
发布时间:2010-08-27 11:24:44




At $850, the world's first automobile proved to be an invaluable bargain for farmers and city dwellers alike. And with Henry Ford's introduction of the revolutionary assembly line, the volume of sales increased dramatically, bringing the cost of the Model T, also known as the "Tin Lizzie," to just $525. Henry Ford's factory was so efficient that by 1926 a new "model-T" cost only $310, one-third the price of the original 1908 model.


German psychologist Sigmund Freud revolutionized the process of psychoanalysis for the treatment of mental illness. He popularized the concepts of anxiety and repression and introduced the idea of early childhood development of sexual feeling. Although his ideas are highly controversial and impossible to prove, terms such as "Oedipus complex" captured the collective imagination and equipped psychoanalysts with a new school of thought.


The American Civil War erupted when southern states seceded from the Union in order to form their own nation. The North's ultimate victory preserved the Union, abolished slavery, and granted citizenship to newly freed slaves. The Civil War also marked the economic and political ascendancy of the rapidly industrializing states of the North.


Although each separate component of a modern steam engine had already been invented by the year 1712, the first person to tie all of these elements together was Thomas Newcomen, an English blacksmith. The steam engine not only provided an immense source of power and energy, but, along with James Watt's improvements in 1769, also paved the way for the Industrial Revolution and the move from an agrarian society to life in a city.


World War II involved every major power in the world and was the costliest war in history. The conflict resulted from the rise of totalitarian, militaristic regimes after World War I. Modern methods of warfare, including the first use of nuclear weapons--together with Germany's attempt to exterminate entire religious and ethnic groups. Political consequences included the reduction of Britain and France to powers of lesser rank, the birth of the United Nations, and the beginning of the Cold War. When MacArthur was relieved of his command of U.N. forces in Korea and returned to the U.S. for the first time since World War II, he addressed a joint meeting of Congress, where he declared, "Old soldiers never die, they just fade away." According to the statistics, over 40,000 American soldiers lost their life during the World War II.


Charles Darwin shocked the world with his theory of evolution as proposed in Origin of Species. He explained that, over time, species adapt to their environment in order to survive and then pass along these acquired traits to future generations in a process known as "natural selection." Although his ideas are widely accepted today, the notion that species could have evolved from an entirely different species caused outrage from those believing that all living creatures were created by God.


The successful launch of Sputnik-1 on October 4, 1957, indicated to the world that the Soviet Union had taken the lead in space exploration. It also caused fear that this technology would allow the Soviet Union to launch nuclear weapons into space. In response, the United States established the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), embarking on a quest to the moon where Neil Armstrong took his revolutionary first steps in 1969.


Orville Wright took off in the first powered flight in history in 1903 with the help of his brother, Wilbur. By 1905, the Wright brothers had completed the first practical airplane for public use. Since the advent of airplanes, the world has experienced a rapid merging of cultures, ideas and resources.


Although Leif Ericson was reportedly the first to land in America in 1000, his voyage ultimately brought about little change to the continent. On October 12, 1492, Christopher Columbus and his crew landed in what is now part of the Bahamas. With him, he brought about European colonization and slew of changes: Christianity, disease, guns, and horses to name a few. It took Columbus, the Italian explorer in the service of Spain who determined that the earth is round, over 3 months to sail from Europe to America. However, we can do so by air within one day.


Through his work crossbreeding different varieties of the garden pea, Austrian monk Gregor Mendel advanced the idea that traits are transferred from parents to progeny by way of distinct units and formulated mathematical laws governing the inheritance of these traits. Mendel's "law" was eventually proven true for both plants and animals. His findings were rediscovered in twentieth century, allowing farmers to reproduce positive traits in plants and create healthier, stronger crops of food.


Nicolaus Copernicus may have tried to avoid public outrage by waiting until the year of his death to publish On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres, but he was the first person to propose that the sun, and not the earth, was at the center of the universe. Later, Johannes Kepler argued the orbital paths of planets were actually elliptical, not circular, and in 1610, despite strong opposition from the Catholic Church, Galileo Galilei used his telescope to prove that Copernicus’s theory was correct.


In 1666, after watching an apple fall from a tree, Isaac Newton realized that the force holding any object to the Earth is the same as the force holding the moon and planets in their orbits. He created a mathematical equation that defined the gravitational pull between two objects. In essence, our bodies pull on the Earth just as the Earth pulls on our bodies. However, since we weigh so much less than the Earth, we do not affect its motion at all.


The Crusades, profoundly altering European history, were a series of attacks organized by Western Christians in order to take control of the holy city of Jerusalem from Muslim powers. Although they generally failed in their chief purpose, the Crusades exercised an immense influence on Western civilization by bringing the West into closer contact with new ways of living and thinking--stimulating commerce, giving fresh impetus to literature and invention, and increasing geographical knowledge.


Mandela, the South African black political leader and former president, was awarded 1993 Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to antiracism and antiapartheid. Nelson Mandela is one of the great moral and political leaders of our time: an international hero whose lifelong dedication to the fight against racial oppression in South Africa won him the Nobel Peace Prize and the presidency of his country. Since his triumphant release in 1990 from more than a quarter-century of imprisonment, Mandela has been at the centre of the most compelling and inspiring political drama in the world. As president of the African National Congress and head of South Africa's antiapartheid movement, he was instrumental in moving the nation toward multiracial government and majority rule. He is revered everywhere as a vital force in the fight for human rights and racial equality.


