歌舞青春话剧(戏剧 - 歌舞剧)剧本

发布时间:2018-07-01 15:45:16

Drama-High School Musical

aside: School is holding the yearly selection of musical drama’s lead roles.Troy Bolton and Gabriella Montez encounter each other, only to find that they both have the same musical dreams.In spite of huge pressure from their parents and friends, they firmly pursue their dreams.

aside: This is where the true expression of the artist is realized. Where inner truth is revealed through the actor’s journey...Just behave yourselves bravely and confidently. Are you ready?

Judge Miss Darbus: first, you’ll sing a few bars and I will give you a sense of whether or not the theater is your calling.Shall we?

Girl one(out of tune,lose herself): It’s hard to believe that I could not see. That you were always right beside me. This feeling like no other. I want you to know.

Judge Miss Darbus: Uh-huh, yes, thank you, next!

Second boy(shy and not confident): It’s hard to believe that I could not sneeze...see. That you were always right beside me.

Judge Miss Darbus: hi, I admire your pluck, as to your singing... That a wonderful tie you’re wearing. Next!

A young guy is dancing across the platform...crashing

A couple(talking and singing): it’s hard to believe/believe. That I could not see/could not see. That you were always right beside me/beside me. Thought I was alone/alone. With no one to hold/to hold. But you were right beside me/beside me.

Judge Miss Darbus: well, that’s just...very disturbing. Go see a counselor. Uh. Those wishing to audition must understand that time is of the essence. Are there any last-minute sign-ups? Any last-minute sign-ups? No? Good, done.

Gabriella: I’d like to audition, miss Darbus.

Judge Miss Darbus: timeliness means something in the world of theater, young lady. The individual auditions are long over and there are simply no other pairs.

Troy: I’ll sing with her.(put his hands on his head,embarrassed)

Judge Miss Darbus: Troy Bolton? Where’s your sports posse or whatever it’s called?

Troy: team. But I’m here alone. Actually, I’m here to sing with her.

Miss Darbus: I called for the pairs audition and you didn’t respond. Free period is now over.(leave the platform)

(There’s a sudden music starting. They sing a song together).

Miss Darbus: Bolton, Montez, you have a callback.(at the backstage)

歌舞青春话剧(戏剧 - 歌舞剧)剧本
