
发布时间:2020-05-26 15:40:07

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Abstract ……………………………………………………………………… 2

一、浅论辛弃疾词的爱国情怀……………………………………………… 3

(一) 表现对于民族耻辱的悲愤,抒发报国热情在辛词中具有一种卓尔不群

的光彩 ………………………………………………………………… 3

(二) 坚持不渝的爱国主义精神是辛弃疾词思想的主导倾向…………… 4

(三) 表现在他的整顿乾坤的急切愿望与关河破碎、宝刀无所用的冷酷

现实的矛盾所引起的愤激中………………………………………… 5

(四) 抒写壮志难酬、报国无门、英雄无用武之地的愤懑……………… 6

(五) 表现对沦陷区人民的深切关注和系念……………………………… 6

(六) 表现在对整顿乾坤的明主的渴望上…………………………… 7

(七) 表现在对南君臣偷安宴乐的讽喻和揭露………………………… 8

(八) 表现在以词作战斗的武器,揭露朝政黑暗………………………… 8

二、形成爱国情怀的原因……………………………………………………… 9

三、结语………………………………………………………………………… 9

参考文献:…………………………………………………………………… 10



AbstractXin qiji word when compared to the other scholar's different lies in his word not with ink to write, but dipped in blood and tears daub and become, today we read the word is always can clearly see a great patriot immersed in the ink in defining and bring the awe-inspiring righteousness and overpowering momentum. He finish his lifelong ci creation to vent to their JiangChang daggers to serve the country cannot gallop, retrieve the grief and indignation and disappointments of zhongyuan sunvo company, so in his words often is in the hoyywood hills hero image, and these hero image for its own bumpy encounter and has a deep sadness in the heart of the soup. And he spoke with patriotism as life concept of spirit also can't help letting people deeply admire and honor him!

