下): , , , , , .

Overall , has the largest proportion(占最大比), which accounts for 40%; while others has the smallest percentage(其他的共占), at 3% .

As can be seen in the chart , , which makes up (40 %) ,40% is the most popular among total, the next is(接下来) , followed by ,constituting and finally come ,(最后) respectively占多少) . It should be noted that 最多) is half as much as that of (最多的一 . And it is also interesting to note that is 倍) times as much as that .(是的多少倍)

第二段 分析原因

Its not difficult to arrive at some possible factors that are directly responsible for those changes/the proportional distributions as depicted above. The most important factor that needs to be highlighted here is that Whats more 最重要的原因 one more factor, though not conclusive, that should also be brought into attention is that 其它原因 .

第三段 尾:预测未来情况

Just with many other things, its not easy to reverse the changes that have already taken place/ the proportion that has already taken form. Therefore, I predict that the current situation will continue for a short while.

5. 表格数据(表):

第一段 描述一下数据(就是图标给的数据)

This line线 graph shows 表要讨论 .向我们显 In general, the figures reveal that increased dramatically的来些数据长剧烈) while decreased greatly during that period(然而却大幅下降).

From (1982) to (1985), remained at about (56%) stably(从哪年到哪年,保持定在百分比). However, jumped sharply from (1985) to (1989) 然而从哪年到哪年烈下降). In (1989) , it reached the peak() of ,(在哪年到达 of which took up .(具体是

On the contrary(相反) , fell rapidly between 1985 and 1989 ,(从哪年到哪年大幅下降) and then it leveled off until 1992)(哪年持平) when there came another steep decrease . In (1995), it bottomed out to (3%).(在哪年降到谷底)

第二段 分析原因

Its not difficult to arrive at some possible factors that are directly responsible for those changes/the proportional distributions as depicted above. (我们不难发现导致上述这些变化发生/这种比例出现的因素如下)The most important factor that needs to be highlighted here is that Whats more 最重要的原因 one more factor, though not conclusive, that should also be brought into attention is that 其它原因 .

第三段 结尾:预测未来情况

Just with many other things, its not easy to reverse the changes that have already taken place/ the proportion that has already taken form. Therefore, I predict that the current situation will continue for a short while.(就像许多其它的事情一样, 我们很难阻止这些变化/这种比例关系的持续。因此,我预计,目前这种状况在短期内将会持续下去。)

