
发布时间:2023-01-29 19:03:53

if you don't work hard today, you won't have time to study tomorrow. 2、展示自我风采,这里是一个舞台。
show yourself, this is a stage. 3、生命不可轻贱,平安重于泰山。
life is not cheap, safety is more important than mount tai. 4、你在轻视别人的同时,别人会更加鄙视你。
when you despise others, they will despise you even more. 5、我们的青春充满活力,青春的我们充满动力。
our youth is full of vitality, and our youth is full of motivation. 6、舞动青春,不要让自己留下遗憾。
dancing youth, don't let yourself leave regrets. 7、知天下事,读万卷书。


know the world and read ten thousand books. 8、倾听成长的拔节声声,点亮学生心中的明灯。
listen to the sound of growing joints and light the light in students'hearts. 9、少吃零食,多吃饭,安康生活有保障。
eat less snacks, eat more, and live a healthy life. 10、读书也是享受生活的一种方式。
reading is also a way to enjoy life. 11、勿扰别人,轻来静去。
don't disturb others, come and go quietly. 12、克制磨难的方法唯有坚持,坚持,再坚持。
the only way to overcome hardships is to persevere, persevere and persevere. 13、生活中少一份污染,世间就多一份安康。
less pollution in life, more health in the world.

