
发布时间:2020-04-29 10:03:32



01 元素和元素周期表

The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is referred to as the atomic number, or proton number, Z. The number of electrons in an electrically neutral atom is also equal to the atomic number, Z. The total mass of an atom is determined very nearly by the total number of protons and neutrons in its nucleus. This total is called the mass number, A. The number of neutrons in an atom, the neutron number, is given by the quantity A-Z.

在一个原子核中的质子数量被称为原子序数,或质子数,Z。在一个电中性原子中的电子数量也等于原子序数,Z。一个原子的总质量被测定是非常接近于原子核中质子和中子的总数。这个总数被称为质量数,A。在一个原子中的中子数量等于A Z的数量。

The term element refers to, a pure substance with atoms all of a single kind. To the chemist the "kind" of atom is specified by its atomic number, since this is the property that determines its chemical behavior. At present all the atoms from Z = 1 to Z = 107 are known; there are 107 chemical elements. Each chemical element has been given a name and a distinctive symbol. For most elements the symbol is simply the abbreviated form of the English name consisting of one or two letters, for example:

这个术语(chemical element)也可以指由相同质子数的原子组成的纯化学物质。对化学家来说,这类原子通过原子数来说明,因为它的性质是决定其化学行为。目前,从Z = 1 Z = 107的所有原子是知道的;有107种化学元素。每一种化学元素起了一个名字和独特的象征。对于大多数元素都仅仅是一个象征的英文名称缩写形式,由一个或两个字母组成,例如:

oxygen==O nitrogen == N neon==Ne magnesium == Mg

= =O = = N= = Ne = =Mg

Some elements,which have been known for a long time,have symbols based on their Latin names, for example:


iron==Fe(ferrum) copper==Cu(cuprum) lead==Pb(plumbum)

= =() = =() = =()

A complete listing of the elements may be found in Table 1.


Beginning in the late seventeenth century with the work of Robert Boyle, who proposed the presently accepted concept of an element, numerous investigations produced a considerable knowledge of the properties of elements and their compounds1. In 1869, D.Mendeleev and L. Meyer, working independently, proposed the periodic law. In modern form, the law states that the properties of the elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers. In other words, when the elements are listed in order of increasing atomic number, elements having closely similar properties will fall at definite intervals along the list. Thus it is possible to arrange the list of elements in tabular form with elements having similar properties placed in vertical columns2. Such an arrangement is called a periodic.


Each horizontal row of elements constitutes a period. It should be noted that the lengths of the periods vary. There is a very short period containing only 2 elements, followed by two short periods of 8 elements each, and then two long periods of 18 elements each. The next period includes 32 elements, and the last period is apparently incomplete. With this arrangement, elements in the same vertical column have similar characteristics. These columns constitute the chemical families or groups. The groups headed by the members of the two 8-element periods are designated as main group elements, and the members of the other groups are called transition or inner transition elements.


In the periodic table, a heavy stepped line divides the elements into metals and nonmetals. Elements to the left of this line (with the exception of hydrogen) are metals, while those to the right are nonmetals. This division is for convenience only; elements bordering the linethe metalloids-have properties characteristic of - both metals and nonmetals. It may be seen that most of the elements, including all the transition and inner transition elements, are metals.


Except for hydrogen, a gas, the elements of group IA make up the alkali metal family. They are very reactive metals, and they are never found in the elemental state in nature. However, their compounds are widespread. All the members of the alkali metal family, form ions having a charge of 1+ only. In contrast, the elements of group IB copper, silver, and goldare comparatively inert. They are similar to the alkali metals in that they exist as 1+ ions in many of their compounds. However, as is characteristic of most transition elements, they form ions having other charges as well.

除了氢气,IA由碱金属元素组成。他们是非常活泼的金属,在自然界中,它们从没有以元素态形式出现。然而,他们的化合物是广泛存在的。所有的碱金属离子仅有1+的电荷。相比之下,IB 铜,银和金是惰性的。在他们的许多化合物他们存在1+离子,这与碱金属离子是相似的。然而,像许多过渡元素所具有的特点一样,他们也形成具有其他电荷的离子。

The elements of group IIA are known as the alkaline earth metals. Their characteristic ionic charge is 2+. These metals, particularly the last two members of the group, are almost as reactive as the alkali metals. The group IIB elementszinc, cadmium, and mercury are less reactive than are those of group II A5, but are more reactive than the neighboring elements of group IB. The characteristic charge on their ions is also 2+.


