


Will the human brain develop to the limit and human beings will not move forward? 人类大脑开发到极限,人类将无往不前吗?
Man can be said to be the smartest intelligent creature on earth, the main reason is that the composition of the human brain and the composition of other animal brains other animal brains significantly different, so far, Although humans have been studying the brain, but the understanding of the brain is still very little! 人类可以说是地球上最聪明的一种智慧生物了,其主要原因就是因为人类大脑的构成和其他动物大脑的构成是有着一定性的,显著差别的,就目前为止,人类虽然一直在研究大脑,但是对于大脑的了解还是少之又少的!
Some scientists say that the more in-depth study of the human brain, the more learned to discover human ignorance, the mystery and strength of the human brain can never be peeped into, only less than 10%, has made mankind as the life of all things, behind this terrible unknown there are ruthless and endless secrets to be solved. In that case, if a person's brain is fully developed, then what will he become? 有科学家表示,对于人类的大脑,在越深入地研究过后,学会发现人类自身的无知,人类大脑的神秘与强大永远不可窥得其中,仅仅用了一成不到,就已经让人类作为万物生灵之长,这种可怕未知的背后还有无情无尽的秘密待为解开。既然如此,若是一个人的大脑被全面开发的话,那么他会变成什么样子?
The hidden function of the human body will be stimulated, may become very smart, or even have certain "superpowers ", but when each of your brain cells has the ability to think independently, Your brain cells may be out of control and lead to brain chaos and physiological disorders. Some of our common gifted scientists or artists, such as Beethoven, Einstein, are very clever, but their bodies can have certain defects, such as baldness, ear back, amblyopia and short life span, are actually due to the cost of being too smart. In fact, brain cells have been developed 10% of humans are smart enough to over-develop Your brain will only make you very tired, the body is hurt, is definitely more harmful than good. 人体的隐藏机能就会被激发,也许会变得非常聪明,甚至拥有一定的“超能力”,但当你的每一个脑细胞都具有独立思考的能力时,你的脑细胞就有可能不受自己控制而导致自己的大脑混乱,生理机能紊乱。我们常见的一些天才科学家或者艺术家例如贝多芬、爱因斯坦等,他们非常聪明,但是他们的身体但会有一定的缺陷,例如秃顶、耳背、弱视和寿命较短,其实都是由于太聪明的代价。其实脑细胞被开发了10%的人类已经足够聪明了,过分开发自己的大脑只会令自己非常疲惫,身体受到伤害,绝对是弊大于利。
However, there are also many people who disagree about the idea of developing the brain, which they think is a very deceptive statement that it is not feasible to evolve by developing the brain. Unless the earth's environment changes again, mankind may stay in its present form forever. 不过,对于开发大脑此种想法,也有不少人持着反对的意见,他们觉得这是一个极具欺骗性的说法,依靠开发大脑而进化,是不可行的。除非地球的大环境再一次发生巨变,不然的话,人类可能要永久停留在现在的形态了。

Is high dimensional space real? 高维度空间是真实存在的吗?
A long time ago scientists also put forward the view that there are many other space-time in our life, each space-time is parallel, but we can not perceive another space-time. Other scientists think that space-time may be multidimensional, although human beings can only exist in three-dimensional space, but there may also be four-dimensional space, five-dimensional space...... 很早以前科学家还提出过平行宇宙的观点,认为在我们生活的时空里,还存在着很多其他的时空,每个时空都是平行存在的,但是我们感知不到另一个时空。另外也有科学家认为时空或许是多维的,人类虽然只能存在于三维空间,但是或许也还存在四维空间、五维空间……

Although these problems are only the conjecture of scientists and have no scientific basis, we can not deny that they do not exist. In our country many literature works have about the god, the Buddha description, although is fictitious, but they may actually exist in this world, just we can not perceive them. 这些问题虽然只是科学家的猜想,并没有什么科学依据,但是我们也无法否认它们是不存在的。在我国很多文学作品中都有过关于神、佛的描述,虽然是虚构的,但是他们或许真的存在于这个世界上,只是我们感知不到他们罢了。