In 1905, Albert Einstein concluded that if the energy of motion could change mass, mass itself could become energy. The relationship between mass and the energy is described in what is probably the most famous equation in science, E=mc2 (Energy = mass x speed of light squared).


Mitsubishi Motors had concealed significant defects in the braking system of Pajero, one of the company’s major products, before apologized to public. Many consumers believe their advertisements through television and buy their production. Hundred of car accidents were directly caused by the brakingerror. And then, the company suffered a great goods return, losing not only the market share but also the confidence of consumers.


Television programs and movies that depict violence among teenagers are extremely popular. Given how influential these media are, we have good reason to believe that these depictions cause young people to engage in violent behavior. Hence, depictions of violence among teenagers should be prohibited from movies and television programs, if only in those programs and movies promoted to young audiences.


In 1879, after more than 1,000 trials and $40,000, Thomas Edison introduced an inexpensive alternative to candles and gaslight: the incandescent lamp. Using carbonized filaments from cotton thread, his light bulb burned for two days. These bulbs were first installed on the steamship Columbia and have been lighting up the world ever since. We can learn from the experience of the great inventor Thomas Alva Edison that sometimes a series of apparent failures is really a precursor to success. The voluminous personal papers of Edison reveal that his inventions typically did not spring to life in a flash of inspiration but evolved slowly from previous works.


Not realizing the full impact it would have on society, Alexander Graham Bell introduced the first telephone to an amazed audience at America's Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia in 1876. Within a year, Bell had installed 230 phones and established the Bell Telephone Company, which was later transformed into AT&T. In 1997, 643,000,000,000 calls were made by people in the United States alone.


Although gunpowder is believed to have been invented in China as early as the ninth century, it wasn't until the early 1300s that it was first used in battle in Europe. A relatively simple mixture of charcoal, sulfur, and saltpeter, gunpowder has been making the world's wars more deadly ever since.


Beethoven, the German Composer, began to lose his hearing in 1801 and was entirely deaf by 1819. However, this obstacle could not keep him from becoming one of the most famous and prolific composers in art history. His music, including 9 symphonies, 5 piano concertos, several senates and so on, forms a transition from classical to romantic composition.


When Bill Gates made his decision to drop out from Harvard, he did not care too much of the result. Many people did not understand why Gates gave up such a good opportunity to study in the world's No.1 University. However, with size comes power, Microsoft dominates the PC market with its operating systems, such as MS-DOS and Windows. Now, Microsoft becomes the biggest software company in the world and Bill Gates becomes the richest man in the world.


For example, SEGA, producer of Saturn, was the first company to develop home video game machine commercially, but Sony Entertainment INC., producer of Play Station, proved to be more successful at forming strategic alliance with other producers and distributors to manufacture and market its hardware and software. Because consumers had more choices on Play Station’s games, they seldom bought SEGA Saturn. By the end of the 1990’s, Play Station dominated the home video game market while SEGA Saturn was no longer in production.


The fact that in many corporations employees are being replaced by automated equipment in order to save money does not mean our lives are becoming worse. After all, it is the automation that boosts the industrial revolution, which in turn, creates thousands of hundreds more positions than in the past. If the corporations cannot improve its profitability, many more people will lost their jobs ultimately.


Mother Teresa, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, dedicated the majority of her life to helping the poorest of the poor in India, thus gaining her the name "Saint of the Gutters." The devotion towards the poor won her respect throughout the world and the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. She founded an order of nuns called the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta, India dedicated to serving the poor. Almost 50 years later, the Missionaries of Charity have grown from 12 sisters in India to over 3,000 in 517 missions throughout 100 countries worldwide.


Philip Morris, the largest tobacco company in the world, has been sued by government and many other groups for producing products that are harmful to health. The plaintiffs allege they switched to light cigarettes believing they were less dangerous and delivered less nicotine and tar than regular cigarettes. According to Berman, Philip Morris violated the Arizona Consumer Fraud Act with misleading advertising containing implied health benefits, then unlawfully profited from booming "light" cigarette sales at the expense of plaintiffs' health. The fines and legal fees that have resulted from the legal attacks against the company have costed the company substantial amounts of money.

Bayer, one of the largest pharmaceutics companies in the world, announced that the company would cease production of one of its major products, because of the hazardous ingredients it contained. By doing so, the company suffers great loss on profitability, but gains strong public support and understanding, which can contribute to the long-term success of the company.


Discriminating services may cause misunderstanding and unpleasant result. The best example is Toshiba, one of the largest Japanese companies. In 2000, the Company announced that among notebook computers it produced, one model had serious defect. Users in North America could choose either replacements with an upgraded model or full refund. However, no such offer for users in China. Chinese users were outrage at the company’s discrimination and refused to use any of Toshiba’s notebook computers. What the company lost is not only the temporary revenue but also the consumer’s confidence, which contribute to the long-term success of the company.


OPEC is one of the best examples. OPEC, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, is an international organization of eleven developing countries that are heavily reliant on oil revenues as their main source of income. Since oil revenues are so vital for the economic development of these nations, they aim to bring stability and harmony to the oil market by adjusting their oil output to help ensure a balance between supply and demand. In the long run, the stabilized out-put help to cease the problem of over-refining and over utilization of oil energy.


Nowadays, developed countries already masters the technology of using more efficiency and economical energy resources, such as water and solar energy, while the traditional and wasted energy still dominates in the developing countries. International cooperation enables the technology transfer between developed countries and developing countries and devotes to the benefit of entire human beings. A worldwide leader can speed up the decision-making progress and enhance the solidarity among the member countries.