With the exception of boron, group IIIA elements are also fairly reactive metals. Aluminum appears to be inert toward reaction with air, but this behavior stems from the fact that the metal forms a thin, invisible film of aluminum oxide on the surface, which protects the bulk of the metal from further oxidation. The metals of group IIIA form ions of 3+ charge. Group IIIB consists of the metals scandium, yttrium, lanthanum, and actinium.


Group IVA consists of a nonmetal, carbon, two metalloids, silicon and germanium, and two metals, tin and lead. Each of these elements forms some compounds with formulas which indicate that four other atoms are present per group IVA atom, as, for example, carbon tetrachloride, CCl4. The group IVB metals titanium, zirconium, and hafnium also forms compounds in which each group IVB atom is combined with four other atoms; these compounds are nonelectrolytes when pure.


The elements of group V A include three nonmetals nitrogen, phosphorus, and arsenicand two metals antimony and bismuth. Although compounds with the formulas N2O5, PCl5, and AsCl5 exist, none of them is ionic. These elements do form compounds-nitrides, phosphides, and arsenides in which ions having charges of minus three occur. The elements of group VB are all metals. These elements form such a variety of different compounds that their characteristics are not easily generalized.


With the exception of polonium, the elements of group VIA are typical nonmetals. They are sometimes known, as the, chalcogens, from the Greek word meaning "ash formers". In their binary compounds with metals they exist as ions having a charge of 2-. The elements of group A are all nonmetals and are known as the halogens. from the Greek term meaning "salt formers. They are the most reactive nonmetals and are capable of reacting with practically all the metals and with most nonmetals, including each other.


The elements of groups B, B, and VIIIB are all metals. They form such a wide Variety of compounds that it is not practical at this point to present any examples as being typical of the behavior of the respective groups.


The periodicity of chemical behavior is illustrated by the fact that excluding the first period, each period begins with a very reactive metal. Successive element along the period show decreasing metallic character, eventually becoming nonmetals, and finally, in group A, a very reactive nonmetal is found. Each period ends with a member of the noble gas family.




We noted earlier that -nonmetals exhibit properties that are greatly different from those of the metals. As a rule, the nonmetals are poor conductors of electricity (graphitic carbon is an exception) and heat; they are brittle, are often intensely colored, and show an unusually wide range of melting and boiling points. Their molecular structures, usually involving ordinary covalent bonds, vary from the simple diatomic molecules of H2, Cl2, I2, and N2 to the giant molecules of diamond, silicon and boron.


The nonmetals that are gases at room temperature are the low-molecular weight diatomic molecules and the noble gases that exert very small intermolecular forces. As the molecular weight increases, we encounter a liquid (Br2) and a solid (I2) whose vapor pressures also indicate small intermolecular forces. Certain properties of a few nonmetals are listed in Table 2.


Table 2 Molecular Weights and Melting Points of Certain Nonmetals

Simple diatomic molecules are not formed by the heavier members of Groups V and VI at ordinary conditions. This is in direct contrast to the first members of these groups, N2 and O2. The difference arises because of the lower stability of π bonds formed from p orbitals of the third and higher main energy levels as opposed to the second main energy level2. The larger atomic radii and more dense electron clouds of elements of the third period and higher do not allow good parallel overlap of p orbitals necessary for a strong π bond. This is a general phenomenon strong π bonds are formed only between elements of the second period. Thus, elemental nitrogen and oxygen form stable molecules with both σ and π bonds, but other members of their groups form more stable structures based on σ bonds only at ordinary conditions. Note3 that Group VII elements form diatomic molecules, but π bonds are not required for saturation of valence.


Sulfur exhibits allotropic forms. Solid sulfur exists in two crystalline forms and in an amorphous form. Rhombic sulfur is obtained by crystallization from a suitable solution, such as CS2, and it melts at 112°C. Monoclinic sulfur is formed by cooling melted sulfur and it melts at 119°C. Both forms of crystalline sulfur melt into S-gamma, which is composed of S8 molecules. The S8 molecules are puckered rings and survive heating to about 160°C. Above 160°C, the S8 rings break open, and some of these fragments combine with each other to form a highly viscous mixture of irregularly shaped coils. At a range of higher temperatures the liquid sulfur becomes so viscous that it will not pour from its container. The color also changes from straw yellow at sulfur's melting point to a deep reddish-brown as it becomes more viscous.