It is well known that human beings live in three-dimensional space, and three-dimensional space is also a three-dimensional space, which is composed of three dimensions of length, width and height, and is also the space we can see and feel. Later, scientists put forward the concept of four-dimensional space on the basis of three-dimensional space, and think that our universe is composed of time and space, four-dimensional space is to add a time axis outside the length, width and height of three-dimensional space. 众所周知人类是生活在三维空间内的,三维空间也是一个立体的空间,是由长、宽、高三个维度所构成的空间,也是我们看得见感受得到的空间。而后来科学家在三维空间的基础上又提出了四维空间的概念,认为我们的宇宙是由时间和空间构成,四维空间就是在三维空间的长、宽、高三条轴外又加了一条时间轴。
Scientists believe that in four-dimensional space, human beings can change time, if you are the intelligent life in the four-dimensional universe, you can see the whole process of a person from life to death, although you can not change him, But you can choose to put it upside down or smoothly like watching a movie. So living in four dimensions is more powerful than living in three dimensions, which means that the higher the dimension, the stronger the life in that dimension. 科学家认为在四维空间内,人类是可以改变时间的,如果你是四维宇宙里的智慧生命,你可以看到一个人从生到死的全过程,虽然你无法改变他,但你可以像看电影一样选择倒放或顺放。因此生活在四维空间内的生物要比三维空间的生物更加强大,那么这意味着维度越高,生活在该维度的生命体也将更加强大。
So some scientists infer that all living in five-dimensional space are gods, they are the intelligent creatures of the universe, the creators, the superpowers, and they are omnipotent for creatures in low latitudes. And the six-dimensional space is in the five-dimensional space three-dimensional space plus three-dimensional time plus the concept of time extreme speed, in this space is the Buddha, they can use their ideas to complete all things, what they want to do, instant to achieve the desired results. 因此有科学家推断,五维空间内生活的都是神,他们才是宇宙的智慧生物,是创世者,拥有着超能力,对于低纬度空间的生物来说,他们是无所不能的。而六维空间就是在五维空间的三维空间加上三维时间再加上了时间极速这个概念,在这个空间内生活的就是佛了,他们可以用意念完成所有的事情,想干什么就能干什么,瞬间达到想要的结果。

Countries with too many people to develop 人口太多而无法发达的国家
In ancient Chinese Taoism, there was the idea of advocating and emphasizing "small countries and few people ", which means that small countries and small populations are actually easier to develop and more developed, which is also true in the world. So we see that most of the developed countries in the world now are small countries, whether in Europe, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Asia, Singapore, Israel, etc. It is easy to become a developed country. The small country below, the only country that can not be developed because of too many people, is overcrowded and poor. 中国古代道家思想中,有推崇和强调小国寡民的思想,意思是小的国家,不大的人口,其实更加容易发展,更加容易发达的,这在世界范围内其实也是如此。所以我们看到,现在世界上大部分的发达国家,那都是小国,无论是欧洲的荷兰,比利时,卢森堡,还是亚洲的新加坡,以色列等,都是小国寡民而发展很好的典型,很轻易的
This country is Bangladesh. Bangladesh is a small coastal country in South Asia, with an area of 140000 square kilometers and a small area. Bangladesh actually has very good development conditions. On the one hand, the land is fertile, basically fertile plains, and rich in resources, the whole basic conditions are very good. 这个国家就是孟加拉国。孟加拉国是南亚的一个沿海小国,国土面积14万平方公里,面积也不大。而孟加拉国其实拥有非常好的发展条件。一方面国内土地肥沃,基本上都是肥沃的平原,而且资源丰富,整个基础条件很好。
