
发布时间:2013-10-12 11:20:35

One person, he has all the world's wealth, reputation and rights, he is King of the Pirates - Gold D Roger.

Legend has it the One Piece was buried in the great waterway. He said the sentence before dying, driven by people all over the world into the sea - Do you want the wealth ,you can get. I put everything there, you go! As a result, pirates' era began!

This is a story about a dream. Boundless sea always evoke an unlimited source of fascination for the people, the sea and that one in the end that? For those brave risk-takers, the sea at the end is his dream, even those desperate for pirates also have their own fight for dreams

Our leading role is Luffy.He inspired by his childhood hero "Red Haired" Shanks, sets out on a journey to find the legendary One Piece, to become the new Pirate King. To accomplish this, he must reach the end of the most deadly and dangerous ocean: The Grand Line.他拥有世上一切财富、声望和权力,他就是海贼王——哥尔D·罗杰。他把他所有的财富埋在了伟大的航路 。他临死前说的一句话,驱使全世界的人进入大海——“想要我的财富吗?可以的。我把一切都放在那里,你们去找吧!”于是,海贼时代开始了!

这是一个关于梦想的故事。 茫茫无际的大海总是能勾起人们无限的遐想,海的那一头到底是什么?对那些勇敢的冒险者而言,大海的尽头就是自己的梦想,即便是那些亡命的海贼也有着自己为之奋斗的梦想。