硫具有同素异形体固态硫存在两种晶形和一种无定形的形式斜方硫通过在合适的溶液中结晶化获得,CS2112°C融化。单斜硫通过冷却融化的硫获得和单斜硫119°C时融化。两种形式的晶体硫融化成S-gamma,它由S8分子组成S8的分子起皱成环和加热到160°C仍然存在。超过160°C S8坏,其中的一些片段相互结合形成一个高粘度的形状不规则的混合物。在更高的温度范围液态硫变得黏度很高,以致于在容器中不能倒出。随着变得更粘稠,其颜色也从硫熔点时的稻草黄色变成红褐色

As4 the boiling point of 444 °C is approached, the large-coiled molecules of sulfur are partially degraded and the liquid sulfur decreases in viscosity. If the hot liquid sulfur is quenched by pouring it into cold water, the amorphous form of sulfur is produced. The structure of amorphous sulfur consists of large-coiled helices with eight sulfur atoms to each turn of the helix; the overall nature of amorphous sulfur is described as3 rubbery because it stretches much like ordinary rubber. In a few hours the amorphous sulfur reverts to small rhombic crystals and its rubbery property disappears.


Sulfur, an important raw material in industrial chemistry, occurs as the free element, as SO2 in volcanic regions, as H2S in mineral waters, and in a variety of sulfide ores such as iron pyrite FeS2, zinc blende ZnS, galena PbS and such, and in common formations of gypsum CaSO4 2H2O, anhydrite CaSO4, and barytes BaSO4 2H2O. Sulfur, in one form or another, is used in large quantities for making sulfuric acid, fertilizers, insecticides, and paper.


Sulfur in the form of SO2 obtained in the roasting of sulfide ores is recovered and converted to sulfuric acid, although in previous years much of this SO2 was discarded through exceptionally tall smokestacks. Fortunately, it is now economically favorable to recover these gases, thus greatly reducing this type of atmospheric pollution. A typical roasting reaction involves the change:

2 ZnS + 3 O22 ZnO + 2 SO2


2 ZnS + 3 O2-2氧化锌+ 2二氧化硫

Phosphorus, below 800 consists of tetratomic molecules, P4. Its molecular structure provides for a covalence of three, as may be expected from the three unpaired p electrons in its atomic structure, and each atom is attached to three others6. Instead of a strictly orthogonal orientation, with the three bonds 90° to each other, the bond angles are only 60°. This supposedly strained structure is stabilized by the mutual interaction of the four atoms (each atom is bonded to the other three), but it is chemically the most active form of phosphorus. This form of phosphorus, the white modification, is spontaneously combustible in air. When heated to 260°C it changes to red phosphorus, whose structure is obscure. Red phosphorus is stable in air but, like all forms of phosphorus, it should be handled carefully because of its tendency to migrate to the bones when ingested, resulting in serious physiological damage.


Elemental carbon exists in one of two crystalline structures diamond and graphite. The diamond structure, based on tetrahedral bonding of hybridized sp3 orbitals, is encountered among Group IV elements. We may expect that as the bond length increases, the hardness of the diamond-type crystal decreases. Although the tetrahedral structure persists among the elements in this group carbon, silicon, germanium, and gray tin the interatomic distances increase from 1.54 A for carbon to 2.80 A for gray tin. Consequently, the bond strengths among the four elements range from very strong to quite weak. In fact, gray tin is so soft that it exists in the form of microcrystals or merely as a powder. Typical of the Group IV diamond-type crystalline elements, it is a nonconductor and shows other nonmetallic properties7.

碳元素存在两种晶体结构——金刚石和石墨。基于杂化的sp3轨道四面体成键的金刚石结构遇到第IV元素。我们可能希望键长增加,金刚石类型的晶体硬度降低虽然四面体结构的元素存在这个-碳、硅、锗,和灰-原子间的距离由碳的1.54Å增加2.80 Å。因此,在这四个元素之间,键的强度由强变弱。事实上灰锡是非常柔软的,以致于以微晶或粉末形式存在碳作为典型的第IV族金刚石型晶体的元素,它是不良导体,且显示其他非金属性质


10 烷烃

Number of Isomers


The compounds now assigned the generic name alkane are also referred to as saturated hydrocarbons and as paraffin hydrocarbons. The word paraffin, from the Latin parum affinis(slight affinity)refers to the inert chemical nature of the substances and is applied also to the wax obtainable from petroleum and consisting of a mixture of higher alkanes.