On the other hand, the establishment of a better industrial foundation in modern Bangladesh, coupled with its strategic position in South Asia, is a bridge between Southeast Asia, East Asia and South Asia. Bangladesh's position is actually the most superior and most likely developed position in South Asia. So when Bangladesh became independent, many predicted that Bangladesh might become the first developed country in South Asia. 而另一方面,在近代孟加拉国建立了较好的工业基础,再加上其战略位置在南亚十分优越,是连接东南亚,东亚,与南亚的桥梁。孟加拉国的位置,其实是南亚最优越,最可能发达的位置。所以在孟加拉国独立的时候,当时很多人预测,孟加拉国或成为南亚的第一个发达国家。
But unfortunately, Bangladesh has been independent for more than 40 years. Instead of being developed, Bangladesh is becoming poorer and poorer, with per capita GDP declining and becoming Asia's least developed country. By now the per capita GDP is only a few hundred dollars, can be said to be extremely poor. 但是可惜的是,孟加拉国独立都快40多年了,孟加拉国不但没有发达,反而越来越穷困,人均GDP不断下降,成为亚洲最不发达国家。到现在人均GDP才几百美元,可谓是一贫如洗到极点了。
Bangladesh is so poor because it has too many people. According to Bangladesh's land ,10 million people are enough, so Bangladesh's parliament has quickly become the second Singapore in Asia. But Bangladesh, a tiny country with nearly 200 million people, is 20 times the best, meaning that under the same resources and land conditions, income is only one twentieth for everyone. 而孟加拉国如此穷困,其实就是因为人口太多了,按照孟加拉国的土地,其实有1000万人就足够了,那么孟加拉国会快速成为亚洲的第二个新加坡,富得流油,发达无比。但是孟加拉国这个弹丸之地,却有近2亿人口,是其最佳人口的20倍,也就是说在同样的资源和土地条件下,分到每个人的收入只有二十分之一了。
This situation, Bangladesh is destined to be difficult to develop, also known as the only country because of too many people and can not develop, the domestic small land ,200 million people, that is overcrowded, so the people are not destitute. According to Bangladesh today, such a large population burden, it is destined to be difficult to develop, and impossible to become a developed country. 这种情况,孟加拉国注定难以发达了,也被称为唯一因为人口太多而无法发达的国家,国内弹丸之地,2亿人口,那是人满为患了,所以百姓不一贫如洗才怪了。按照现在的孟加拉国来说,这么庞大的人口累赘,那注定是很难发展了,而且不可能成为发达国家了。
Many people don't understand why Bangladesh has so many people on such a small land? In fact, the reason is very simple, Bangladesh in order to protect its life, in order to prevent itself from becoming the second Sikkim, so constantly stimulate population growth, even if overcrowded, cut off national development, at all costs, so Bangladesh is doomed to be destitute. 很多人不理解,这么小的土地,孟加拉国为何要搞这么多人口呢?其实原因很简单,孟加拉国为了保命,为了防止自己成为第二个锡金,所以不断刺激人口增长,即使人满为患,断绝国家发展,也在所不惜,因此,孟加拉国注定一贫如洗了。

Mysterious transcendent e and π
Mathematics is the most abstract and top science, is the treasure of the scientific world, its operation and transformation rules are the rules of movement and evolution of all things. Its concise and beautiful form of expression is everything or elegant calm or violent unpredictable form of expression. There are some mysterious numbers or figures in mathematics, one of which is beyond the e and π. of numbers 数学是最抽象最顶级的科学,是科学世界里的瑰宝,它的运算和变换规则是万事万物运动变化和演化的规则,它简练而优美的表达形式就是万事万物或优雅沉稳或剧烈变幻莫测的展现形式。一切科学事业,都依傍于数学;数学里有一些神秘的数或神秘的图形,其中之一是超越数eπ
e and π are irrational numbers, transcendental numbers, to be exact, they are not called numbers, they should be the number of a multidimensional space, or simply the number of an infinite dimension, because both can be expressed as the sum of infinite series. These two "numbers" are real numbers that can not satisfy any integral coefficient algebraic equations, because these algebraic equations express the physical phenomena of our world, that is, four-dimensional space-time, not things in the high-dimensional world. The solution obtained must contain transcendental numbers such as e and π. eπ都是无理数,是超越数,确切的说,它们不叫数,应该是一个多维空间的数,或者干脆就是一个无穷维度的数,因为两者都可以表达为无穷级数的和。这两个都是不能满足任何整系数代数方程的实数,因为这些代数方程所表达的是我们世界即四维时空的物理现象,不是高维度世界的东西,在高维世界里解方程,得到的解必然含有eπ等超越数。
