
发布时间:2023-04-15 18:49:36

20个唯美励志双语句子 1there is no chance for anyone to go back to the past and restart,however,the choice for everyone to start a journey today and make a difference is the same. 没人能让时光倒流,然后重新再出发,但所有人都可以在今天启程,去创造一个全新的结局。 2life, is always full of unexpected warmth, and ever burgeoning hopes. 人生,总会有不期而遇的温暖,和生生不息的希望。 3now you pay, can is a kind of precipitation, they will pave silently, just to make you a better person. 你现在的付出,都会是一种沉淀,它们会默默铺路,只为让你成为更好的人。 4good luck favors the person who is waiting for it, and the person who fights for that will get more. 好事会在等待的人身上降临,但为之奋斗的人会遇到更好的事。 5be strong, believe in who you are. be strong, believe in what you feel. 大一些,要相信你自己。坚定一些,要相信自己的感觉。 6you may never have the chance to do it any more if you dont do it now. 些事情,现在不做,一辈子都不可能再做了。 7theres neither incurable pain, nor endless depression. all we lost will be back in another form. 没有不可治愈的伤痛,没有不能结束的沉沦,所有失去的,会以另一种方式归来。 8the chemical elements of tears and perspiration are similar.but tears will only bring you sympathy whereas perspiration brings you success. 泪水和汗水的化学成分相似,但前者只能为你换来同情,后则却可以为你赢得成功。 9time is like a river. you cannot touch the same water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again. so enjoy every moment of life! 时间就像河流,你不可能两次触摸到同样的水,因为已经流逝的将一去不复返。因此享受人生每一刻! 10i cant change the direction of the wind,but i can adjust my sails to always reach my destination. 我不能改变的风的方向,但我可以调整风帆达到目的地。 11if you dont go after what you want, youll never have it. if you dont ask, the answer is always no. if you dont step forward, youre always in the same place 不去追逐你想要的,你将永远得不到。不开口问,答案永远是no。不往前走,你将永远在原地停留。 12weve all done something in our lives us we are ashamed of.but there is redemption if we try to learn from those mistakes and grow. 我们都做过一些自己都感到惭愧的事;但如果我们试着从这些错误中吸取教训并成长,就还有挽回的机会。 13life has its ups and downs. you will never fully appreciate the ups unless you have some downs. 人生充满了起起落落,没有在低处历练过的人,也无法享受高处的快感。 14put all excuses aside and remember this: you are capable. 把所有的借口丢一边,然后记住:你可以的! 决定我们成为什么样的人,不是我们的能力,而是我们的选择。
生活的主题就是:面对复杂,保持欢喜。 17never blame has already happened, or change it, or quiet accept it. 永远不要埋怨已经发生的事情,要么就改变它,要么就安静的接受它。 18how long the life is like a story, is not that important, but have much good. 人生如同故事,重要的并不在于有多长,而是在于有多好。 19any one thing, as long as be most willing to, always simple. 任何一件事情,只要心甘情愿,总是能够变得简单。 20mature, is the time of the sculpture, not perfect is the perfect life. 熟,是时光的雕刻,不完美才是人生最大的完美。 篇二:励志,唯美句子 1、一直相信,阴影也是可以很美的,因为那是光的赐予。 2、偶然的成功比失败更可怕,不去冒险有时比冒险更危险。 4、把事情变复杂很简单,把事情变简单很复杂。 5、请别把我当傻瓜,有些事不是我不知道,只是我看在眼里,埋在心里。 6一个人生命中的得与失,总是守衡的,我们在一个地方失去了,就一定会在另一个地方找回来,因为上帝送给每个人的都是两扇窗子,当他关闭了其中一扇时,就必然会为你打开另外一扇。 7、我只是怀念曾经,却忘记了我们都已不是曾经的自己 8人在最好的时光,总会犯上一些痴,一些傻。哪一段青春不荒唐!哪一场爱情不受伤!别强调你的情绪吧,你看我们这些人,哪个不是裹挟着隐痛四处逃亡! 9、彼此之间,一寸距离。我只记得了满怀的温暖,却忘记冬日整个世界泛滥的冷空气。以至于从幻境抽身的一刻,被冻僵得连哭泣都做不到,连泪都流不下来。 10、一个人总是仰望和羡慕着别人的幸福,一回头,却发现自己正被仰望和羡慕着。其实,每个人都是幸福的。只是,你的幸福,常常在别人眼里 。篇三:30句最唯美励志的英语句子欣赏 31句唯美励志英语句子欣赏 1 to the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。 2 no man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, wont make you cry.没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。 3 never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。 4 we met at the wrong time, but separated at the right time. the most urgent is to take the most beautiful scenery; the deepest wound was the most real emotions.我们在错误的时间相遇,在正确的时间却又分开。
走的最急的是最美的景色,伤的最深的是最真的感情。 5 time would heal almost all wounds. if your wounds have not been healed up, please wait for a short while. 时间几乎会愈合所有伤口,如果你的伤口还没有愈合,请给时间一点时间! 6 theres a difference between love and like. if you like a flower you will pick it, but if you love a flower, you will water it every day. 爱与喜欢是有区别的。如果你喜欢一朵花,你会摘下它,但你要是爱它,你会每天灌溉它。