现在指定属名为烷烃的化合物也被叫做饱和烷烃和链烷烃石蜡一词,来自拉丁语“parum affinis”(极少亲和性的) ,指的是化学惰性的物质,并也适用于从石油和高级烷烃混合物中的得到的蜡。

Derivation of the formulas of the pentanes (3 isomers), hexanes (5). and heptanes(9) has already demonstrated the sharp rise in diversity with increasing carbon content.


Normal Alkanes


Successive members of the series differ in composition by the increment CH2 and form a homologous series. Thus heptane and octane are homologous hydrocarbons; icosane is a higher homolog of methane.


Saturated Unbranched Chain Compounds and Univalent Radicals


The first four saturated unbranched acyclic hydrocarbons are called methane, ethane, propane and butane. Names of the higher members of this series consist of a numerical term, followed by "-ane" with elision of terminal "a" from the numerical term. Examples of these names are shown in the table below. The generic name of- saturated acyclic hydrocarbons (branched or unbranched) is alkane.

前四个饱和无支链的非环状碳氢化合物被称为甲烷,乙烷,丙烷和丁烷。这一系列中更高的成员的命名包含一个数字项,紧接着是-ane,其中数字项结尾省略了a。这些名称的例子如下表所示。(含支链或非支链 )的饱和无环碳氢化合物通用都被称作烷烃

Examples of names: (n = total number of carbon atoms)

实例名称(n =碳原子的总数)

n n n

1 Methane 甲烷 15 Pentadecane 十五烷 29 Nonacosane 二十九烷

2 Ethane乙烷 16 Hexadecane 十六烷 30 Triacontane 三十烷

3 Propane 丙烷 17 Heptadecane 十七烷 31 Hentriacontane 三十一烷

4 Butane 丁烷 18 Octadecane 十八烷 32 Dotriacontane 三十二烷

5 Pentane 戊烷 19 Nonadecane 十九烷 33 Tritriacontane 三十三烷

6 Hexane 己烷 20 Icosane 二十烷 40 Tetracontane 四十烷

7 Heptane 庚烷 21 Henicosane 二十一烷 50 Pentacontane 五十烷

8 Octane 辛烷 22 Docosane 二十二烷 60 Hexacontane 六十烷

9 Nonane 壬烷 23 Tricosane 二十三烷 70 Heptacontane 七十烷

10 Decane 癸烷 24 Tetracosane 二十四烷 80 Octacontane 八十烷

11 Undecane 十一烷 25 Pentacosane 二十五烷 90 Nonacontane 九十烷

12 Dodecane 十二烷 26 Hexacosane 二十六烷 100 Hectane 一百烷

13 Tridecane 十三烷 27 Heptacosane 二十七烷 132 Dotriacontahectane 132

14 Tetradecane 十四烷 28 Octacosane 二十八烷

Saturated branched acyclic hydrocarbon is named by prefixing the designations of the side chains to the name of the longest chain which is numbered from one end to the other by Arabic numerals, the direction being so chosen as to give the lowest numbers possible to the side chains. When series of locants containing the same number of terms are compared term by term, that series is "lowest" which contains the lowest number on the occasion of the first difference1. This principle is applied irrespective of the nature of the substituents.


The presence of identical unsubstituted radicals is indicated by the appropriate multiplying prefix di-, tri-, tetra-, penta- , hexa- , hepta-, octa- , nona-, deca , etc.

存在相同未取代基团通过适当增加前缀二,三,四,五,六,七, ,八,九,十等来表示。

Univalent radicals derived from saturated acyclic hydrocarbons by removal of hydrogen from a terminal carbon atom are named by replacing the ending " ane" of the name of the hydrocarbon by "yl". The carbon atom with the free valence is numbered as 1. As a class, these radicals are called normal, or unbranched chain, alkyls.

单价基团是从饱和无环烃中去掉端基碳原子上的氢得来,用-yl代替烷烃名字结尾中的-ane来命名。具有自由价的碳原子编号为1 。作为一类,这些基团被称为正烷基或非支链烷基。

Stability. Alkanes are relatively inert, chemically, since they are indifferent to reagents which react readily with alkenes or with alkynes. n-Hexane, for example, is not attacked by concentrated sulfuric acid, boiling nitric acid, molten "sodium hydroxide, potassium permanganate, or chromic acid; with the exception of sodium hydroxide, these reagents all attack alkenes at room temperature. The few reactions of which alkanes are capable require a high temperature or special catalysis.