Fourier transform tells us that irregular functions can be transformed into simple regular trigonometric functions and (conditional. e and π are transcendental numbers, Mantissa is endless and irregular, but, 傅里叶变换告诉我们,再不规则的函数,都可以转化为简单规则的三角函数和(有条件)。eπ都是超越数,尾数没有穷尽,也毫无规律可言,但是,
Π=4×()=4×(),n [0,] e==,n[0,] Moreover, there are many series expressions of e and π. 而且,eπ的级数表达还有多种。
And e definition, in addition to the previous infinite series, there are the following three: e的定义,除了前面的无穷级数,还有如下的3种:
e=(1+n =1, e is the only number x so that the formula holds =1, e is the only number so that the formula holds e=(1+n =1,e为唯一的数x使得该式成立 =1e为唯一的数使得该式成立
And look at the following other expressions about π: π2/6=1/12 1/22 1/32---1/ n2--- π2/8=1/12 1/32 1/52-1/ n2---n odd π4/90=1/14 1/24 1/34---1/ n4--- π4/96=1/14 1/34 1/54-1/ n4---n odd 再看下面关于π的其他表达式: π2/6=1/12+1/22+1/32+---+1/n2+--- π2/8=1/12+1/32+1/52+---1/n2+--- n为奇数 π4/90=1/14+1/24+1/34+---1/n4+---
π4/96=1/14+1/34+1/54+---1/n4+--- n为奇数
These seemingly neat and beautiful relations are not only formal, they are destined to be related to things in the objective world, they are the reflection of things in reality, and some people speculate that π4 is the isospin space in the micro world. 这些看起来如此严整又优美的关系式,不单单是形式上的,它们注定是跟客观世界里的事物相关联的,是现实存在事物的反映,有人猜测π4是微观世界里的同位旋空间。
ππππ6/945=1/16 1/26 1/36---1/ n6--- 6/960=1/16 1/36 1/56-1/ n6---n odd 8/9450=1/18 1/28 1/38---1/ n8--- 10/93555=1/110 1/310 1/510---1/ n10--- π6/945=1/16+1/26+1/36+---+1/n6+--- π6/960=1/16+1/36+1/56+---1/n6+--- n为奇数 π8/9450=1/18+1/28+1/38+---1/n8+--- π10/93555=1/110+1/310+1/510+---+1/n10+--- These are π even power expressions. Why not use π odd power expressions? A singular power expression is useless because there is no π singular power in the objective microscopic world. 以上都是π的偶次幂表达式,为什么没用π的奇次幂表达式?没用奇次幂表达式是因为客观的微观世界里根本没有π的奇次幂这个事物。
We know. When e and π, are linked to imaginary i, there are more magical things that are not non-existent, but things that people have not yet realized their physics, that is, objective reality. 我们知道。如果将eπ,与虚数i联系起来,就会出现更加神奇的东西——这些东西,绝非不存在的事物,而是人们尚未认识其物理即客观实在性的事物。
ii=? Equal to infinite number of real values 1π=? Equal to infinite plural values 1 i=? Equal to infinite number of real values ii=? 等于无穷多个实数值 1π= 等于无穷多个复数值 1i=? 等于无穷多个实数值
The exponential function ex has a magical trait, that is, its derivative is equal to itself, and no other function has such a characteristic: d/dx (ex=ex, it is the "law of nature" that reflects nature as it is, and when the x is complex, It becomes a universal formula for describing nature. 指数函数ex有一个神奇的特质,即其导数与其自身相等,其他任何函数都不具有这样的特性:d/dx(ex=ex,它是反映大自然本来面目的自然律,当x为复数时,它成了描述自然的万能公式。
n!=(n π4+π5=e6

Enigma of the world —— extinction of dinosaurs 世界之谜——恐龙的灭绝
No matter how many unsolved mysteries in the world, the extinction of dinosaurs is definitely one of them. For thousands of years, scientists have not stopped exploring dinosaurs. How many reasons for the extinction of dinosaurs are conjectured. Which one would you believe? 世界上无论有多少未解之谜,其中恐龙的灭绝绝对是其中之一,千百年来,科学家没有停止过恐龙的探究,恐龙的灭绝几大原因猜想出炉,你会相信哪一种呢?