Halogenation. If a test tube containing n-hexane is put in a dark place and treated with a drop of bromine, the original color will remain undiminished in intensity for days. If the solution is exposed to sunlight, the color fades in a few minutes. and breathing across the mouth of the tube produces a cloud of condensate revealing hydrogen bromide as one reaction product. The reaction is a photochemical substitution:


Chlorination of alkanes is more general and more useful than bromination and can be effected not only photochemically but also by other methods.


Light initiates chlorination of an alkane by converting chlorine molecules into chlorine atoms by a process of hemolysis, in which a covalent bond is severed and one electron is retained by each of the atoms forming the bond: Cl:Cl —→Cl + C1 . A chlorine atom has an odd, or unpaired electron and is a free radical. Because of the tendency of atoms to attain their normal valence shells, any free radical is a highly reactive species. Photochemical chlorination proceeds through a succession of free radicals; it is a free radical chain reaction. The chain initiating step (1 ), hemolytic fission of chlorine molecules, produces chlorine free radicals; in chain propagating steps, a chlorine radical attacks a molecule of alkane to produce hydrogen chloride and an alkyl radical (2), which in turn attacks a chlorine molecule to produce a chloroalkane and a chlorine radical (3).

光引发烷烃的氯化通过均裂的形式将氯分子转化为氯原子。其中的共价键断了,每个原来形成键的原子分别保留一个电子。一个氯原子有一个奇数的,或者未成对电子成为一个游离基。由于原子倾向得到正常的价电子,任何游离基都是高活性的物种。光化学氯化通过游离基的传导实现,它是游离基的链反应。链引发步骤( 1 ),氯分子的均裂,产生了氯游离基;在链传播步骤,一个氯游离基攻击烷烃分子产生氯化氢和烷基游离基( 2 ,而他又反过来攻击氯分子产生氯代烷烃和氯游离基( 3

Since chlorine-radicals required in step (2) are regenerated in step (3), the two reactions together constitute a chain which, if both reactions proceeded with perfect efficiency, would be self-propagating without further requirement of light energy, The efficiency. however. is not perfect, for chlorine radicals can recombine (4), combine with alkyl radicals ( 5), or dissipate energy by collision with the flask wails. Hence continued radiation is required to maintain an adequate supply of initiating radicals. The chain initiating step requires input of light energy amounting to + 242.8kJ/mole. Step (2), however, is exothermic, since the energy required to break the C H bond is less than the bond energy of H Cl. The second chain propagating step (3) is likewise exothermic, and indeed chlorination of an alkane can proceed explosively.

由于在步骤( 2 )中需要的氯游离基在步骤( 3 )中再生了 ,这两个反应共同构成链,如果两个反应都有较高的效率,反应将是自延续的,不再需要进一步的光能。然而,效率并不非常好,氯游离基可以重组( 4 ,并结合烷基( 5 ,或通过与瓶壁碰撞来消耗能量。因此,需要继续辐射来维持提供充足的自由基。链引发步骤需要投入光能达+ 242.8kJ/mole 步骤( 2 )然而,是放热的,因为所需的打破C - H键的能量少于H Cl键的能量。第二个链传递步骤( 3 )同样是放热,实际上烷烃的氯化可以爆炸式的发生。

Cracking. Heated to temperatures in the range 500 ~ 700°, higher alkanes undergo pyrolytic rupture or cracking to mixtures of smaller molecules, some saturated and some unsaturated. Unsaturated hydrocarbons produced by selective cracking of specific petroleum fractions are useful in chemical synthesis. Cracking ruptures carbon carbon rather than carbon hydrogen bonds because the energy required to break the C C bond is 247kJ/mol, whereas the C H bond energy is 364kJ/mol.

裂解:加热温度在500 700 范围内,高烷烃进行热解或裂解成为小分子的混合物,包括一些饱和不饱和的。通过选择性裂解特殊石油馏分得到的不饱和烃在化学合成上是非常有用的。裂解断裂的碳-碳键而不是碳氢键,因为打破C - C原子键所需的能量是247kJ/摩尔,而打破C - H键的能量是364kJ/mol

Oxidation. The reaction of hydrocarbons with oxygen with the output of energy is the basis for use of gasoline as fuel in internal combustion engines. The energy release on burning a given hydrocarbon is expressed as the heat of combustion in terms of kJ/mole.


Incomplete combustion of gaseous hydrocarbons is important in the manufacture of carbon blacks, particularly lampblack, a pigment for ink, and channel black, used as a filler in rubber compounding. Natural gas is used because of its cheapness and availability; the yield of black varies with the type of gas and the manufacturing process but usually is in the range of 2~6% of the theoretical amount.

气态烃的不完全燃烧在工业上生产炭黑上很重要,尤其是灯黑,一种墨水颜料,和槽法炭黑,用作橡胶配方的填料。天然气的使用,因为其廉价和可实用性;黑的产率根据气体种类的不同以及制造工艺的不同而不同,但通常是理论数额的2 6 %。

Partial air oxidation of a more limited extent is a means for production of specific oxygenated substances. Controlled air oxidation of high-boiling mineral oils and waxes from petroleum affords mixtures of higher carboxylic acids similar to those derived from fats and suitable for use in making soaps.



24 分析

General principles


Chemical analyses can be made by determining how much of a solution of known concentration is needed to react fully with an unknown test sample1. The method is generally referred to as volumetric analysis and consists of titrating the unknown solution with the one2 of known concentration (a standard solution). By titration, you can determine exactly how much of a reagent is required to bring about complete reaction of the test solution. Usually, completion of the reaction is indicated by a sudden, visible change in the reaction system that coincides with the stoichiometric relationship between moles or equivalents of-the reagent solution and the reactant in the test solution, A drop or two of an appropriate indicator solution produces a color change at the point where the reaction is complete-referred to as the endpoint.


Molarity is the number of moles (gram-molecular weights)of substance per liter of solution. The mole weight of sulfuric acid is 98.08 g, and therefore, 1 mole of H2SO4 contains 98.08 g. If 49.04 g are diluted to 1 liter then the concentration is 0.49 or 0.5M. In the case of hydrochloric acid, HCl, a 1 M solution is prepared by taking 36.465 g of HC1 and diluting to 1 liter. The procedure is the same for bases.


Normality is the number of equivalent weights of substance per liter of solution. The equivalent weight of an acid is the weight of that acid capable of furnishing 1 mole of protons (H+), and the equivalent weight of a base is the weight of base capable of receiving 1 mole of protons. The equivalent weight of H2SO4 is 98.08g/2 or 49.04 g. Therefore, a normal solution (N) of H2SO4 contains 49.04g per liter.


The normality of an acid or base of unknown concentration may be determined by titration. The advantage of using normality rather than molarity is that equal volumes of solutions of equal normalities have identical capacities for neutralization, because they contain the same number of equivalent weights


In a titration, we compare equivalent weights of acid and base. The number of equivalents of acid is equal to the product of the volume of the acid solution and its normality:


Va × Na = equivalents of acid

Va × Na = 酸的当量

The number of equivalents of base is the product of the volume of the base solution and its normality:


Vb × Nb = equivalents of base

Vb × Nb = 碱的当量

That's true because:

(volume)(normality) = (liters)(equivalents/liter) = equivalents



Neutralization has taken place when the number of equivalents of acid is equal to the number of equivalents of base:


Va × Na = Vb × Nb



Care must be exercised throughout the titration procedure3. The burette should be thoroughly cleaned with soap and water, rinsed with tap water, and finally, rinsed with distilled water. Just before use, the burette should be rinsed with two 5-ml portions of the solution to be used in the burette. This is done by holding the burette in a semi-horizontal position and rolling the solution around the entire inner surface. Allow the final rinsing to drain through the tip.


Fill the burette to a point above the top marking and allow the solution to run out until the bottom of the meniscus is just at the top marking of the burette. The burette tip must be completely filled to deliver the volume measured.


In addition, the burette must be cleaned thoroughly after use because sodium hydroxide and other types of solutions will eventually frost the glass and render an expensive piece of equipment useless.


1. Titration of Vinegar

1. 醋酸的滴定

Measure 50 ml of vinegar with a pipette and pour into a 250-ml beaker. Add 2 drops of phenolphthalein indicator. Fill a burette with a 1 N solution of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and draw out the excess as described above. From the burette add NaOH to the beaker of vinegar until 1 drop of NaOH produces a pale pink color in the solution. Maintain constant stirring. The appearance of pink tells you that the acid has been neutralized by the base and there is now 1 drop of excess base which has turned the indicator. Read the burette and record this reading as the volume of base used to neutralize the acid.