I. Causes of the extinction of dinosaurs The meteorite collision theory has long been the most authoritative view that the extinction of dinosaurs was related to a large meteorite 65 million years ago. According to research, an asteroid 7 to 10 kilometers in diameter fell on the earth's surface, causing a big explosion, throwing a large amount of dust into the atmosphere, forming a shaded dust mist, causing plant photosynthesis to stop temporarily. Dinosaurs died out. 一、恐龙的灭绝原因
1. Climate Change Theory Sixty-five million years ago, the earth's climate suddenly changed, the temperature fell sharply, resulting in a decline in atmospheric oxygen content, so that dinosaurs can not survive. Others believe that dinosaurs are cold-blooded animals, without hair or warm organs, unable to adapt to the decline of the earth's temperature, are frozen to death. 1、气候变迁说
2. volcanic eruptions Because of the eruption of volcanoes, carbon dioxide spewed out, causing the earth's extreme Greenhouse Effect, causing food death. Moreover, volcanic fires have resulted in a massive release of halins, the breakdown of the ozone layer and harmful ultraviolet radiation on the Earth's surface, resulting in destruction. 2、火山爆发说
3. Mountaineering Movement The orogeny that took place at the end of the Cretaceous dried up the swamps, and many of the swamp-based dinosaurs could no longer live. Because of the change after gas, plants also changed, herbivorous dinosaurs can not adapt to new food, and one after another extinction. The herbivorous dinosaurs died out, the carnivorous dinosaurs lost their support, and the result was extinct. This extinction process lasted 10 to 20 million years. By the end of the Cretaceous, it was extinct on earth. 3、造山运动说
4. species fight
At the end of the dinosaur era, the first small mammals appeared, rodent carnivores that might feed on dinosaur eggs. Because this small animal lacks natural enemies, more and more, finally ate up dinosaur eggs. 4、物种争斗说
5. ocean tide retreat According to Barker, when the ocean ebbs and land borders, organisms contact each other, resulting in the extinction of certain species. Kangaroo, for example, can survive on the island of Europe, the sea fish cell phone Gava station, but in the South American continent met other animals declared extinct. In addition to the
relationship between eating and being eaten, there are diseases and parasites and other infectious problems. 5、海洋潮退说
6. species aging theory It is believed that dinosaurs, as a result of the boom of hundreds of millions of years, made the body too large. Moreover, horns and other bones also appear unusually developed phenomenon, so in life caused great inconvenience, finally leading to extinction. 6、物种老化说
7. asteroids hit the earth, causing the weather to cool, many plants were frozen to death, cut off the food source of dinosaurs, resulting in the extinction of dinosaurs. 7、小行星撞击地球,导致气侯变冷,很多植物被冻死,断绝了恐龙的食物来源,导致了恐龙的灭绝。 8. asteroids hit the earth, causing two fires on earth, all dinosaurs were burned to death. 8、小行星撞击地球,产生两地球上的大火,所有的恐龙都被烧死了。
Some people say that dinosaurs are definitely not extinct 65 million years ago comet hit the earth, do not want to know. I don't know what scientists first suggested that dinosaurs died when comets hit the earth. That man had no brains at all, or that the brain was an alien creature made of earth and mud. That's the funny hypothesis that all the people in the world are all confused. Eat, Haba, it's simple. If dinosaurs were so extinct, then why did n' t the countless animals that lived on Earth with dinosaurs die? 有人说恐龙绝对不是灭绝于6500万前的彗星撞地球, 根本就不用想也会知道。 不知道最早是什么科学家提出恐龙死于彗星撞地球的,那人根本就没有长脑子,或者大脑是由土和泥巴构成的外星生物,就是这样滑稽的假说还骗得世界上所有的人一楞一楞的,都是些吧吃、哈巴,很简单,若恐龙真是那样灭绝的,那为什么和恐龙同时代生活在地球陆地上的无数的动物没死? Whether herbivorous or carnivorous, why apes or monkeys are not dead, because humans are still there, if humans evolved from monkeys. Is evil, disaster and dinosaurs? Obviously farting, like a global disaster, like an earthquake in which people die, pigs die, horses, cattle and sheep die is not selective, and the impact was only 65 million years ago when there was an earlier earth life than dinosaurs. Why can life last and dinosaurs die? Now it seems that dinosaurs did not die from natural disasters, including earthquakes, volcanoes, climate And so on, because natural disasters are not selective, not just killing dinosaurs, not killing other creatures and human embryonic form...... 不管是食草的还是食肉的,为什么猿人或猴子没有死掉,因为人类还在,若说人类是猴子进化来的。难道邪了,灾难专和恐龙过不去吗?显然是放屁,像那种全球性的灾难来说,就如同地震中人要死、猪要死、马牛羊都要死的是不具有选择性的,而撞击仅仅在6500万年前 那时有生活着更早的比恐龙更先形成的地球生命 为什么生命能延续至今 而恐龙却偏偏要死绝 无一幸免? 就现在看来恐龙显然不是死于自然灾难,包括地震、火山、气候等等 因为自然灾难是不具有选择性的 不会只杀恐龙不杀其他的生物和人类的雏形……