According to the equation;

NaOH + CH3COOH Na+ + CH3COO- + H2O

根据等式: NaOH + CH3COOH → Na+ + CH3COO- + H2O

One molecule of NaOH neutralizes one molecule of acetic acid, or one gram-molecular weight of NaOH neutralizes one gram-molecular weight of acetic acid. Calculate the amount of acetic acid present in the vinegar. Report this amount as the percentage of acetic acid.


2. Standard Titration Curve

2. 标准滴定曲线

If a pH meter is available, repeat the above process using a pH meter for constantly determining the pH. When the endpoint is reached, continue adding the base to expand the curve further. Make a graph for this titration.


3. Equivalents of Acid

3. 酸的当量

Using the 1 N solution of NaOH, determine the number of equivalents in two samples of benzoic acid. Carry out the procedure for the two determinations simultaneously. From this value calculate the equivalent weight of the acid. The solid should be weighed in a beaker and should be dissolved in about 25 ml of ethyl alcohol before titration with the base. Between 2.0 and 2.2 g of the solid provide the best results. Record all data and make all calculations necessary to determine the equivalent weight of the solid acid. Compare your experimental value with the equivalent weight of benzoic acid (calculated from the formula) and determine the percentage of error of your work.



Questions to Consider


(l)Calculate the percentage, of acetic acid in vinegar.


(2)What is the pH range for phenolphthalein?


(3)Why should the solution in the flask constantly be stirred?


(4)What determines the pH of a solution at the end of a titration of an acid with a base?


(5)Consider a hypothetical experiment in which you weighed out 2.0 g of oxalic acid and titrated it with 43 ml of 1.5N NaOH. What is the equivalent weight of oxalic acid?


(6)When all of the acetic acid was neutralized by the sodium hydroxide, was the pH = 7? Explain.

当所有的乙酸被氢氧化钠中和掉时,PH=7? 解释


31 化学热力学

The branch of science which includes the study of energy transformations is called thermodynamics. Basic to thermodynamics are two "laws" derived from experience, which can be stated as follows;

1. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed the energy of the universe is constant.

2. The entropy of the universe is always increasing.




These generalizations are statements of the first and second laws of thermodynamics. The laws and the meaning of entropy will be discussed and expanded upon in this lesson. It will be shown that energy transformations on a macroscopic scale that is, between large aggregates of atoms and/or molecules can be understood in terms of a set of logical principles. Thus thermodynamics provides a model of the behavior of matter in bulk. The power of such a model is that it does not depend on atomic or molecular structure. Furthermore, conclusions about a given process . based on this model, do not require details of how the process is carried out. Applied to chemistry, thermodynamics provides criteria for predicting whether a given reaction can occur. If a reaction is feasible, the extent to which it will proceed under a given set of conditions can be predicted. One great value of thermodynamics is that it is possible to use data from experiments which can be conveniently carried out to arrive at conclusions about experiments which are difficult or even impossible to perform.


Systems. Initial States. Final States


At the outset, it is worthwhile to define some terms which are customarily used in discussing the interactions of energy with matter. That portion of matter which is being investigated is called the system. All other objects in the universe which may interact with (he system are called the surroundings. For example, 1 liter of a 1 M aqueous solution of sodium chloride may be under investigation. The solution's container would be considered part of the surroundings. A system is described hv identifying its constituents and their quantities, the temperature, the pressure, and perhaps some other relevant conditions . such as the physical states of the substances involved. A complete description of the system defines its state. The initial state of a system is its state before, it undergoes a change, and the final state describes the system after a change has occurred. In going from the initial state to the final state, a system may exchange energy with its surrounding, and/or its components may change composition; but there can be to change in the total mass of the system. No matter can be lost to or gained from the surroundings.


The properties of a system which uniquely define the state of the system are called thermodynamic properties or state functions. For example, consider a system consisting of one mole of an ideal gas. The state of the system is specified by giving any two of the properties pressure, volume, and temperature. As was described in the previous chapter, the pressure, F, volume, V, and temperature ,T, of n moles of an ideal gas are related by the equation

PV = nRT

我们把系统中能够唯一确定这个系统状态的性质称为该系统的热力学性质,或者叫态函数。例如,考虑含1mol理想气体的系统。该系统的状态能够通过给出它的压强,体积,温度中的任意两个来确定。我们在前一章讨论过,n mol理想气体的压强P,体积V,以及温度T可以通过下面这个方程联系起来:

PV = nRT

This equation, expressing the relationship of its state functions, is called the equation of state for an ideal gas. The equations of state for real gases, liquids, solids and solutions are more complicated than that for an ideal gas. When a system undergoes a change in state, the change, in value of any state function depends only on the initial and final states of the system and not on how the change is accomplished. Indeed, as will be shown, the importance. 01 state functions lies in the fact that for a given system, the change in their values can be obtained by considering only the initial and final states of the system.


When a system undergoes a reaction described by a chemical equation, the description of the reactants defines the initial state of the system, and the corresponding description of the products defines the final state.


The properties of a system which do not depend on the quantity of matter present are called intensive properties. For example. density, pressure, and temperature are intensive properties. Properties which are proportional to the quantity of matter in the system are called extensive properties. The mass of a sample is an extensive property.


Heat Capacity


The quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of any substance 1 degree. Celsius is called the specific heat capacity of that substance, or more simply its specific heat. The quantity of heat necessary to raise the temperature of 1 mole of a substance 1 degree Celsius is called its molar heat capacity.


The First Law of Thermodynamics


Any system in a given state will possess a given quantity of energy . called its internal energy, K. Internal energy is an extensive properly. By either releasing energy or by absorbing energy, a system may change from an initial state where its internal energy is E1 to a different (final) state where its internal energy is E2. The change in internal energy is

ΔE = E2 - E1


ΔE = E2 - E1

It is seldom necessary (and of little practical use) to know the individual values of energies E1 and E2. The difference in energy between two states is of prime importance and is usually conveniently determined. The change (increase or decrease) of energy in a given system was determined from its mass, its heat capacity, and the change in temperature. At no time was the total energy of the system considered; only the gain or loss of heat was found.


Energy may be transferred into or out of a system in forms other than heat. For example a chemical system may transfer mechanical energy through expansion of a gaseous product. With proper experimental arrangement, electrical energy may be obtained from a chemical system. It is customary to denote all forms of transferred energy other than heat as work, w. Thus when a system changes from one state to another, the change in its internal energy is given by.

ΔE = q + w



ΔE = q + w

where q is the heat absorbed by the system and w is the work done on the system. The relationship ΔE = q+w is a mathematical statement of the first law of thermodynamics energy can neither be created nor destroyed.

q 代表系统吸收的热能,w 代表作用在系统上的功。△E =q + w 是热力学第一定律在数学上的表示—— 能量既不会被创造也不会毁灭。


In the laboratory, many chemical reactions are carried out in open containers. When a reaction takes place in contact with the atmosphere, the volume of the system will change in such a way that the final pressure of the system equals the atmospheric pressure. Since the atmospheric pressure does not usually change significantly over a period-of hours, a reaction occurring in an open vessel may be considered to be a constant pressure process. Any change in the volume of the reaction system Would result in work being done against the constant pressure of the atmosphere.


Free Energy and Entropy Criteria for Spontaneous Change


A major objective of chemists is to understand and control chemical reactions to know whether or not under a given set of conditions two substances will react when mixed, to predict the extent to which a given reaction will proceed before equilibrium is established, and to determine whether or not a given reaction will be endothermic or exothermic.


The enthalpy change in a chemical reaction is a measure of the difference in energy content of the products and reactants. It is tempting to assume that exothermic reactions will proceed spontaneously upon mixing the reactants and that endothermic reactions do not occur spontaneously. However, there are endothermic reactions which do proceed spontaneously.


The transfer of heat energy from an object at a higher temperature to one at a lower temperature is a familiar example of a spontaneous process. It must be recalled that heat is a unique form of energy in that at constant temperature * heat can not be completely-converted to any other form of energy. 2 The heat content, or enthalpy, of any system must be considered in two parts:

1. That which is free to be converted to other forms of energy.

2. That which is necessary to maintain the system at the specified temperature and thus is unavailable for conversion.




It is customary to solve the equation representing the second law of thermodynamics explicitly forΔG as follows:

ΔG =ΔH- TΔS( constant T)

and to apply the following criteria for spontaneous change and for the equilibrium state:

1. It ΔG is negative, the given process may occur spontaneously.

2. If ΔG is positive, the indicated process cannot occur spontaneously; instead the reverse of the indicated process may occur.

3. If ΔG is zero, neither the indicated process nor the reverse process can occur spontaneously. The system is in a state of equilibrium. The indicated process is said to be a reversible one because a very small change in conditions can make ΔG either positive or negative.


G = H TS(恒温)





